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https://bgdivorcelawyersny.com/ : We provide a personal touch and commitment that ensures client satisfaction. Our reputation in the industry, along with our strengths in both the art of negotiation and trial advocacy, maximizes your results and protects your interests. As a rising star super lawyer, Mr. Beckerman has the experience and skills that few other attorneys can match.<br>
Info@bgmatlaw.com 118-35 Queens Blvd. Suite 1240 Forest Hills, N.Y. 11375 FREE CONSULTATION ESPANOL (718) 374-5642 Free Telephone ConsultationSe Habla EspañolFlat Rate Fee Options HOME ABOUT US ATTORNEYS PRACTICE AREAS REVIEWS BLOG CONTACT US COVID 19 CHILD CUSTODY Child support in NY goes until the age of 21. However, there are ways that your child support obligation can end before then. Emancipation, in the family law context, is when a child becomes ?nancially independent of their parents before they reach the age of 21. Some examples are joining the military, leaving home and working full time, or even ?nding their own special someone and marrying. There is a special formula used in NY to determine the non custodial parent’s child support obligation which is set by the Child Support Standards Act. Call our o?ce today to ?nd out what your child support obligations could be. There is a difference between physical and legal custody. Physical custody is where the child primarily resides. Legal custody is based on decision making power. The major categories of legal custody consist of educational, religious, and medical decisions. Make sure your rights as a parent are protected; call our o?ce today to learn about your rights! ATTORNEYS CONTACT INFO Richard Beckerman, Esq. Beckerman & Granados PLLC We are an affordable and speedy solution to all of your Matrimonial Brandon Granados, Esq 118-35 Queens Blvd. Suite 1240 Forest and Family Law needs who always put you ?rst. With our ?at rate fee options, our focus is on getting you divorced as quickly and in Hills, N.Y. 11375 expensively as possible. info@bgmatlaw.com (718) 374-5642 (718) 732-2099 This is an attorney advertisement. This website is designed for general information only. The information presented on this website should not be construed to be legal advice nor the formation of an attorney-client relationship. Past results do not guarantee future outcome. @Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved. Powered By Webdesign You