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Join the Year 3 and 4 students at Chrishall Primary School, Essex, as they conduct a rocket science experiment, from setting up to analyzing results. Learn about fair testing, germination, measurements, randomization, data plotting, and the journey of seeds from the International Space Station. Watch the students' engaging 'Big Write' presentation in the attached video.
The Rocket Science Experiment 2016Class LowryYears 3 and 4at Chrishall Primary School, Essex
Setting up the experiment • We made labels from old milk cartons. • Gabriel planted the first seed because it was his birthday. • We watered the seed trays all the same and regularly turned the trays 180 degrees. This ensured it was a fair test.
Germination and recording of measurements We learnt about calculating percentages when we worked out the percentage of seeds that had germinated. We added our measurements to the chart.
More measurements Randomisation was used to select which seedlings to measure. We had to count the number of true leaves.
After the experiment • At the end of our experiment all the results were entered onto the national database. • We also plotted the journey that the seeds had taken back from ISS as a homework activity. • We looked carefully at the results and made a prediction about whether the seeds from the blue packet or the red packet had been to ISS. • We plotted a graph from our survey. • Tim Peake announced that it was the seeds from the blue seed packet that had been to ISS.
Our ‘Big Write’ • We have displayed our work on the science ‘working wall’. • Lastly we did a ‘Big Write’ about our experiment. Our success criteria included using the past tense, chronological order, scientific vocabulary and explaining why it was a fair test. • Isobel in Year 3 wrote the best piece and so her writing follows on the next slides.
Now please watch our video (see attached .mp4 file) which contains every child in the class saying something from their ‘Big Write’.