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What is prenatal yoga? Prenatal yoga consists of body postures and exercises that are suitable for a pregnant woman. The benefits of prenatal yoga exercises (yoga poses) help increase strength, flexibility in the body, breathe, relieve stress and calm the mind. Pregnancy yoga reduces labor pains during childbirth. For more information visit at https://www.arhantayoga.nl/zwangerschapsyoga-opleiding-online/<br><br>
What Is Prenatal Yoga? Pregnancy comes with lot of pains and hardships, and a mother carries her baby in womb for nine months. These nine months are very crucial for the health of baby and mother that is why doctors suggest light exercises during prenatal period to prevent birth related complications. Prenatal yoga consists of body postures and exercises which are suitable for a pregnant woman because a hard exercise can put mother and baby under stress. Difference between normal yoga and prenatal yoga: The most common position used in yoga is “Lotus position” in which you spread your legs and thighs apart. This position can be a risk in prenatal yoga because ligaments and bones become soft due to release of estrogen hormone during pregnancy. Abducted position of hips can place extra pressure over uterus and pelvis risking the life of baby. Therefore poses of prenatal yoga are designed in such a way that the main focus is to relieve tension of mother and preparing her for delivery. Prenatal yoga class: Following are the phases of prenatal yoga class: Deep breathing:
Shortness of breath is the most common symptom which women report because of altered position of diaphragm due to enlarged uterus. Shallow breathing followed by deep breathing can help in solving the problem of shortness of breath. Gentle stretching of all body parts: Gentle stretching to warm up different areas like neck, arms, back, hips, knees can be beneficial. Stretching can improve the flexibility by increasing gliding of muscles over joints. Flexible muscles of pelvic region would aid in delivery of baby during child birth. Yoga poses: After breathing and gentle stretching, you can perform prenatal yoga poses. Move your arms, legs, and neck in different positions aiming to enhance strength and endurance of body which can help to relieve pregnancy related anxiety in mothers. Cool down period: Muscle relaxation after exercise by cool down period can prevent muscle soreness. You should get back to your normal heart and respiratory rate. Slow down your movements and calm your mind. Safety guidelines for pregnant women: Pregnant women should consider these guidelines while performing prenatal yoga • Consult your doctor: • If you are planning to start a prenatal yoga program, consult with your gynecologist. If you are facing complications during pregnancy like bleeding or constant pain, your doctor might not allow you to do any kind of exercise, therefore always share your thoughts about yoga with doctor. • Drink lot of water while doing prenatal yoga: • Dehydration can cause pregnancy complications plus it is not good for the health of baby. You will sweat after doing yoga, therefore keep water bottle with you and drink a lot of water. • Avoid strenuous poses: • During pregnancy, normal curve of the spine changes because of enlarged uterus, therefore it is necessary to take some precautions while doing yoga. Avoid those poses which require a lot of effort. Bending from hips is more preferable to bending from back. Avoid poses in which you have to abduct hips. Don’t place stress over abdomen by lying on your belly during any pose.