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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Summary of Health-related Provisions

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Summary of Health-related Provisions. April 15, 2009. Funding to Michigan so far from HHS – see hhs.gov/recovery. Fund: Prevention and Wellness Amount: $1 billion

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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Summary of Health-related Provisions

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  1. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Summary of Health-related Provisions April 15, 2009

  2. Funding to Michigan so far from HHS – see hhs.gov/recovery

  3. Fund: Prevention and Wellness • Amount: $1 billion • Distribution: according to Secretary of HHS and Director of CDC. Specific allocations • $300M for CDC 317 immunization program • $650M for evidence-based clinical and community based prevention and wellness strategies that address chronic diseases • $50 million to states to implement healthcare-associated infection (HAI) prevention strategies. • Action: Michigan received $6.6 million for the immunization program and are awaiting guidance on the other programs

  4. Fund: Healthcare Effectiveness Research • Amount: $1.1 billion • Purpose: to speed development and dissemination of research assessing the comparative effectiveness of healthcare treatment and strategies. Establishes the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research • Distribution: • $300 million for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality • $400 million for the National Institutes of Health, and • $400 million for the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services

  5. Fund: Community Health Centers • Amount: $2 billion • Distribution: directed to FQHCs for construction, modernization, HIT improvements and services & operations. • Action: • $2.6 million awarded to Michigan clinics for modernization: • Western Wayne Family Health Center - Inkster, MI • Ingham County Health Department - Lansing, MI • $8.5 million awarded to 29 MI Community Health Centers to expand services to more citizens and handle increased demand

  6. Fund: Training Primary Care Providers • Amount: $500 million • Distribution: • $300m for the National Health Service Corps • $200m for primary care medicine, dentistry, public health and preventative medicine program, scholarship and loan repayment programs and cross-state licensing for health specialists

  7. Fund: Indian Health Service Facilities • Amount: $727 million • Purpose: to modernize hospitals and health clinics and make healthcare technology upgrades

  8. Fund: Health Information Technology • Amount: $19 billion • Distribution: • $2 billion to the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) • $17 billion for Medicare and Medicaid EHR adoption and meaningful use incentives. • Action: awaiting further guidance from ONC and HHS on timelines, guidelines, definitions etc.

  9. Fund: Health Information Technology • Amount: $19 billion • Details: $2 billion to ONC: • Codify ONCHIT • Establish HIT Policy & Standards Committees • Award HIT Grants to States • Establish HIT Regional Extension Centers • Establish EHR loan programs within states • $20 million transferred to NIST Grants for states

  10. Fund: Health Information Technology • Amount: $19 billion • Details: $2 billion to ONC:Award HIT Grants to States nine specific uses: • Enhance a broad and varied participation in the authorized and secure nationwide electronic use of and exchange of health information • Promote health information technology/identify State or local resources available toward the nationwide efforts • Complement other Federal grants, programs and efforts towards the promotion of health information technology • Provide technical assistance for the development and dissemination of solutions to barriers to the exchange of electronic health information

  11. Fund: Health Information Technology • Amount: $19 billion • Details: $2 billion to ONC:Award HIT Grants to States nine specific uses continued: • Encourage Physicians to work with HIT Regional Extension centers (as described in ARRA) • Promote effective strategies to adopt and utilize health IT in medically underserved communities • Assists patients in utilizing health IT • Support public health agencies authorized use of and access to electronic health information • Promote the use of electronic health records for quality improvement including through quality measures reporting

  12. Fund: Health Information Technology • Amount: $19 billion • Details: Medicare and Medicaid incentives • $ 17 Billion dedicated for physicians and hospitals who purchase and use electronic health records (EHR) • Only for “meaningful users” of certified EHRs • For maximum benefit, EHRs will have to be purchased and in use by FY 2011 • Medicare providers will see incentives until 2015 after which penalties will be issued for those that have not purchased and use certified EHRs. • Medicaid providers must meet certain caseload volume requirements in order to be eligible

  13. Other healthcare provisions: • Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentage • Temporary Increase for Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments • COBRA Healthcare for the Unemployed – continuation subsidy • Broadband expansion • Telemedicine expansion

  14. Resources: • www.recovery.gov • www.hss.gov/recovery • www.michigan.gov/recovery

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