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VIROLOGY. 1424 - 1425 2003 - 2004. Nasser Al Jehani. Njehani10@hotmail.com. Last edition 2005 - 2006. First practical. السؤال يأتي بهذه الطريقة :. Name the virus. Name it’s family. Give 2 diseases caused by this virus. السؤال يأتي بهذه الطريقة :. Name the virus. Name it’s family.
VIROLOGY 1424 - 1425 2003 - 2004 Nasser Al Jehani Njehani10@hotmail.com Last edition 2005 - 2006
السؤال يأتي بهذه الطريقة : • Name the virus. • Name it’s family. • Give 2 diseases caused by this virus.
السؤال يأتي بهذه الطريقة : • Name the virus. • Name it’s family. • Give 2 diseases caused by this virus.
First: the DNA viruses • small pox virus • herpes virus • adeno virus
DNA Name:Pox Virus. Family:Poxviridae. Cause:Small Pox الجدري. shape Brick shape .
DNA Name:Herpes Virus. Family: Herpsviridae. Cause:Genital herpes meningocephalis. Shape: spherical nucleocapsid . Loose envelop ,
DNA Name:Adeno Virus. Family:Adenoviridae. Cause:Pharyngitis , conjunctivitis Shape: Nicely spherical particle .
Second : the RNA viruses • rabies virus • influenza A virus • rota virus • calici virus
RNA Name:Rabies Virus. Family:Rhabodoviridae. Cause:Encephalitis , التهاب المخ Shape: Bullet shape . يكفي تشوف وحده بس بشكل الرصاصة
RNA Name:Influenza A Virus Family:Orthomyxoviridea Cause:Flue , Upper and lower Respiratory Track disease Shape: pleomorphic, Spikes on outer surface
RNA Name:Rota Virus. Family:Rhabdoviridea. Cause:Encephalitis. Shape: Double wheel structure.
RNA Name:Calici Virus. Family:Caliviridae. Cause:Hepatitis E virus ,diarrhea Shape: Cup shaped. depression (dark) . يعني زي الفنجان من تحت
Third : The inoculation routes • CAM (choroid allontic membrane) • allontic cavity • amniotic cavity • yolk sac
CAM (coroid allontoic membrane) (HSV-1,poxvirus) allontoic cavity (influnzae) yolk sac (influnzae) amniotic cavity (influnzae)
كيف يجي السؤال؟ يكون واضع لك ابرة ترمز الى مكان فراغ معين من بين الفراغات اللتي مرموز اليها بالرسم ويسألك عن ماهي الـ Inoculation route ويطلب منك اعطاء مثال على المرض اللذي وضعته بين قوسين تحت اسم كل طريقة.
Practical 2 ياتي السؤال بهذه الطريقة: Name the cytopathic effectand give an example.
تعريفات مهمة Inclusion bodies:are the site of virus Replication. All the DNA virusreplicate in the nucleus All the RNA virusreplicate in the cytoplasm شفها بوضوح في الشريحة اللي بعده
get forward to the next slid and notice where the Inclusion bodies are. A+C+E = Intracytoplasmic(RNA) B + D = Intranuclear (DNA) F = both Intracytoplasmic and Intranuclear
First Intranuclear inclusion bodies Because the virus replicates in the nucleus , you will see that the nucleus is dark in stain and large because of the hyperchromatism , the mitosis and the multiplication occurring in the nucleus and remember that they are for the DNA viruses
Intranuclear Inclusion bodies
Intranuclear Inclusion bodies
Intranuclear Inclusion bodies
ياتي السؤال بهذه الطريقة: Name the cytopathic effect and give an example: اجابة السؤال: cytopathic effect: Intranuclear inclusion bodies Example: herpes virus, adeno virus (DNA virus)
Second Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies It has got the same idea as the Intranuclear Inclusion bodies but they are in the cytoplasm And you will not see a large dark stain nucleus Because there is no replication in there Remember ,they are for the RNA virus
ياتي السؤال بهذه الطريقة: Name the cytopathic effect and give an example: اجابة السؤال: Cytopathic effect: Intracytoplasmic inclusion body Example: measles
Third Giant cell A collection of the nuclei of many monocytes
Giant cell starting to form Giant Cell
All the collection Is a giant cell
ياتي السؤال بهذه الطريقة: Name the cytopathic effect and give an example: اجابة السؤال: cytopathic effect:giant cells Example: measles
Medical students should develop some special skills such as sleeping any place and any time.
Practical 3 We have 3 parts in this practical. 1- C F T (complement fixation test). 2- H I T (haemagglutination inhibition test). 3- R P H A (reverse passive haemagglutination).
C F T and H I T (They are similar) - Used for detection of total antibody. - Can be used for antigens. - Can not differentiate between IgG(old infection) or IgM(recent infection). - We need paired of serum (one from the acute phase and other from the convalescent phase of the disease).
In this test,you have to get 2 samples of serum from the patient’s blood.one from the acute phase and one from the covalence phase.then you calculate the titer then you apply The formula in the next slide
Covalence phase titer Acute phase titer If the interpretation > or = 4 = recent infection < 4 = immunity If not = not exposed = interpretation
هنا شرح الطريقة بالرسمة وبعدها على الواقعانتقل الى الشريحة السابقة لتعرف كيفية الحساب هذا مركز السؤال titre 1/10 1/20 1/40 1/80 1/160 Acute phase Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Recent infection Convalescence phase Acute phase immunity Convalescence phase Acute phase Not exposed No infection and No immunity Convalescence phase • ve red carpet • + ve red button the key
هذا شكلها في الواقع عليك انت ان تكمل التايتر وهذه بسيطة كل ما عليك هو ضرب العدد في اثنين ثم اللذي يليه في اثنين تماما كما في المثال التوضيحي السابق 1/10 1/1280 هذا المثال اكبر من اللي قبله ولكن الفكرة وحدة حاول تحله بنفسك واختبر قدراتك