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Harnessing Dis-ability. Structure. Introduction Group work Recognising issues Sharing experiences Help developing disabled academic colleague Summary. Introduction ARU Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality 2010 Policy.
Structure • Introduction • Group work • Recognising issues • Sharing experiences • Help developing disabled academic colleague • Summary
IntroductionARU Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality 2010 Policy “Senior Managers have a particular responsibility to encourage the involvement and participation of disabled employees to ensure that, wherever possible, employment practices and procedures recognise and meet their needs.” …..….. We will take steps to ensure that disabled people have the same opportunity as other employees to develop their potential and progress their careers. As part of the annual appraisal process, line managers will discuss with disabled employees what actions can be taken to help them develop and use their abilities, including training and development.” (Employment of Disabled Staff, 2010)
A neglected area: disabled academic staff • Issues: • managing career development (teaching and REF) • staff observations • student feedback • senior management support
A teaching project: Harnessing Dis-ability • Title: “How disabled lecturers manage their disabilities in their teaching and engage students in the process” • usefulness of the technology • staff development • Method: an ethnographic study • observations • notes • stories • interviews
Our approach • An identification of a disability in a person from the perspective ofstrengths, not weaknesses… [and]… compensating for disruption through the development of skills representing higher mental functions(Yygotsky, 1978).
Opportunities • to learn about how different disabilities may affect your academic colleagues' classroom teaching, assessment and small group work • to create an awareness for a better career development of disabled academics
Examples of disabilities: • Hearing impairment (hard of hearing, cochlear implant user) • Dyslexia • Dyspraxia • Asperger’s Syndrome • ADHD • All above may also include various degree of anxiety • panic attacks • avoidance • nervousness
Group work • Stage 1: Recognising issues: How much do we know about it? • each group to discuss the main characteristics of one disability, create and present a mind map (using the poster) • Stage 2: Sharing experiences: How can we help each other? • each group to read a given article about one disability and discuss how they could improve teaching and assessment experience of their disabled colleague
Hearing impairment • For severely and profoundly deaf people, acquiring language is a different process from the way in which hearing people develop language. • Usually language is acquired through plentiful exposure to meaningful linguistic interaction in early childhood. • Severe deafness drastically reduces both the quantity and the quality of linguistic input available to the deaf person. • link this to a speech impairment Useful source: BBC (2012) “Living outside the hearing world”. Available: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16855655 (3 min)
Dyslexia • Dyslexia affects the area of the brain that deals with language, leading to differences in the way information is processed and affecting the underlying skills needed for learning to read, write and spell. Useful source: ‘’Exclusive: Sir Richard Branson on Dyslexia’’. Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpvF5xCQ7s8 (5 min) “Steven Spielberg discusses his dyslexia for the first time ever”. Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N6RKHOHMJQ (5 min) “Dyslexic Advantage - What You May Not Have Heard About Dyslexia” . Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyab_VSBCAk (14 min) “left from write - What is Dyslexia ? (Full 45 minute version). Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPhV9SyVmwA
Dyspraxia • Dyspraxia is a form of developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a common disorder affecting fine and/or gross motor coordination in children and adults. It may also affect speech. • DCD is a lifelong condition • Individuals may vary in how their difficulties present: these may change over time depending on environmental demands and life experiences. • An individual’s coordination difficulties may affect participation and functioning of everyday life skills in education, work and employment. Useful source: “Untold Stories - Living with Dyspraxia”. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Oe_qPcTnz0 (5 min) Dyspraxia Foundation (n.d.). Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMsGMOXM3AQ (6 min)
Asperger’s Syndrome (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) • Asperger syndrome is a form of autism, which is a lifelong disability that affects how a person makes sense of the world, processes information and relates to other people. • is mostly seen as a 'hidden disability'. You can't tell that someone has the condition from their outward appearance. • People with the condition have difficulties in three main areas. They are: • social communication • social interaction • social imagination Useful source: “Dr. Temple Grandin, "The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum“. Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA4tE3_2qmI The National Autistic Society (n.d). Available: http://www.autism.org.uk/About-autism/Autism-and-Asperger-syndrome-an-introduction/What-is-Asperger-syndrome.aspx (4 min)
ADHD • ADHD is one of the most common disorders of childhood and adolescence and is characterised by impulsivity and hyperactivity and/or inattention. • There are 3 main combinations of characteristics: • Some people have predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type. • Some have predominantly inattentive type. • And some have a combined type (this makes up the majority of ADHD cases. Useful source: “How A.D.H.D. Feels”. Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue0zSycgbN0 (3 min) “Driven To Distraction: ADHD.” Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy5L8W2vV-Q (2 min)
Anxiety • Symptoms of anxiety can include: agitation, disturbed sleep, change of appetite, headaches, digestive difficulties or panic attacks. • Sudden unexpected surges of anxiety are called panic, and usually lead to the person having to quickly get out of whatever situation they happen to be in. • Anxiety and panic are often accompanied by feelings of depression. Useful sources: “When Anxiety Attacks”. Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTEE1VFMksU (50min) “Autism: how anxiety affects everything - Sarah Hendrickx. “Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPD_yzMHJls
Issues • Hearing impairment • Dyslexia • Asperger • ADHD • Anxiety
A serious hearing impairment (hard of hearing or a cochlear implant user) • noise level and background noise • teaching adult means working harder; must always be able to listen and understand • tiring and demanding – demands an absolute concentration • suffering in silence • nervous in front of large audiencebecause of not being able to hear properly • speech incoherence • mistaken for being rude if not responding or avoiding answering • annoyed student • Not enough or too much light • confusing if everyone speaking at once • difficulty with “accented” speech • shouting and straining the voice – loss of quality resulting in tiredness • assessment - spelling • PowerPoint contains too much text
Dyslexia (dyspraxia) • planning lesson • writing on board • repeat writing • remembering names/notes • organising tasks • time management • sorting out groups • checking written work in the class • reading documents • time management • others do not understand about my conditions • ridicules • lack of self confidence in writing • concentration and attention problem leading to anxiety
ADHD (Asperger/Autistic Spectrum ) • hyperactivity - chatting a lot and demanding attention • forgetful • lack of fine motor control • looking out of window • inattention - getting bored very easily • making the excuses to transition to something else • Impulsivity - spontaneously whip up a more exciting activity foe the students • struggling to finish paperwork • prioritizing and deciding which task to complete first • difficult sitting still during staff meeting • processing world differently • too creative for where we are right now • too zippy • low self-esteem • difficulty concentrating • not following instructions
Anxiety • affected concentration and short-term memory • attendance, punctuality and behaviour • ability to participate • panic attack • communication difficulties • incompatible working practice • motivation
Discussion: Help developing your disabled academic colleague • better room arrangement • groups arrangement • distance/power between lecturer and students • relating to disabled students • speaking in turn • speaking slowly • clear speech • patience and understanding • be passionate about helping you colleagues: show that you CARE! • laughing with me not at me!
Summary • So, what have you learned today?
Also interesting…. • Bad lip-reading - http://thecookiebitechronicles.wordpress.com/page/6/
Other sources • Southampton University (n.d.) Supporting dyslexic trainees and teachers. pdf. Available at: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/studentservices/documents/unisouthampton-supportingdyslexictraineesandteachers.pdf. [accessed 20 June 2014] • The National Autistic Society (n.d). online. Available at: http://www.autism.org.uk/About-autism/Autism-and-Asperger-syndrome-an-introduction/What-is-Asperger-syndrome.aspx