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Strategic Management in creation of Entrepreneurial Universities What are entrepreneurial Universities? The third mission. Innovation and development commitment focus on demand and management. Importance of universities The three universities theory
Strategic Management in creation of Entrepreneurial Universities • What are entrepreneurial Universities? • The third mission. Innovation and development commitment focus on demand and management. • Importance of universities • The three universities theory • The pathway to the three universities. A certain determination • The usefulness of strategic planning and the organisational designs • The end
1.- What is an entrepreneurial university? • The theory • The entrepreneurial university (Clark) • The triple helix (H. Etzkowitz, )
The entrepreneurial answer. A strong management core. An improved plan/innovation area . A diversified financing base. Right incentives to stimulate academic spirit. An integrated entrepreneurial culture. ¿What is an entrepreneurial university? Means to become an entrepreneurial organization Clark
The entrepreneurial university is the one… Etzkowitz, • whose research is based on research teams that work similarly to businesses and have access not only to the competitive public research investment funds but also to the private ones. • that has a research base with market potential. • that has developed organisational mechanisms that transfer research to the market in the way of protected industrial property (Technology transfer offices) • that can create companies within the university. • that achieves the integration of academic and business elements by means of new operative units like the mixed University – Company centres: Scientific Parc
2.- The third mission and its implication in the creation of entrepreneurial universities. Contribution to the development (importance of universities), focus on demand and management
WE ARE DEALING WITH • Coincidence in • entrepreneurial= the contribution to the development = third mission • the importance of universities in this regional context. • the importance for the university of focusing on demand • the importance of the professional management in universities. • The third mission (Goddard) • Triple helix (Etzkowitz) • Innovative EcosystemsTapan Munroe • Innovative sequence Josep Pique, Etzkowitz, Solé • The “Techno pole” university
John Goddard 1998 “Until recently, university was considered by the Administration like a supplier of qualified labour and a generator of scientific knowledge. In this context, the university administration worked on the basis of an internal culture as well as on a collegial administration made up by the professors themselves . New challenges have arisen: Lifelong learning, attending efficiently to an increasing percentage of population, competing with other ways of acquiring knowledge, adapting to the new education technologies , etc. In addition, new opportunities have appeared in relation with the university “know how”, specially in the regional context .
Triple Helix Agents • There are different Agents within an Innovation Ecosystem. Those agents develop different roles and interrelations in order to manage resources and contribute to the development of the Ecosystem: Etzkowitz, GOVERNMENT INDUSTRY SOURCE: HENRY ETZKOWITZ
Key Elements of the Innovation Ecosystem. Agent Science technology 1 Attitude (cultural change) Spin off Innovation Ecosystem • The role of universities as contributors to the local and regional development. • As a human capital contributor • As a research and innovation system agent supporting knowledge and the technological needs • As a talent attractor • As a regional beacon (MIT, Harvard…) • As a creator of industrial tissue Network Creation Education Experience Source: Munroe Consulting Inc. 2008
Research is global Working system of Innovation + productivity 1 INTERNATIONALITATION university INNOVATION Fuente: H. Etzkowitz , Pique, J. Sole Parellada, F.
We are in danger... Concurrence, knowledge, innovation, global, etc Do we need an entrepreneurial university? We are in danger... Concurrence, knowledge, innovation, global, etc Do we need an entrepreneurial university?
3.- The importance of universities University potential and university importance in Europe • 50% of young people (spending 5 years of their lives) • Spread network all over Europe and the world • Is the base of our research system • 30% of the R+D expenses (sometimes the 50% depending on the regiont) 1,5 mill students 2% del GDP More resources than ever 200.000 professors 1/500 Spanish
Knowledge creation Knowledge Stocking Knowledge diffusion Classical diffusion Education Training Transferring Valorization Development Do we need an entrepreneurial university? What is the function of university?
