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MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02. Teacher Use of SOL Test Score Data To Improve Instruction: A Review of the Literature and Proposed Research Design. Purpose Review of Literature Research Questions Proposed Methodology. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02. VCUJim McMillanSusan
1. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Teacher Use of SOL Test Score Data To Improve Instruction: A Review of the Literature and Proposed Research DesignMERC Planning and Policy CouncilJune 4, 2002
2. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Teacher Use of SOL Test Score Data To Improve Instruction: A Review of the Literature and Proposed Research Design Purpose
Review of Literature
Research Questions
Proposed Methodology
3. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 VCU
Jim McMillan
Susan McKelvey
Glen Miller
Colonial Heights
Gwen Moseley
Diane Corrigan
Carol Cash
Kathy Morrison
Kris Herakovich
Rosa Atkins Richmond
Cynthia Gentry
Charlene Brooks
Jacqueline Roberts
Victoria Oakley
Greg Muzik
Carol Pettis
Sandy Lynch
Janet Covington
Gayle Keith
Sue Jones Study Team
4. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Purpose
5. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Review of Literature General Literature
Professional Standards
Test-Specific Guidelines
6. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 General Literature Verify standardized test scores with other data and information
Recognize potential sources of error
Identify patterns of student achievement over several years
Avoid overwhelming teachers with data
Disaggregate data
Prioritize standards to be stressed
7. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 General Literature Ensure teacher understanding of technical and statistical concepts (e.g., validity and reliability)
Provide professional development in appropriate test score interpretation and use
8. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Professional Standards Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education, 1988
Standards for Teacher Competence in Educational Assessment of Students, 1990
Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement, 1995
Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, 1999
What Teachers Should Know and Be Able To Do, NBPTS, 2000
Student Evaluation Standards, 2002
9. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Professional Standards: Purpose and Use of Standardized Tests Provide teachers with information about purpose, limitations, and uses for proper interpretation
Identify appropriate and inappropriate interpretations and negative consequences
Use multiple sources of information in decision-making
Avoid using tests for purposes not specifically recommended
Limit use to those with adequate training
Have a clear and defensible rationale for each intended use of test scores
Clarify the extent to which the test samples targeted domains
10. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Professional Standards: Technical Areas
11. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Test-Specific Suggestions Use test results to supplement teacher observation and classroom assessment
Focus on subscale scores
Focus on class or group averages
Examine scores for outliers
Determine reasons for unexpected individual scores
Use scores to identify individual or group strengths and weaknesses
12. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 State-Specific Suggestions(MD, KY, CN) Use graphs
Compare school scores to state and county
Use trend data
Use disaggregated scores
Provide staff development and strategies for using test scores
Identify other variables influencing test scores
13. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 State-Specific SuggestionsTexas Item analysis and reports by objective
Indicator of areas that warrant further investigation
Mechanism for providing a “level playing field”
Results used in conjunction with other information
Generalizations made to content domains
14. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 “Objective-level information can be used as a preliminary survey to help identify skill areas in which further diagnosis is warranted.”
“Data gleaned should be used in conjunction with other evaluations of performance.”
“Once a possible weakness has been identified, supplementary data should be gathered to further refine students’ instructional planning needs.”
State-Specific SuggestionsTexas
15. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 State-Specific Suggestions:Virginia Workshop: Analyzing Your SOL Test Data: Improving Instruction Through Data-Based Decisions
Stress staff collaboration and consistency in all schools
Identify overall characteristics of SOL tests (e.g., 46% of Grade 5 math test used graphs)
Align content and instruction to emphasis based on SOL reporting categories
Align with level of cognitive skill assessed
16. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 State-Specific Suggestions:Virginia Interpret means with caution
Verify low scores with other information
Do not compare % correct for different items
Target individual students
Provide staff development
Compare students who pass with students who do not pass
17. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Alignment: Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy
18. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Alignment: Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy
19. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Division Practices Varied according to:
Nature of the data provided
Use of commercial packages
Reports requested from HEM
Involvement of principals
Training provided
20. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Proposed Research Questions What is the nature and extent of teacher use of SOL test score data? To what extent has usage differed according to grade level and subject?
How have teachers used SOL test data to change instruction?
What procedural factors influence test usage?
To what extent is “recommended practice” being utilized in interpreting and using test score data?
What suggestions do teachers have for increasing the use of test scores for changing instruction?
What is the nature of the training or inservice that teachers have found useful?
What suggestions do teachers have for teacher training institutions related to effective use of SOL test scores?
21. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Proposed Design: Phase 1 Large-scale survey
Design and pilot test survey (early fall)
Stratified random sample of 1200 teachers
Grades 3, 5
Grade 8 in four subjects
High school in six subjects
Distribute survey (early November)
22. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Proposed Design: Phase 2 Teacher interviews
Develop and pilot test interview questions (fall)
Principal nomination of teachers who have changed instruction based on SOL test scores (fall)
Conduct interviews (winter)
23. MERC Policy and Planning Council 6/4/02 Teacher Use of SOL Test Score Data To Improve Instruction: A Review of the Literature and Proposed Research DesignMERC Planning and Policy CouncilJune 4, 2002