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Understand how to add 'ing' to verbs with different rules. Learn when to drop 'e' or double final consonant for correct usage. Examples provided.
What is a suffix? A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word. ‘ing’ is a common suffix added to verbs.
explore exploring invent inventing save saving cook cooking grab grabbing carry carrying work working drive driving run running show showing hug hugging shop shopping write writing wash washing cry crying jump jumping make making drop dropping Can you think of ways to group these words?
invent inventing cook cooking wash washing show showing cry crying carry carrying jump jumping hug hugging write writing drive driving shop shopping save saving drop dropping make making grab grabbing explore exploring run running Is this how you grouped the words?
Watch the next few examples and see if you can tell what happens when you add the suffix ‘ing’ to verbs. Be sure to pay attention to the root word.
play ing playing
live ing
liv ing
liv ing
liv ing
knit t ing knitting
playing Some root verbs remain the same when you add ‘ing’
living When a verb ends in ‘e’, you must drop the ‘e’ before you add ‘ing’.
knitting When a verb with a short vowel sound ends in a single consonant, you must double the consonant and add ‘ing’.
Root word remains the same Drop the ‘e’ Double the final consonant jump slip swim eat create drive Put these words into the correct groups.
Root word remains the same Drop the ‘e’ Double the final consonant jumping driving slipping creating swimming eating