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Paradigms and paradigm shifts. Module 01.2 COP4020 – Programming Language Concepts Dr. Manuel E. Bermudez. Paradigm definition The paradigm shift. paradigms.
Paradigms and paradigm shifts Module 01.2COP4020 – Programming Language Concepts Dr. Manuel E. Bermudez
Paradigmdefinition Theparadigmshift paradigms
Thomas Kuhn (TheStructure of ScientificRevolutions): "… acceptedsamples of practicalmethods in science.” (keyword: accepted) Adam Smith (Powers of theMind): ”A shared set of assumedfacts. Water to thefish, a paradigmexplainstheworld and allowsus to predictitsbehavior. When in themiddle of a paradigm, itisdifficult to imagine anyother.“ (keywords: fish in water) Definition of paradigm
Willis Hartman (AnIncompleteGuide to theFuture): "… a basicway of perceiving, thinking, valuing and doingthingsthat are associatedwith a particular vision of reality.” (keywords: particular vision) Marilyn Ferguson (TheAquarianConspiracy): "… a frameworkforthought… a schemeforunderstanding and explainingcertainaspects of reality.“ (keywords: understanding, explaining) Definition of Paradigm (cont’d)
Joel Barker (DiscoveringtheFuture: The Business of Paradigms): " … a set of rules that define limits, and establishwhat’snecessary to be succesfullwithinthoselimits.“ (keywords: rules, definingbehavior) IMPORTANT:Paradigmstend to haveVERY FEW rules, and humanshave a STRONGtendency to resistlettingthemgo. Definition of Paradigm (cont’d)
A change in rules: old rules notonly stop working, buttheyGET IN THE WAY. Examples (in general): Nomadism to Sedentarianism. Geocentrism to Heliocentrism. Creationism to Evolution. Catastrophism to Gradualism. Regionalism to Globalization. TheParadigmShift
Examples: Rise (and fall) of Japan as aneconomicsuperpower. Fall of the Soviet Union. South Africaabolishes apartheid withoutbloodshed. Collegedegree no longer a ticket to themiddleclass. Computers (and Internet) foreveryone. Offshoring of IT jobs (IT skills as a commodity). TheParadigmShift (cont’d)
Examples (in computing): Structuredprogramming. Objectorientedprogramming. The WWW. “Towers of Hanoi” The .com boom (and bust). Machine Learning. TheParadigmShift (cont’d)
Paradigmshifts are sudden. TimingisVERYdifficult to predict. Changeisinstigatedbyan “outsider.” The new graduate, a scientistmovingfromone discipline to another. Unfamiliarwiththeestablishedparadigm. Not “vested” in theoldparadigm. TheParadigmShift (cont’d)
Example: “If I hadthoughtaboutit, I wouldn’thave done it. Theliteratureis full of examplesthat show thatthiscannot be done” -- (Spencer Silver of 3M, inventor of Post-it notes). TheParadigmShift (cont’d)
summary • Paradigm characteristics: accepted, fish in water, particular vision to explain reality. • Paradigm: small set of rules defining behavior, very hard to let go. • Paradigm shift: • Sudden change in rules. • Old rules become a liability. • Timing is difficult to predict