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Discover important information about TPI's Employee Stock Ownership Plan, including eligibility criteria, vesting requirements, distribution policies, and more. Find answers to common questions and celebrate milestones along the way to financial success.
50:50 15 $1,000,000 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 When does a TPI associate become eligible to participate in the ESOP? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Upon hire B: After five years C: After one year D: When ready to retire
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 The number of hours per year an associate must work to vest for that year. 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: 500 B: 1,000 C: 1,500 D: 2,000
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 The age an associate must be to participate in the ESOP. 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: 16 B: 18 C: 20 D: 21
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 The number of years it takes to become 100% vested in the ESOP. 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: 1 B: 3 C: 5 D: 10
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 What does ESOP stand for? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Employee Stock Option Plan B: Employee Service Orientation Plan C: Economic System Of Pension D: Employee Stock Ownership Plan
Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! You’ve Reached the $1,000 Milestone!
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 The website that TPI associates can go to for ESOP information. 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: www.ESOP.com B: www.tpiESOP.com C: www.tpiowners.com D: www.tpi.com
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 Can an associate borrow against the value of their ESOP account? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: No B: Yes, just like a 401-k C: Yes, only at age 65 D: Yes, if 100% vested
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 Which of the following does not allow a distribution from an associate’s ESOP account to take place? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Retirement B: Death/Disability C: Leaving TPI after 100% vesting D: Personal economic crisis
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 The manner in which 100% vested funds are distributed from an associate’s ESOP account. 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: 50% annually over 2 years B: 20% annually over 5 years C: 10% annually over 10 years D: In one lump sum
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 Do a server’s tips count as income when calculating ESOP shares each year? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: No B: Yes, at a 25% rate C: Yes, at a 50% rate D: Yes, at a 100% rate
Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! You’ve Reached the $32,000 Milestone!
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 What determines the ultimate value of every associate’s ESOP account? 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Years of the associate’s tenure B: Hours worked by the associate C: The value of TPI Hospitality D: Wages earned by the associate
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 Enter $125,000 Question 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Answer 1 B: Answer 2 C: Answer 3 D: Answer 4
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 Which of the following is not a benefit of TPI becoming an ESOP 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Guaranteed success B: The ESOP pays no taxes C: TPI lives on perpetually D: Greater accountability and pride
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 Enter $500,000 Question 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Answer 1 B: Answer 2 C: Answer 3 D: Answer 4
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 1 $100
15 $1 Million 14 $500,000 13 $250,000 12 $125,000 Enter $1,000,000 Question 11 $64,000 10 $32,000 9 $16,000 8 $8,000 7 $4,000 6 $2,000 5 $1,000 4 $500 3 $300 2 $200 50:50 1 $100 A: Answer 1 B: Answer 2 C: Answer 3 D: Answer 4