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Apins Consultants Pvt. Ltd. apins.co “ We Care for Your Cover” A PRESENTATION ON Risk Audit

Apins Consultants Pvt. Ltd. www.apins.co “ We Care for Your Cover” A PRESENTATION ON Risk Audit. What is Risk Audit ?. The risk audit is the most effective tool for assessing the risk associated with an organisation and plan for a proper risk management.

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Apins Consultants Pvt. Ltd. apins.co “ We Care for Your Cover” A PRESENTATION ON Risk Audit

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  1. Apins Consultants Pvt. Ltd. www.apins.co “We Care for Your Cover” A PRESENTATION ON Risk Audit

  2. What is Risk Audit ? • The risk audit is the most effective tool for assessing the risk associated with an organisation and plan for a proper risk management. • It starts with a logical and systematic examination of the process/operation of any industrial unit to identify the potential hazards associated, which may represent risks to personnel or machineries or prevent the smooth and efficient operation of the unit. • It can also help in implementing the most effective risk control measures (like fire prevention, flood prevention etc.) And facilities that help to reduce the occurrence frequency of the unexpected events.

  3. Need for a Risk Audit.. • Fire & similar perils cause huge losses to property and affects the production efficiency of industrial houses in the world every year. • The above losses are coupled with loss of market, loss of good will, loss of data, damage to reputation etc. Which pose severe threats to the survival of an organisation in the world of cut-throat competition. • As per study, the causes of these losses are : 1. Deliberate act 2. People not alert/aware of the hazards and 3. Carelessness/negligence of the people. • These losses can be contained by systematic identification of the hazards, evaluating their impact and review the protection measures.

  4. Need for a Risk Audit.. • It is always better to identify the hazards and improve the risk than to wait for an accident to occur. • “Insurance is like a shock absorber of a car..It can smoothen the ride but can not improve the quality of road…” • The risk audit improves the risk and explore all possible risk management techniques starting from self pool to commercial insurance.

  5. Approach to Risk Audit.. • The traditional method of safety audits mainly inspect out problems and offer short-term solutions. This is not complete unless it covers various aspects which are related to the design, layout, operation, maintenance and housekeeping and claim history etc. And offer a total risk management solution at economic cost. • A team of experts with the understanding of the basic safety principles, knowledge relating to the particular work place, building & electrical regulations and experience in insurance & risk management shall be deployed to carry out the risk audit. • In addition to identifying each hazard associated to an item through risk audit, it is also important to estimate its severity , on a scale of 1 (high) to 4 (low), and likelihood, on a scale of 1 (high) to 4 (low) for the item under audit.

  6. Approach to Risk Audit.. For an item/equipment/process block under audit • SEVERITY (S): Severity analysis..

  7. Approach to Risk Audit.. For an item/equipment/process block under audit • LIKELIHOOD (L) :

  8. Risk Ranking (R) :For an item/equipment/process block under audit LIKELIHOOD (L) SEVERITY (S) RISK MATRIX

  9. RiskRanking (R) : For an item/equipment/process block under audit

  10. WORKSHEET for RiskRanking :For an item/equipment/process block under audit

  11. APPROACH TO RISK AUDIT ... • Once an exposure to risk has been identified, we have three options :- • Tolerate it . • Lower the potential cost by implementing measures costing less than the total loss in Rs / year. • Lower the likelihood of loss occurrence by implementing measures costing less than the exposure.

  12. APPROACH TO RISK AUDIT ... • It is required to quantify both the potential cost and the likelihood of occurrence, to make an informed selection of any of the three options. • Insurance is not a fourth option, it is a technique of risk financing, as such, it is a matter to be considered after the selection of the other options. • Based on the risk audit, the alternative to insurance, like risk retention or self-insurance (fully or limited) by creating a separated fund can be also be considered.

  13. THE APINS METHODOLOGY OF CONDUCTING RISK AUDIT - INSPECTION. • We at apins have designed some standard formats which shall be filled up by our team members at the work place based on the close observation and examination of various features associated with the operation, construction, layout, safety, etc. • Based on the informations collected at the site, our team will analyse the risk, the consequences and all possible measures to reduce the likelihood and severity of accidents which can hinder the smooth functioning of the plant.

  14. RISK AUDIT FLOW CHART • The risk audit has a systematic approach which follows a flow-chart of activities. • The approach differs with the type of risk, size and occupancy etc

  15. APINS RISK AUDIT FLOWCHART (for Large Industrial Units) ↓ → ← ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

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  18. APINS RISK AUDIT FLOWCHART (for MSMEs) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

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  20. Alternatives to CommercialInsurance There are various alternative options available which in combination with Commercial Insurance make a Profitable Risk Management Programme. The most common alternative used by various Private & Public Sector organisations in the world is “Self Insurance” i.e, Creation of a “Risk Fund”.

  21. Self-Insurance Program. It is a creative risk management method where initial predictable risk losses are retained and self-insured, i.e, a first layer of protection. A stop-loss commercial insurance policy is also purchased along side this. The policy provider will then cover the losses above the self-insurance loss fund limit. The cost of the commercial insurance cover in this situation will become less expensive over time, as there is a deductible layer (i.e, first layer) available.

