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Error Estimation. Definition of the “Error”. The measurement error can be defined as the difference between the measured value and the actual value (truth). Types of Measurement Errors. Types of measurement errors: - Systematic errors. - Random Errors. - Personal Errors. Systematic Errors.
Definition of the “Error” • The measurement error can be defined as the difference between the measured value and the actual value (truth).
Types of Measurement Errors • Types of measurement errors:- Systematic errors.- Random Errors.- Personal Errors.
Systematic Errors • Systematic errors are biases in measurement so that the mean of many separate measurements deviates from the truth. • Can be constant (offset error), related to the measured value (scale-factor error), or anything else (e.g. nonlinear behaviour). • Possible sources:- imperfect calibration of measurement system.- shortcoming in principle of measurement.- (unaccounted-for) environmental interference.- aging of the instrument (drift). • Can be removed by careful calibration.
Random Errors • Random errors are errors in measurement that lead to measurable values being inconsistent when repeated measures of a constant attribute or quantity are taken. • All measurements are prone to random error. • “Variance” (or standard deviation) is used to quantify them. • Possible sources:- unpredictable fluctuations in the readings of the measurement system (e.g. electronic noise).- interpretation of instrumental readings.- (unpredictable) environmental interference.- deterioration of the instrument conditions. • Repetition of the same measurement reduces random errors.
Personal Errors • Personal error is the error that resulted from applying a faulty procedure. • Possible sources:- faulty procedures.- faulty readings/recordings.- faulty interpretations. • These are human “mistakes” and usually difficult to deal with.
Measurement Resolution • Measurement resolution is the smallest change in the underlying physical quantity that produces a response in the measurement. • Truncation error. • Limitation of the instrument.
Accuracy and Precision • Accuracy of a measurement system is the degree of closeness of measurements of a quantity to the actual value (truth) of that quantity. • Precision of a measurement system is the degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results.
Accuracy vs Precision (1) T T Accuratebut not precise. Precisebut not accurate.
Accuracy vs Precision (2) Truth=30.1°C μ= 30.0°C σ ~ 3.5°C μ= 23.5°C σ ≤ 0.2°C Th. 1 Th. 1 Th. 1 Th. 1 Th. 2 Th. 2 Th. 2 Th. 2 Accuratebut not precise. Precisebut not accurate.
Notes • Accuracy is related to the systematic errors. • Precision is related to the random errors. • Accuracy, precision and resolution are not the same.
Error Estimation when the truth is known! (1) • If we know the truth (T), error estimation of a measurement system (x) is straightforward. • For N measurements of the truth using a given measurement system:
Error Estimation when the truth is known! (2) • Systematic error (Bias) is: • Root mean square difference (RMSE): • Standard deviation of the difference (SDD): • Scatter index (SI): • Note that RMSE includes both systematic and random errors while SDD is the proper measure for random errors.
BUT…. usually we do not know the truth! • It is not possible to make any error estimation using one measurement system. • Usually, with 2 independent measurement systems, it is possible to estimate relative errors. • Absolute error estimation requires at least 3 independent measurement systems.
Our measurement systems (for surface wind and waves) • Buoy = In situ instruments mounted on buoys or platforms. • Model = Numerical atmospheric/wave models like IFS & WAM. • Satellite = Satellite measurements using altimeters (wave height and wind speed), scatterometrs (wind velocity) and SAR (‘truncated’ wave spectra).Here, only altimeter measurements are used. • Cross comparison between any two types of measurements relative errors!
In-Situ Measurements • Usually mounted on buoys and platforms.(Pressure gauges can be mounted on seabed in shallow waters.) • Ground truth. (Is it so?) • Usually very close to the coast. • A lot of practical issues. • Limited coverage (in space and time). • Mainly available in the Northern Hemisphere.
Radar Altimeters • Global coverage every few days/weeks. • Data continuously available since 1991 (more than two decades) from two series of satellites (some data from 1980’s as well):- European Space Agency (ESA): ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat.- French-US collaboration: TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-2. • May not be available when or where needed. • Not suitable for coastal areas (yet). • May not be suitable for climate studies.
