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Iron Man . By Caitlin Feeney May 24, 2010. Gesture Computing. While creating the Iron Man suit, Tony Stark uses gestures to virtually move parts of the suit around. http://ironmanmovie.org/wp-content/uploads/bugati/ironman-movie-tony-stark.jpg. Gesture Computing .
Iron Man By Caitlin Feeney May 24, 2010
Gesture Computing • While creating the Iron Man suit, Tony Stark uses gestures to virtually move parts of the suit around http://ironmanmovie.org/wp-content/uploads/bugati/ironman-movie-tony-stark.jpg
Gesture Computing • Researchers at MIT have created a pair of multicolored gloves that when used with a webcam can allow a computer to identify gestures http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/gadgetlab/2010/05/lycra-gloves-computing-mit.jpg
Gesture Computing • The gloves have 20 irregularly shaped patterns to allow the computer to get a 3-D configuration of the hand • The gestures made are run against a computer database to identify the gesture • Can it work in the world of Iron Man?
Gesture Computing • In the movie, Iron Man, Tony Stark isn’t wearing ridiculous gloves • This could be made possible by the following explanation: • “If you want to make it more attractive, you could hide the patterns in a glove using retro-reflective material,” he says. “That way you could [create] differentiable patterns that wouldn’t be visible to the naked eye but a camera’s eye could see it.”(http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/05/gloves-gesture-computing/)
Flying • Iron Man is able to fly for extended periods of time • In one scene, Iron Man flies from the United States to Afghanistan http://www.movie-poster.ws/movies/action/images/ironman/ironman-flying.jpg
Flying • Although flying suits have been created, with the current technology available it is impossible to sustain flight for more than a few seconds • “The problem is that lifting a full-grown person 100 feet into the air considerably increases their potential energy, and that gain in energy must come from the stored chemical energy in the jet pack. Ditto for the energy required to zip around once airborne. You just can't store enough energy to make long flights without making the suit too big to wear.” (http://www.wired.com/gadgets/miscellaneous/news/2008/04/ironman_physics) http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn1793-personal-helicopter-gets-off-the-ground.html
Super Strength • In Iron Man, Tony Stark is able to perform feats of super-human strength • This is due to the structure of the suit http://www.blogcdn.com/www.cinematical.com/media/2008/03/ironman3.jpg
Super Strength • Software engineer Rex Jameson has created a suit that gives him superhuman strength and endurance • “In the past seven years, a handful of engineers have taken the military's 40-year-old fantasy of mechanically enhanced soldiers that can carry heavy loads and begun to make it real.” (http://www.popsci.com/node/20689) http://www.popsci.com/node/20689
Works Cited • Bierly, Mandi. "'Iron Man': Physicists Tackle the Science. We're Listening... | EW.com." Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch Blog | PopWatch | EW.com. 11 May 2010. Web. 24 May 2010. <http://popwatch.ew.com/2010/05/11/iron-man-2-science/>. • Biever, Celeste, and Rowan Hooper. "Iron Man: The Science behind the Fiction - Opinion - 01 May 2008 - New Scientist." Science News and Science Jobs from New Scientist - New Scientist. 1 May 2008. Web. 24 May 2010. <http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13815-iron-man-the-science-behind-the-fiction.html>. • Ganapti, Priya. "Gesture-Based Computing Uses $1 Lycra Gloves | Gadget Lab | Wired.com." Wired News. 21 May 2010. Web. 24 May 2010. <http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2010/05/gloves-gesture-computing/>. • Haupt, Ryan. "Want Some Real-world Scientific Theory behind Iron Man's Armor? Get It Now! | Marvel.com News | Marvel.com." Marvel: The Official Site | Iron Man, Spider-Man, Hulk, X-Men, Wolverine and All Marvel Comics, News, Movies and Video Games | Marvel.com. 12 Apr. 2010. Web. 24 May 2010. <http://marvel.com/news/comicstories.12004.marvel_science~colon~_iron_man~apos~s_armor>.
Works Cited • Kakalios, James. "Iron Man's Suit Defies Physics -- Mostly." Wired News. 23 Apr. 2008. Web. 24 May 2010. <http://www.wired.com/gadgets/miscellaneous/news/2008/04/ironman_physics>. • Knight, Will. "Personal Helicopter Gets off the Ground - 16 January 2002 - New Scientist." Science News and Science Jobs from New Scientist - New Scientist. 16 Jan. 2002. Web. 24 May 2010. <http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn1793-personal-helicopter-gets-off-the-ground.html>. • McCarthy, Erin. "Iron Man 2 Particle Accelerator - Tony Stark Iron Man Fact Check - Popularmechanics.com." Automotive Care, Home Improvement, Tools, DIY Tips - Popularmechanics.com. 2010. Web. 24 May 2010. <http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/digital/fact-vs-fiction/iron-man-2-particle-accelerator>. • Mone, Gregory. "Building the Real Iron Man | Popular Science." Popular Science | New Technology, Science News, The Future Now. 9 Apr. 2008. Web. 24 May 2010. <http://www.popsci.com/node/20689>.