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Vocabulary. Define each word and write a 2-3 sentence explanation of why the word is important for Yearbook: deadline quality commitment teamwork responsibility. Deadline. We did not make our first deadline. This means we have to pay extra. Deadlines are crucial for Yearbook.

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  1. Vocabulary Define each word and write a 2-3 sentence explanation of why the word is important for Yearbook: deadline quality commitment teamwork responsibility

  2. Deadline • We did not make our first deadline. This means we have to pay extra. • Deadlines are crucial for Yearbook. • All work MUST be turned in on time. • If you are told to revise or edit your spread, it must be done IMMEDIATELY! • You will now have a weekly deadline. • Copy for your spread is due Friday.

  3. Quality • Your work must meet the quality requirements in order to be published in the yearbook. • If your spread does not meet the quality standard, it cannot be published. • The Yearbook Adviser (Miss Reid) and the editors (Sonya, Breanna, and Carolina) determine the quality of your spread. • You will respond to all notes, comments, suggestions, and requirements from your adviser and editors. • Each group must keep a log of notes from the adviser and editors. This log will be turned in every Monday for a grade.

  4. Commitment • Yearbook is not an “easy A”. • It takes commitment and hard work to produce a yearbook you can be proud of. • You must be willing to spend extra time on the yearbook in order for it to be a success.

  5. Teamwork • You are required to work as a team to accomplish your goals. • You must communicate openly and honestly with your team if you want to be successful in Yearbook. • If you are not contributing to the success of your team, you do not deserve credit for the work that is done. • You must complete a reflection for every spread that details how you contributed.

  6. Responsibility • Yearbook is a student-led, student-run class. • You are responsible for making sure your work is done and turned in on time. NO EXCUSES. • You must earn the right to use Yearbook privileges. • No one will use a computer, check out a press pass, check out a camera, leave the classroom, use any other Yearbook materials, or represent Yearbook without showing that you are a responsible member of this class.

  7. What do we do now? • Plan your spread on paper. • Present your copy to the adviser or an editor by Friday. • If your copy and spread design meet approval, then you may use a camera or computer. • Everyone in your group must have input. Even if you assign one person to copy, one person to photography, and one person to design, your team is responsible for the quality of ALL elements. Work together to come up with an angle, plan out interviews and photo opportunities, and design your spread. • All revised spreads must be worked on at home or on your own time. • If you do not have anything to work on, you will be assigned to the Advertising committee to create Senior and Business ads.

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