Models • Global coverage and as frequent as few minutes/hours. • Produces forecasts which is crucial for operational uses. • Ability to make “hindcast” (or “reanalysis”). • Suitable for climate studies (e.g. ECMWF ERA-Interim and future ERA-CLIM). • Modelling issues: parameterizations, resolution, ... etc.
Relative Errors • In practice, the truth is unknown. • Systematic error (bias) cannot be found in absolute sense. Always, a reference is required. • Traditionally, estimation of the random error is done against a reference; e.g. buoy measurements relative error. • Example: Comparison of significant wave height from 3 Altimeters (Envisat, Jason-1, Jason-2) against ECMWF wave mode (WAM).
Comparison between Altimeter and WAM FG SWH Global comparison over a year (02 Feb. 2010 to 01 Feb. 2011).ECMWF WAM model First Guess (FG) significant wave height (SWH) is used as a reference.
Warning! It is “Difference” Not “Error” • For two systems (X and Y) measuring the same truth at the same location and time; it is assumed that:Error Variance = N-1 Σ(Xi – Yi)2 – Bias2 • But this is just the “difference” not the “error” unless system Y is “error-free” (which is highly unlikely). • Using 3 (or more) systems instead of 2 solves this problem. “Triple Collocation Technique”.
Error model • Assume that the errors are linear additives to the true value (the “truth”). • For any measurement, Xi, we assume that:Xi = α + βTi + eihere:α is a fixed bias in the measurement system (accuracy).β is a calibration constant of the measurement system (a bias that depends on the truth). Ti is the truth.ei is the random error which is assumed to be of zero mean. • Except for the measurement Xi, all the variables are unknowns.
Triple Collocation (1) • Given measurements from 3 (or more) independent measuring systems (Xpi , p = 1, 2, 3) measuring the same truth (at the same location and instant, i ), the error model for each measurement (i= 1, …, N) from each system as follows:Xpi = αp + βpTi + epi ; i= 1, …, N ; p = 1, 2, 3 • For wind and waves, the 3 systems are usually a satellite-born (Altimeter) instrument, an in-situ instrument (buoy) and a model.
Xpi = αp + βpTi + epi ; i= 1, …, N ; p = 1, 2, 3 Triple Collocation (2) • It is not possible to estimate the biases, αp, in absolute sense. • The wayout is to remove the bias of the system from all its measurements all measuremnts will be of zero bias. • The calibration constants (βp) will be found by iteration and for the time being let’s divide each term by the corresponding βp. • The error model for the 3 systems: X’1i = Ti + e’1iXi = Ti + exi X’2i = Ti + e’2iYi = Ti + eyi X’3i = Ti + e’3i Zi = Ti + ezi Change of variables for clarity: X’1i=X1i /β1= Xi ; e’1i= e1i /β1= exi ; X’2i=X2i /β2= Yi ; e’2i= e2i /β2= eyi ; X’3i=X3i /β3= Zi ; e’3i= e3i /β3= ezi .
Triple Collocation (3) • To get rid of Ti , take the differences between each pairs of collocated measurements: Xi – Yi = exi – eyi Xi – Zi = exi – ezi Yi – Zi = eyi – ezi • Find the expected values (denoted by angled brackets ·) of the squares of the differences as: (Xi – Yi ) (Xi – Zi) = e2xi – exieyi – exiezi + eyiezi (Yi – Xi ) (Yi – Zi) = e2yi – exieyi – eyiezi + exiezi (Zi – Xi ) (Zi – Yi) = e2zi – exiezi – eyiezi + exieyi • All quantities on the LHS are known (from measurements). • e2x, e2y and e2z are the sought error variances. • exey, exez and eyez are the error covariances/correlations.
