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January 10, 2014 Jennie Harvell , HHS/ASPE Sue Mitchell, Independent Consultant

Comparison of ONC & LTPAC EHR Functional Criteria AND Testimony to HITPC C/A Workgroup (Summary Slides Only). January 10, 2014 Jennie Harvell , HHS/ASPE Sue Mitchell, Independent Consultant. Table of Contents. Privacy and Security Slide 3 Summary Care Record at TOC/Referral Slides 8

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January 10, 2014 Jennie Harvell , HHS/ASPE Sue Mitchell, Independent Consultant

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  1. Comparison of ONC & LTPAC EHR Functional CriteriaANDTestimony to HITPC C/A Workgroup(Summary Slides Only) January 10, 2014 Jennie Harvell, HHS/ASPE Sue Mitchell, Independent Consultant

  2. Table of Contents • Privacy and Security • Slide 3 • Summary Care Record at TOC/Referral • Slides 8 • Clinical Summary • Slides 13 • View, Download, Transmit • Slide 14 • Data Portability • Slide 15 • Patient Demographics • Slide 16 • Clinical Health Information • Slides 17 • Medication Related Criteria • Slides 20 • Incorporate Laboratory Tests & Values/Results • Slide 24 • Clinical Decision Support • Slides 25 • Advance Care Planning • Slides 28 • Clinical Quality measures • Slides 30 • Public Health • Slides 34 • Patient-Specific Education Resources • Slide 37 • LTPAC Setting Specific EHR-S Requirement • Slide 38

  3. Privacy & SecurityComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  4. Privacy & SecurityComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  5. Privacy & SecurityComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  6. Privacy & SecurityComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  7. Privacy & SecurityComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  8. Summary Care Record at TOC/Referral Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  9. Summary Care Record at TOC/Referral Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  10. Summary Care Record at TOC/Referral Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  11. Summary Care Record at TOC/Referral Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  12. Summary Care Record at TOC/Referral Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  13. Clinical Summary Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  14. View, Download, and Transmit to 3rd PartyComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  15. Data PortabilityComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  16. Patient DemographicsComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  17. Clinical Health Information Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  18. Clinical Health Information Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  19. Clinical Health Information Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  20. Medication Related Criteria Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/A WG Testimony

  21. Medication Related CriteriaComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  22. Medication Related CriteriaComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  23. Medication Related CriteriaComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  24. Incorporate Laboratory Tests & Values/Results Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  25. Clinical Decision Support Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  26. Clinical Decision Support Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  27. Clinical Decision Support Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  28. Advance Care PlanningComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  29. Advance Care PlanningComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  30. Clinical Quality Measures Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  31. Clinical Quality Measures Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  32. Clinical Quality Measures Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  33. Clinical Quality Measures Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  34. Public Health Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  35. Public Health Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  36. Public Health Comparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  37. Patient-Specific Education ResourcesComparison of ONC and HL7 and CCHIT Criteria and HITPC C/AWG Testimony

  38. LTPAC Setting Specific EHR-S Requirements

  39. Federally Required Assessments

  40. Federally Required Assessments

  41. Federally Required Assessments

  42. Federally Required Assessments

  43. Federally Required Assessments

  44. Survey and Certification Requirements

  45. Survey Requirements

  46. Survey Requirements

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