Generic relationship Valorization relationship Complementary relationship Social compromise • Generic diffusion (books, conferences, articles, etc) • Training education • Technological transfer • lifelong learning • Enterprises set up. • Tech park spaces • Softening the transition to work • Cultural contribution (local gov. substitute). • Urban contribution • Mobility (students, researchers, etc) • Development cooperation • Social compromise Environment relationship
CAMPUS D CAMPUS C CAMPUS A CAMPUS B Reserach Center J Research Int. F Research Intitute C Dept. B TECHNOLOGICAL PARK Dept. Y Dept. X Innova Impossible without a suitable organization CTT Doctorate Evaluation & Strat. planning Research Intitute A Dept. Z Dept. A Research Int. K Research Center R
The pathway to research and valorisation Critical mass of Research teams Impossible without time and money students publications Professors researchers spin - off Park Org. research Transfer Ressources 25 – 30 years
Number of documents 40.000 35.000 2,9 2,9 2,8 30.000 2,8 2,7 25.000 2,5 2,6 2,5 2,4 20.000 2,2 2,1 2,0 2,0 15.000 1,9 1,7 1,6 10.000 1,5 1,3 1,2 1,1 1,0 0,9 0,9 5.000 0,8 0,7 0 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1999 2000 2001 2005 1987 1998 2002 2003 2004 Number of documents Articles published by Spanish researchers and % over worldwide total Source: INE
The Spanish University is apparently at this stage INTERNACIONALIZATION INNOVATION
The companies and the universities are progressively achieving their goals INTERNACIONALITZATION INNOVATION
The Universitat Politècnica of Catalonia (Barcelona) 30.000 Students 3.000 Professors 4.000 PhD students 5.000 Students working in the laboratories working in their “pre graduate project) 5.000 Students working in the laboratories as a scholarship holders
Innova Program was created in 1998 in order to: 1. Promote innovation culture and entrepreneurial spirit in the whole University community, 2. Create market value from research results coming out from UPC by licensing technologies and supporting business creation (start-up / spin-off) .
WHAT IS PROGRAMA INNOVA ? (II) • Likewise, • The Programa Innova is a unit that works transversely at the university, aligned to the objectives proposed by its government organs, with the aim of helping to put in value the work that is carried out in the centers, departments and institutes. • The Programa Innova is addressed to the 100% of the university community: • students • professors/researchers • administration & support personnel • graduates
Cambio cultural La calidad de la organización de la universidad De la investigación - docencia La oportunidad Personas Ideas Oportunidad El entorno regional El regulador Las grandes empresas Soporte Hard Soporte Soft Negocio El entorno regional El regulador Las grandes empresas +Soporte Hard +Soporte Soft Empresa Consolidada
Entrepreneurship training • Three items to take on account: • Attitude (risk acceptation and committeemen) • Profession (to be a entrepreneur is also a profession) • Opportunity discovery (there is not an enterprise or an innovation without having discovered an opportunity) • The formation of entrepreneurship and innovation culture deals whit How (to foster attitudes), models (entrepreneurial university versus bureaucratic), what (entrepreneur and innovation as a job) and the quality of the research (to show opportunities)
RESEARCH VALORISATION PROCESS Sensitization Training Opportunities Detection Reception Maturing (technologies, ideas, projects) Valuation Comercialization Growith Market Orientation
Big enterprises Intramurals R+D strategy University Opportunities Local market weak PROMOCIOn CREACIÓn PARQUES Administration Resources Level of understanding The first system The mini systems: the second system?
SOME RESULTS (since 1999) Analyzed Projects:750 (average: 75projects/year) Companies created:230 3000 jobs created 200 PhD ocupied • Companies with technology base: Strong investments in R&D • Strength in the products knowledge and development • Weakness in entrepreneurial strategy • Immaterial assets (efforts in R&D, Patents...) are more important than the material assets
GLOBAL Articles Spin-off Research group Local productive system Tech transfer
Usually, the products of a university spin-off, offspring of the research group, have global costumers, long maturation periods, increasing financial needs, a lot of coaching, and the eventually help of the formers researches colleagues. There is a problem Solution: to create a system
Our experience… Sector minicluster 2008 2004 University park Sector minicluster 1999 Sector minicluster pyme Sector minicluster Sector minicluster
Eco mini Cluster (endogen) New pedagogical systems The mini cluster Industrial system creation enterprises R+D laboratories Public research organizations (spin-off) University Research laboratory International Bolonia Master PhD international program
The park microcluster microcluster microcluster Faculties microcluster microcluster
Territorial poles miniclusters
Localization sequence, and policy strategy Science and tech and production Specialized research buildings (cluster) • Edifici de 2.750 m2 • Aeroespacial • Civil i medio ambient • Energia • Manufactura • Enginyeria marina i naval • Modelado social i econòmic • Enginyeria biomèdica • Enginyeria agroalimentaria 2.000 m2 nanoenginyeria
Torre I: 5.550 m2 • Electrònica • Automàtica • Informàtica industrial • Sistemes industrials • Torre C: 13.000 m2 • Enginyeria química • Enginyeria de materials • Torre D1: 5.570 m2 • Generació, distribució i gestió de l’energia • Màquines i motors tèrmics • Física i Enginyeria Nuclear • Edifici de 8.000 m2 • Tecnologies marines • Electrònica i instrumentació • TIC • Medi ambient • Construcció
research projects on enterprises demand. Contracts and first step spin-off K 2 M Buildings (knowledge to market) Time limited • Edifici de 5.500 m2 • Biologia de sistemes • Tecnologia amb làsers • Electrònica industrial • Aeronàutica • Energies renovables 3.000 m2 (TIC)
Specific buildings for research groups , growing spin-off or research focused enterprises ICFO Institut de Ciències Fotòniques REDIT