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There will a be a short delay , ladies and gentlemen ! Senor Carini is not well !. You have to wait to hear your great Carini , Mr . Holmes . Maybe it will be called off . Don´t be optimistic sergeant . I know you don´t like fiddles . But you will like this one .
Therewill a be a shortdelay, ladiesandgentlemen! SenorCariniis not well! Youhave to wait to hearyourgreatCarini, Mr. Holmes. Maybeitwillbecalledoff. Don´t beoptimisticsergeant. I knowyou don´t likefiddles. Butyouwilllikethisone. I play the violin as a hobby, butCariniisoneofthegreatestwhoeverplayed. No fiddlesafterall! Come on Mr. Holmes! Aren´t yousergeantFlaherty? Comebackstageplease! There´s somethingwrongwithsenorCarini. A violinisthimself, SherlockHolmeslookedforward to hearingthegreatCariniin his last performance… But …
A doctorand ambulance are on thewaysergeant! Isthe gentleman withyou in the police? I wish he was. ThisisSherlockHolmes. ThegreatEnglishdetective. He´s dead, I thinkitwas a suicide. He seems to haveusedgas! Strange… Itsmellsfamiliar… Whatever he useditsmellsbad! Thisseems to havecontainedthe substance thatcausedCarini´s death … A verythinglassvial. ThankyouFlaherty. Now, let us look atCarini.
Seems to besomekindofcyanidegas. Itiswelldissipatedsincetheroom has beenopened. Dissipatedor not, getyour nose awayfromthat. I would lose my jobifanythinghappened to you. Thereisnothingforyou in this case Mr. Holmes. Carinitook his life. Whatelsecoulditbe? There are no windowsandCarini had thedoorlockedfromtheinside. Thekeyisstill in thelock. I stillthinkitwasmurdersergeant! Why are yousosure?
Theconcerttonightwas to be his big moment. The last one. Evenif he wanted to commitsuicide, he wouldsurelywaittillafter his triumph. No, gentlemen, itwassomethingelse… I don´t want to have a lot ofbad publicity aboutmurder in my theatre. Keepyour nose outofit. Let the police handle it! I´m beginning to dislikeyou, Mr. Small. And itwillmakethingseasierforme!
SergeantFlahertywaspuzzled… But his respectforHolmescausedhim to obeythefamousdetective … Youmustknowwhatyou are doing, sir, but I don´t. Hardly to beexpected, sergeant! I am not reallysuretoo. What´s next, sir? Let´s see, first, we´ll go to my hotel andget my fiddle. The n také me to thefinestglassblower in the city?
Verythinglass! Yousayyouwant a smallwialthatyoucanseal, ofthesamethickness? Precisely! We’llwait. Také yourtime on thisjob. Threelonghourslater… Don’t beimpatient, sergeant! Theactionisabout to begin.
JumpforyourlifeFlaherty! Holmes and sergeantFlaherty had allthematerialtheyneeded but someoneelsewasbeginning to worryabouttheiractivity … I don´tget …
Backatthetheatre a fewminuteslater… How in theworlddidyousavethatglassvial? I wouldhavedroppedeverything. Watchit, youfool! Are youreallygoing to play thatviolin, sir? Perhaps not as well as Carini, but I shall play! Just exactlywhat I wassupposed to do, I think!
Lookout, Holmes! Never mind him, get Holmes! Tellyouremployer to tryithimselfnexttime!
I doubtifyou’llthinkit very funny. I seeyoureplacedthebrokendoor. Very good. Flahertywasimpatientwith his guest’sdeliberateactions … ButLymanSmallwatchedwithsomethinglikefear in his eyes… No, MrSmall,everythingis fine! Willyoutakeus up to Carini’s dressing room? I heard a commotion! Isanythingwrong? Thatglassisthesamethickness as theoriginal, nowifyou’llclosethedoor, we’llhaveduplicatedthesetting in whichCarini met his death! Do you play theviolin, Holmes? Whatkindof a jokeisthis?
Very impressive! I’m a busy man, Holmes. I won’twastetimewithyourchildishtricks. Yes, youwill Mr. Small! Youstaytill Mr. Holmes says so. I will play theselectionpoorCariniwasrehearsingwhen he died… withpossiblythesameresults! Thisiscrazy! Stop it. Whatwillitprove? ThatthevialofcyanidegasshatteredwhenCarinihit a notethatperfectlymatchedtheharmonicsofthatvial! Thisvialisidentical – As isthecyanideinsideit!
We’llalldielikerats! Let meout! See, Mr. Small? My experiment worked! C-Cyanide? In thatvial? Holmes, you’recrazy! Thefearwasbuilding in LymanSamlluntilhe couldn’tstandit! Panic overcamereason. It’svibrating. Soonitwillshatter? Stop it! Stop it!Please!
Yes, yes. I didit!I’llconfess! I cansmellthecyanide! Youdidit. Didn’tyou? Youputthatvial in thisroom! That’s not cyanideyousmell. It’salmondoil. Smellsexactlylikeit! I oweyouanapology sir! I thoughtyouwerewrongfor a while. YouseeFlaherty, sometimesitpays to listen to a fiddleonce in a while!