  22. Insurance with Self-Insurance. Self-Insurance Program, doesn’t mean having no insurance. It is a combination of commercial and self-insurance which provide the best cover for any self-insurer.

  23. Self-Insurance Program. A Bar Diagram in the next slide will show the Self-Insurance Program of an Industrial Unit.

  24. Self Insurance Program of an Industrial Unit Self Retention Capacity Commercial Insurance Loss Claims Self-Insurance Layer 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Years

  25. Self-Insurance arrangement.. Insurer Reimburses Excess Claims Insured’s contribution towards the Risk Fund Surplus Fund for investment Claims Paid Expected Risk Fund

  26. Self-Insurance Program.. For an effective Self Insurance Program : Risk Analysis & Assessment is required. For this, a proper Risk Audit should to be carried out and a Risk Profile to be prepared based on the Audit Report.

  27. contd. The factors in the Risk Profile are : • Risk size and composition details. • Range and type of operations. • Plant & Process Layout. • Operator training and requirements. • Maintenance and servicing. • Loss History (PD+BI) with findings. • Environmental conditions, if considerable. • Loss Prevention & Minimisation measures. • PML (Probable Maximum Loss) Assessment.

  28. Selection of Self Retention Level Any individual/insured knows more about their own risk level than does the insurer. Based on the Risk Audit observations and findings, any Corporate Management can take an informed decision on the best combination of Insurance & Self Insurance.

  29. Creation & Control of Self-Insurance or Risk Fund

  30. Creation & Control of Self-Insurance or Risk Fund • Consider eliminating some of the insurance policies for which you are able to pay for the risk yourself. For instance, full coverage of Motor Insurance. If you own several number of cars or vans etc., you can opt for only Third-Party Cover (mandatory as per MV Act 1988) and retain the Own-Damage portion with self-insurance. • Make insurance deductibles (i.e, excess) larger, ie, self-insuring for the amount up to the deductible, which will enable you to immediately lower your premium payment.

  31. Creation & Control of Self-Insurance or Risk Fund • Judge tentatively, what should be the size of Risk Fund/Self-Insurance Fund... • It is suggested to fix 1% of last year turnover or projected turnover for next year, which ever is higher plus 10% to be deposited into the Risk Fund. • The deduction towards Risk Fund may be subject to minimum of applicable fire insurance tariff rate on maximum value at risk on RIV basis. • Further increase the fund by 20% if Probable Maximum Loss (PML) is more than 40% of Total Sum-Insured.

  32. Creation & Control of Self-Insurance or Risk Fund • Adopt any method suggested in the last slide. • Fund should be created at the time of opening of accounts for next year or on closing of last year accounts so that it is reflected in the annual accounts statement, i.e, it will go with companies financial year. • Audit of the account from time to time on utilization of the Risk Fund is required. The unutilised balance fund on closing of accounts will be carry forward to the next financial year.

  33. Creation & Control of Self-Insurance or Risk Fund • Fund should be under control of some dedicated members of management of the company who can take decision on disbursement of fund. • Company will act as custodian of fund and keep rights to invest the fund for its growth • A proper Investment Strategy should be worked out looking to the exposure, liquidity & yield. Major portion of the investment should be short-term investment that can be quickly turned into useable cash without a large loss in value.

  34. Creation & Control of Self-Insurance or Risk Fund • Some suggestive Investment Guidelines for the Risk Fund : • The Risk Fund should not be used in the insured’s business. A portion of the long-term investment return can be utilised in the business, if, decided by the management depending on the exposure & control measures.

  35. Creation & Control of Self-Insurance or Risk Fund • The primary objective of the investment is to provide the enterprise a maximum level of return subject to a low probability of negative returns over rolling three year periods. The secondary investment objective is to maximise long-term capital growth within acceptable risk levels.

  36. Creation & Control of Self-Insurance or Risk Fund • A Portfolio composition for the Risk Fund :

  37. Creation & Control of Self-Insurance or Risk Fund • The performance will have to be monitored and evaluated over rolling 3-5 years period against a benchmark. If required the investment policy should be changed keeping in mind the exposure and liquidity requirements. • The ROI (Return on Investment) should form part of the Risk Fund. As more fund means more retention capacity. At present there is no tax benefit on Risk Fund or self-insurance fund, but the investment return will compensate this outgo.

  38. Expenses When and Where the Fund should be used!!

  39. When and Where Fund should be used • Cost of losses not covered by the insurers, i.e, retained as self-insured. – This cost also includes cost towards depreciation, betterment etc. • Cost for transfer of risk to the insurers – i.e, Premium for Stop-Loss cover. • All expanses for safety, training and improvement factors for controlling & minimizing the losses and their maintenance - “Less claims means more fund”.

  40. When and Where Fund should be use • All payments for consultancy for risk management and investment portfolio management, if outsourced. • Other Expenses towards management of risk like, valuation, inspection, audit etc.

  41. In a nut-shell, The benefits of this Arrangement are .. • The Business fund is not interrupted in case of any event of loss. • Need not worry for the delays in settlement of claims by insurance companies. • No worry for promoters and share holders at least from physical risk.

  42. A Presentation on the Risk Accounting over a period of Time.. Risk Fund Cost on Insurance Fund Minimum cost on Stop-Loss cover Period

  43. Thank You .. For your patience We care for your cover..

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