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Tonight’s Agenda

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Tonight’s Agenda

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  1. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR RESULTS OBTAINED FROM ANY INFORMATION DISCUSSED DURING HAWKTRADE MEETINGS.  Past performance does not guarantee future results. Investment returns and principal value will fluctuate, so that investors' shares, when sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Investing in any financial instruments does not guarantee that an investor will make money, avoid losing capital, or indicate that the investment is risk-free. There are no absolute guarantees in investing. HAWKTRADE and its members do not bear any responsibility for losses or gains made by members trading on their personal accounts based on analysis from HAWKTRADE meetings.

  2. Tonight’s Agenda • Election Results • Economy • Europe Calendar/Greek Default • Technology • Smart Phones/Tablets

  3. Administrative Stuff • $15 Club Due • $5 more will get you a shirt • Oct 9th last day to order shirt

  4. Election Results • President: Carl Dick • Vice President: Darryl Cornish • Director of Marketing: Kyle Hasenmiller • Director of Group Simulations: Suyang Zhou • Director of Technology: Hunter Tebbitt • Director of External Affairs: Andrew Rymarz • Treasurer: Nick Melrose

  5. Are We on a Front End of a Recession? • Europe Derailing our economy again • Economic Data is Weak • Fed Running out of Tools • Fiscal Policy limited by politics

  6. Operation Twistthrough June 20126-30 yrs, 12.5 year avee2:06min

  7. Thu 22 Sep 11 | 07:00 PM ET Global Market Meltdown

  8. Entering a Bear Market? • Bear Market is technically a 20% decline • Europe has experienced 30%-40% declines already • Are we next?

  9. How to Trade in a Bear Market • Very Volatile • News Driven • Bear market Rallies • Buy the dips, sell the rips

  10. Econ Data

  11. Worst quarter since 2008

  12. Consumers say current economic conditions are deteriorating in what is a bad sign for the September employment report

  13. Economic growth for the second quarter ended up stronger than previously estimated but remained anemic

  14. Growth in personal income not just slowed in August but declined slightly

  15. New home sales remain lifeless at a nine-month low

  16. Data Pallooza

  17. Jobless Claims

  18. Europe: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

  19. Tue 20 Sep 11 | 12:38 PM ET Euro Calendar

  20. Expect Euro News to Contiue Moving the Markets

  21. Effects of Greek Default • Future of Europe Depends on Politics • Not healthy for the market • Many Europeans Don’t want to bailout other countries, could tank the markets • Europe Better off in the Long-run without Greece and maybe Portugal • Sigh of relief in the euro-zone today as Germany voted to expand the rescue fund for European countries in crisis

  22. | 1:08 PM ET Greek Default Outlook

  23. Effects of Greek Default • Will Greece Default? • Greece Runs out of Money in a couple weeks • Orderly or Disorderly? • Will Euro Banks be Ready? • Will the Market Worry about Portugal and Italy? • Expect a lot of Volatility

  24. Technology • Smart Phones • Tablets • Cloud Computing

  25. London Metal Exchange

  26. Smart Phones

  27. Smart Phone Market Share: Operating System

  28. Smart Phone Market Share: Handsets • Apple-18.5% • Samsung-17.5% • Nokia-15.2%

  29. Apple • iPhone 5 design release on Tuesday • What will this mean for the stock? • How has apple reacted to past iPhone releases? • iPads doing well

  30. Wed 21 Sep 11 | 05:18 PM ET Time to Take a Bite Out of Apple?

  31. RIMM • Example of a Failing Tech stock • In ’08 had Market Cap of $70 billion • Currently Mkt Cap is $10 billion • Will it eventually get acquired by MSFT or Intel?

  32. Fri 16 Sep 11 | 12:30 PM ET Is This the End for Blackberry?

  33. Patent Wars: Smart Phone 2ndDervivative Play

  34. Patents are in High Demand • Google buys Motorola (MMI) for $12.5 billion • 17,000 patents • Nortel sells 6,000 for $4.5 billion to a consortium • Apple EMC, Ericsosson, MSFT, RIMM, and Sony • Who’s Next? • Apple & Samsung in major legal battles in Germany and Australia • HTC suing Apple • Google just bought $18 worth of patents from IBM

  35. Potential Takeout Targets • IDCC (9,000 patents) • Wireless protocol • 3G, 4G/LTE • EK (1,100 digital camera patents) • RIMM (thousands) • NOK (thousands)

  36. | 1:08 PM ET FOMC Meeting: Fed Launches Operation Twist

  37. Fed Decision

  38. What it will take to get the global economy/market going

  39. Tonight’s Agenda

  40. Fed Decision

  41. securities exchange in Shanghai, China

  42. London Metal Exchange

  43. Fiscal Policy

  44. Operation Twistthrough June 20126-30 yrs, 12.5 year avee2:06min

  45. Operation Twistthrough June 20126-30 yrs, 12.5 year avee2:06min

  46. Operation Twistthrough June 20126-30 yrs, 12.5 year avee2:06min

  47. Operation Twistthrough June 20126-30 yrs, 12.5 year avee2:06min

  48. Operation Twistthrough June 20126-30 yrs, 12.5 year avee2:06min

  49. London Metal Exchange

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