Triple Collocation (4) • If the 3 measurement systems are truely independent their errors are uncorrolated exey = exez = eyez = 0 • Notice that we are dropping the subscript i from the error (co)variances just for ease of writing. • Now we can find out the error variances as:e2x = (Xi – Yi ) (Xi – Zi)e2y = (Yi – Xi ) (Yi – Zi)e2z = (Zi – Xi ) (Zi – Yi)
Xpi = αp + βpTi + epi ; i= 1, …, N ; p = 1, 2, 3 Triple Collocation (5) • We assume that one of the systems (say the first one, X) is calibrated (i.e. βx = 1), and we calibrate the other two systems (i.e. To find βy and βz) accordingly. • The neutral regression is used for that.(Conventional regression is not suitable as it assumes that one of the measurement systems is error-free). • βy= [–B + (B2– 4 AC)1/2] / 2 Awhere:A= XiYi ; B = Xi2 – Yi2 ; C= – XiYi = e2x / e2y • Similarly, βz can be found by replacing Y above with Z.
Xpi = αp + βpTi + epi ; i= 1, …, N ; p = 1, 2, 3 Triple Collocation (6) • The procedure: • Collocate 3 (or more) independent sets of measurements. • Remove the bias from each data set independently. • Compute the variances and covariances of the data sets: Xi2 ; Yi2 ; Zi2 ; XiYi ; XiZi ; YiZi • Assume that βx= βy=βz = 1. • Solve for e2x ; e2y ; e2z. • Solve for βy and βz using neutral regression. • Adjust the measurements of each data set using its calibration constant, β. • Repeat starting from step 3 until convergence.
Practical Considerations – Correlated Errors • The errors of different systems can be correlated due to: - Data assimilation. - Sharing same principle of measurements. - Use of data from one system in retrieval algorithms of another system. • Note: we are talking about “error correlation” not “measurement correlation”. • Possible treatment: - Use model forecasts or run models without data assimilation. - Evaluate/estimate the correlation (exey,exez or eyez).- Additional measument system(s) quadrable/quintable colloc.
Practical Considerations – Collocation Distance/Time • Ideally, the measurements from the 3 systems are collocated exactly at the same location and same instant. • This not practical as the number of collocations drops dramatically as a function of the collocation distance. • For wind and wave collocations, we allow up to 100-200 km and up to 2 hours. • We need to account for the collocation distance.Increase in model error & decrease in buoy and Altimeter errors.
Practical Considerations – Homogeneity • Due to the collocation distance, sometimes the buoy and the Altimeter are measuring two different truths (e.g. islands, fronts). • Those cases need to be detected and removed. • The model is used as a filter:Model@buoy – Model@Altimeter ≤ 5%
Example • Quality control of buoy and Altimeter data. • Triple collocation of significant wave height (SWH) & surface wind speed (U10) between 1 August 2009 – 31 July 2010: - Model Forecast (8 FC steps), ENVISAT, Buoys. - Model Forecast (8 FC steps), Jason-2, Buoys. - Model Forecast (8 FC steps), Jason-1, Buoys.( i.e. 24 “different” data sets). • A collocation is rejected if: - Obvious erroneous data. - Inhomogeneous conditions at buoy and Altimeter locations.
Other Methods • Janssen et al. (2007) introduced a method to estimate the significant wave height error in ERS-2 Altimeter measurements and the model based on along-track averaging. Correlation length between 8 individual Altimeter measurements was found. • Other methods utilise some known features of the measured quantity:e.g. - probability distributions; - spectral properties. σ2= e2mod + N-1σ2aN = No. Alt. obs. σ2= e2mod + N-1σ2aN = effective number
Further Details: • Janssen, P.A.E.M. (2004). The interaction of ocean waves and wind. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. • Janssen, P.A.E.M., Abdalla, S., Hersbach, H. and Bidlot, J.-R. (2007), “Error estimation of buoy, satellite, and model wave height data”,J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 24, 1665–1677. • Abdalla, S., Janssen, P.A.E.M. and Bidlot, J.-R. (2011), “Altimeter near real time wind and wave products: Random error estimation”, Mar. Geod., 34(3-4), 393-406. • Zwieback, S., Scipal, K., Dorigo, W., and Wagner, W. (2012). “Structural and statistical properties of the collocation technique for error characterization”, Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 19, 69-80. • Stoffelen, A. (1998), “Towards the true near-surface wind speed: Error modeling and calibration using triple collocation”, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 7755-7766.