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Brand Leadership in the New Ge.Way: Lessons from Bee Colonies and Creative Destruction

Explore the transformative forces shaping the corporate world in the year 2000-2002, from David Schneider's MetaCapitalism to Peter Drucker's predictions. Discover insights on acquisitions, growth, and the impact of the internet on businesses. Delve into the power of knowledge brokering, the Professional Service Firm model, and the WOW Project. Learn about the changing nature of work, from white-collar revolution to global outsourcing trends. Embrace a culture of innovation and excellence in the evolving business landscape.

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Brand Leadership in the New Ge.Way: Lessons from Bee Colonies and Creative Destruction

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  1. Tom Peters Seminar2000Distinct or … ExtinctTechLearn2000 &The World eLearning CongressOrlando/14November2000

  2. Part I: Brand InsidePart II: Brand OutsidePart III: Brand Leadership

  3. Forces @ Work IThe Destruction Imperative!

  4. NOW THAT’S B-I-G!“The period 2000-2002 will bring the single greatest change in worldwide economic and business conditions since we came down from the trees.”David Schneider & Grady Means, MetaCapitalism

  5. “The corporation as we know it, which is now 120 years old, is not likely to survive the next 25 years. Legally and financially, yes, but not structurally and economically.”Peter Drucker, Business 2.0 (08.00)

  6. Forget>“Learn”“The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get the old ones out.”Dee Hock

  7. “When asked to name just one big merger that had lived up to expectations, Leon Cooperman, former cochairman of Goldman Sachs’ Investment Policy Committee, answered:I’m sure there are success stories out there, but at this moment I draw a blank.”Mark Sirower, The Synergy Trap

  8. “Acquisitions are about buying market share. Our challenge is to create markets. There is a big difference.” Peter Job, CEO, Reuters

  9. “Our ideal acquisition is a small startup that has a great technology product on the drawing board that is going to come out in six to twelve months. We buy the engineers and the next generation product. …” John Chambers, Cisco

  10. The [New] Ge WayDYB.com

  11. The Gales of Creative Destruction+29M = -44M + 73M+4M = +4M - 0M

  12. Lessons from the Bees!Since merger mania is now the rage, what lessons can the bees teach us? A simple one: Merging is not in nature. [Nature’s] process is the exact opposite: one of growth, fragmentation and dispersal. There is no megalomania, no merging for merging’s sake. The point is that unlike corporations, which just get bigger, bee colonies know when the time has come to split up into smaller colonies which can grow value faster. What the bees are telling us is that the corporate world has got it all wrong.”David Lascelles, Co-director of The Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation [UK]

  13. Learning ConnectionLearning is less important than forgetting.

  14. Brand InsideBrand Org:Lean, Linked, Electronic & Malleable

  15. Headline: “Bank of America to Cut … 10,000 Jobs”“Middle-level and senior managersare expected to be the principal targets of the job cutbacks.”Source: The New York Times (07.29.2000)

  16. White Collar Revolution!

  17. The Pincer 5“Destructive” entrepreneurs/ Global Competition“White Collar Robots”THE INTERNET![E.g.: GM + Ford + DaimlerChrysler]Global Outsourcing[E.g.: India, Mexico]Speed!!

  18. “AssetlessCompany”John Bryan, CEO, on selling all Sara Lee’s manufacturing

  19. RR on “Assetless” [J.B.] Sara Lee“The most profitable businesses in the future will act as knowledge brokers, linking insights into what’s available with insights into the customer’s individual needs and preferences.”

  20. Advance ParadigmData on 165,000,000 prescriptions per year; docs and insurers have access to recordsReduces med errors; saves $2.88 per scrip [prescribing errors]; docs save $14,000 per year in review timeRev in ’99: $2B; $477M in ’98Source: Business Week (09.00)

  21. Learning ConnectionForget it: Blow the corporation up. Now.

  22. Brand InsideBrand Work: The Professional Service Firm Model & The WOW Project

  23. So what will be the Basic Building Block of theNew Org?

  24. Answer: PSF![Professional Service Firm]Department Headto …Managing Partner, HR [IS, etc.] Inc.

  25. “P.S.F.”: SummaryH.V.A. Projects (100%)Pioneer ClientsWOW Work (see below)Hot “Talent” (see below)“Adventurous” “culture”Point of View (Methodology)W.W.P.F. (100%)When: Now!

