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Ferti lizer o n a Mis sion

Ferti lizer o n a Mis sion. Ques tion. Do seeds grow better in liquid, solid, or powdered fertilizer?. purpose.

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Ferti lizer o n a Mis sion

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  1. Fertilizer onaMission

  2. Question • Do seeds grow better in liquid, solid, or powdered fertilizer?

  3. purpose • The purpose of our investigation is to determine if grass seeds grow better with liquid, solid, or powdered fertilizer? This is important because when you use fertilizer, you should use the one that grows seeds the fastest.

  4. Hypothesis • I hypothesize that the powdered fertilizer would help seeds grow the best. I believe this because the powdered fertilizer will be absorbed more quickly by the seeds. Liquid would be too runny and would make the seed drown. The solid would be too hard and the seed would not be able to come out of the solid fertilizer because the solid would be covering the seed.


  6. Materials • Three sets of 5 seed starting plant pots • Solid fertilizer – Miracle Gro Plant Food Spikes • Liquid fertilizer – Schultz Plant Food Plus • Powdered fertilizer – Miracle Gro All Purpose Plant Food • 1 TBSP measuring spoon • Bermuda Grass Seed – 30 tsp. • Water

  7. Variables MANIPULATED VARIABLE: Type of fertilizer RESPONDED VARIABLE: Growth of plant CONSTANT VARIABLES: soil, grass seeds, pots, water

  8. DIRECTIONS • Gather materials • Fill 3 sets of 5 cups of seed growing plant pots • Label pots with the names of the fertilizer that was used on the seeds • Place ¼ tsp grass seed in each pot • Using directions on package, mix liquid fertilizer with water • Using directions on package, mix powder fertilizer with water • Place 1 solid plant stick into pot and label • Water daily, using 1 tbsp. in each cup of all three sets of plants • Monitor the pots daily for growth measure the height of the grass in each pot. Record. • Calculate the average growth for all solid, liquid, powdered fertilizer plants!

  9. Plant Growth Chart


  11. Conclusion • My hypothesis was incorrect, seeds grow better with liquid fertilizer. The liquid fertilizer average was 1.9 cm and produced 8 blades of grass. The powdered fertilizer average was 1.5cm and produced 3.2 blades of grass. The solid fertilizer average was 0.2 cm and produced 0.2 blades of grass. If I could do this project again what I would do differently is, I would use a different plant, or grass type to see if I got the same results.

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