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Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [ Sync Field Delimiter Design ] Date Submitted: [ 18 July 2006 ] Source: [ Francois Chin ] Company : [Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore]

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Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

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  1. Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Sync Field Delimiter Design] Date Submitted: [18 July 2006] Source: [Francois Chin] Company: [Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore] Address: [21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119613] Voice: [65-68745687] E-Mail: [chinfrancois@i2r.a-star.edu.sg] Abstract: [propose a couple of SFDs with better detectability] Purpose: [Assist the group in the selection of a SFD] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Francois Chin (I2R)

  2. SFD B SS #1 SS #1 SS #3 SS #2 SS #4 SS #3 SS #4 SS #2 Currrent Version (Draft 3) SFD-B (Mandatory Rate Mode) • The current SFD is based on SS #1 = [ - 0 0 0 + - 0 - ] SS #2 = [ + 0 0 0 - + 0 + ] SS #3 = [ 0 - + + 0 0 + 0 ] SS #4 = [ 0 + - - 0 0 - 0 ] Francois Chin (I2R)

  3. SFD B SS #1 SS #1 SS #3 SS #2 SS #4 SS #3 SS #4 SS #2 Current version SFD-B (Low Rate Mode) • The current SFD is based on SS #1 = [ - 0 0 0 + - 0 - ] SS #2 = [ + 0 0 0 - + 0 + ] SS #3 = [ 0 - + + 0 0 + 0 ] SS #4 = [ 0 + - - 0 0 - 0 ] Coherent Side-lobe: 9 Non-Coherent side-lobe: 12 Francois Chin (I2R)

  4. Alternative SFD – Q (Mandatory Rate Mode) Q #1 Q #2 Q #3 Q #4 Q #5 Q #6 Q #7 Q #8 SFD Q Q1 = [+ - 0 + 0 + 0 0] Q2 = [0 0 + 0 + 0 + +] Q3 = [- - - 0 - + 0 0] Q4 = [- + + 0 0 0 0 0] Q5 = [0 0 0 + - 0 0 -] Q6 = [0 0 - + + + + 0] Q7 = [+ - + 0 0 0 + 0] Q8 = [- 0 + + 0 - 0 0] Q2=abs(Q1) Francois Chin (I2R)

  5. Alternative SFD – Q (Low Rate Mode) Q #1 Q #2 Q #3 Q #4 Q #5 Q #6 Q #7 Q #8 SFD Q Coherent Side-lobe: 10 Q1 = [+ - 0 + 0 + 0 0] Q2 = [0 0 + 0 + 0 + +] Q3 = [- - - 0 - + 0 0] Q4 = [- + + 0 0 0 0 0] Q5 = [0 0 0 + - 0 0 -] Q6 = [0 0 - + + + + 0] Q7 = [+ - + 0 0 0 + 0] Q8 = [- 0 + + 0 - 0 0] Non-Coherent side-lobe: 8 Q2=abs(Q1) Francois Chin (I2R)

  6. Two New Proposed Long SFD • Based on the set of 31-chip preambles • Balanced 64-chip: 32 ‘0’; 16 ’+’ and 16 ’-’ • Gives zero detector outputs in both coherent and non-coherent receiver during preamble period SFD Y - Preamble #4 (right shifts = 14) 0 Preamble #2 (right shifts = 9) 0 -[-+000+0-0++0-0000+-00-00-++++0+]0 [+00++0000+0+-0+0+000-++0-+---00] 0 SFD Z Preamble #3 (right shifts = 26) 0 0 - Preamble #2 (right shifts = 6) [00-+-++00++0+00-0000-0+0--+0++0]0 -[++0000+0+-0+0+000-++0-+---00+00] 0 Francois Chin (I2R)

  7. Alternative SFD – Y (Mandatory Rate Mode) - Preamble #4 (right shifts = 14) 0 Preamble #2 (right shifts = 9) 0 -[-+000+0-0++0-0000+-00-00-++++0+]0 [+00++0000+0+-0+0+000-++0-+---00] 0 Francois Chin (I2R)

  8. Alternative SFD – Y (Low Rate Mode) - Preamble #4 (right shifts = 14) 0 Preamble #2 (right shifts = 9) 0 -[-+000+0-0++0-0000+-00-00-++++0+]0 [+00++0000+0+-0+0+000-++0-+---00] 0 Coherent Side-lobe: 6 Non-Coherent side-lobe: 5 Francois Chin (I2R)

  9. Alternative SFD – Z (Mandatory Rate Mode) Preamble #3 (right shifts = 26) 0 0 - Preamble #2 (right shifts = 6) [00-+-++00++0+00-0000-0+0--+0++0]0 -[++0000+0+-0+0+000-++0-+---00+00] 0 Francois Chin (I2R)

  10. Alternative SFD – Z (Low Rate Mode) Preamble #3 (right shifts = 26) 0 0 - Preamble #2 (right shifts = 6) [00-+-++00++0+00-0000-0+0--+0++0]0 -[++0000+0+-0+0+000-++0-+---00+00] 0 Coherent Side-lobe: 6 Non-Coherent side-lobe: 5 Francois Chin (I2R)

  11. Long SFD PDetect Comparison (Th=24) Francois Chin (I2R)

  12. Short SFD PDetect Comparison (Th=3) Taking first 8 bits of the long SFD Francois Chin (I2R)

  13. SFD Recommendations • SFD-Y based on cyclic shift version of 31-chip preamble code #2 & #4 is recommended for it best performance • Suggestion • Adopt SFD-Y as the SFD in IEEE 802.15.4a packets for low data rate option • Adopt the first 8 bits of the SFD-Y as the SFD in IEEE 802.15.4a packets for the high data rate option Francois Chin (I2R)

  14. Backup slides Francois Chin (I2R)

  15. SFD B SS #1 SS #1 SS #3 SS #2 SS #4 SS #3 SS #4 SS #2 Sliding Correlation Performance Using first 8 bits Using first 16 bits Francois Chin (I2R)

  16. Sliding Correlation Performance Q #1 Q #2 Q #3 Q #4 Q #5 Q #6 Q #7 Q #8 SFD Q Using first 8 bits Using first 16 bits Francois Chin (I2R)

  17. Sliding Correlation Performance SFD Y - Preamble #4 (right shifts = 14) 0 Preamble #2 (right shifts = 9) 0 -[-+000+0-0++0-0000+-00-00-++++0+]0 [+00++0000+0+-0+0+000-++0-+---00] 0 Using first 8 bits Using first 16 bits Lowest sidelobes Francois Chin (I2R)

  18. Sliding Correlation Performance SFD Z Preamble #3 (right shifts = 26) 0 0 - Preamble #2 (right shifts = 6) [00-+-++00++0+00-0000-0+0--+0++0]0 -[++0000+0+-0+0+000-++0-+---00+00] 0 Using first 8 bits Using first 16 bits Francois Chin (I2R)

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