  26. The Raw Material … The WOW Project!

  27. “Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes.”Phil Daniels, Sydney exec

  28. Heart of the MatterF2F!**Freak to Freak … or K2K [Kook to Kook]

  29. Epitaph from Hell … Joe T. Jones 1942 – 2000 HE WOULDA DONE SOME REALLY COOL STUFF BUT … HIS BOSS WOULDN’T LET HIM!

  30. Characteristics of the “Also rans”*“Minimize risk”“Respect the chain of command”“Support the boss”“Make budget”*Fortune, article on “Most Admired Global Corporations”

  31. The greatest dangerfor most of usis not that our aim istoo highand we miss it,but that it istoo lowand we reach it.Michelangelo

  32. Learning ConnectionForget it: Work = WOW Projects that attack conventional wisdom.

  33. Brand InsideBrand You: Distinct … or Extinct

  34. “If there is nothing very special about your work, no matter how hard you apply yourself, you won’t get noticed, and that increasingly means you won’t get paid much either.”Michael Goldhaber, Wired

  35. New World of Work< 1 in 10 F500#1: Manpower Inc.Freelancers/I.C.: 16M-25MTemps: 3M (incl. CEOs & lawyers)Microbusinesses: 12M-27MTotal: 31M-55MSource: Daniel Pink, Free Agent Nation

  36. Minimum New Work SurvivalSkillsKit2000MasteryRolodex Obsession (vert. to horiz. “loyalty”)Finishing SkillsEntrepreneurial InstinctCEO/Leader/BusinesspersonMistress of ImprovSense of HumorIntense Appetite for TechnologyGroveling Before the YoungEmbracing “Marketing”Passion for Renewal

  37. Invent. Reinvent. Repeat.Source: HP banner ad

  38. Learning ConnectionForget it: Re-invent yourself. Again & again.

  39. Brand InsideBrand Talent: The Great War for Talent

  40. “When land was the scarce resource, nations battled over it. The same is happening now for talented people.”Stan Davis & Christopher Meyer, futureWEALTH

  41. From “1, 2 or 3” [JW] to …“Best talent in each industry segment to build best proprietary intangibles”[EM]Source: Ed Michaels, War for Talent (05.17.00)

  42. “Talented people are less likely to wait their turn. We used to view young people as trainees; now they are authorities.Arguably this is the first time the older generation can – and must – leverage the younger generation very early in their careers.”Ed Michaels, War for Talent (05.17.00)

  43. “Diversity defines the health and wealth of nations in a new century. Mighty is the mongrel. … The hybrid is hip. The impure, the mélange, the adulterated, the blemished, the rough, the black-and-blue, the mix-and-match – these people are inheriting the earth. Mixing is the new norm. Mixing trumps isolation. It spawns creativity, nourishes the human spirit, spurs economic growth and empowers nations.”G. Pascal Zachary, The Global Me: New Cosmopolitans and the Competitive Edge

  44. The Cracked Ones Let in the Light“Our business needs a massive transfusion of talent, and talent, I believe, is most likely to be found among non-conformists, dissenters and rebels.”David Ogilvy

  45. Women and new-economy management …

  46. The New Economy …Shout goodbye to “command and control”!Shout goodbye to hierarchy!Shout goodbye to “knowing one’s place”!

  47. Women’s Stuff =New Economy MatchImprov skillsRelationship-centricLess “rank consciousness”Self determinedTrust sensitive IntuitiveNatural “empowerment freaks” [less threatened by strong people]Intrinsic [motivation] > Extrinsic

  48. “TAKE THIS QUICK QUIZ: Who manages more things at once? Who puts more effort into their appearance? Who usually takes care of the details? Who finds it easier to meet new people? Who asks more questions in a conversation? Who is a better listener? Who has more interest in communication skills? Who is more inclined to get involved? Who encourages harmony and agreement? Who has better intuition? Who works with a longer ‘to do’ list? Who enjoys a recap to the day’s events? Who is better at keeping in touch with others?”Source: Selling Is a Woman’s Game: 15 Powerful Reasons Why Women Can Outsell Men, Nicki Joy & Susan Kane-Benson

  49. “Boys are trained in a way that will make them irrelevant.”Phil Slater

  50. It’s Girls, Stupid!1996: 8.4M women, 6.7M men in college (est: 9.2 to 6.9 in 2007); more women than men in high-level math and science coursesMore girls in student govt., honor societies; girls read more books, outperform boys in artistic and musical ability, study abroad in higher numbersBoys do rule: crime, alcohol, drugs, failure to do homework (4:1)Source: The Atlantic Monthly (May2000)

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