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Current Status of the IAU Working Group on Coordination of Synoptic Observations of the Sun.

Current Status of the IAU Working Group on Coordination of Synoptic Observations of the Sun. Alexei A. Pevtsov (National Solar Observatory, USA). http://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/working_groups/174/. http://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/working_groups/174/.

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Current Status of the IAU Working Group on Coordination of Synoptic Observations of the Sun.

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  1. Current Status of the IAU Working Group on Coordination of Synoptic Observations of the Sun. Alexei A. Pevtsov (National Solar Observatory, USA)

  2. http://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/working_groups/174/http://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/working_groups/174/

  3. http://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/working_groups/174/http://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/working_groups/174/

  4. http://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/working_groups/174/http://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/working_groups/174/

  5. Unified Sun-Earth System Alan Aylward Transport Responding System Source/Sun Evolving magnetic fields Eruptive events: flares, CMEs, filaments SEPs Irradiance variations […] Different spatial and temporal scales (solar cycle) IMF, Solar wind, ICMEs, Shocks, GCRs and SEPs Magnetosphere Ionosphere Neutral Atmosphere (Climate) […] Changes in “Responding System”: Geologic/geophysical/anthropogenic activity Effect on measurements

  6. Space- vs. Ground-based Space- and Ground-based observations are complementary to each other. Neither is “inferior” or “superior” to the other. Ground-based can serve as a “back-up” to space-based data.

  7. Space Weather Data from Groundbased Instruments • Imaging in optical, near infrared wavelengths (350 – 1500 nm) and radio wavelengths • Sun-as-a-star high resolution spectroscopy and integrated radio-flux (e.g., 2800 MHz = 10.7 cm) • Full disk LOS and vector magnetography (photosphere and chromosphere) • Helioseismic observations • Various proxies of solar activity (e.g., area/sunspot number, sunspot field strength) • Extensive historic records of past solar activity • Reconstruction of paleo- solar activity via analysis of radio-isotopes (14C; 10Be - space climate)

  8. Main international solar monitoring networks • SOON/ISOON: visual, WL, H-alpha, 5 stations, NSO-USAF (USA) • GONG: helioseismology, magnetograms, WL, H-alpha, 6 stations (NSO, USA) • CHAIN:FMT: WL, H-alpha (core-wings), 2 stations + 2 (Hida, Japan) • GHN, Global H-alpha High-Resolution Network: informal portal (NJIT, USA) CHAIN SOON/USAF Huairou BBSO San Vito Hida NSO/SOLIS Holloman Mt. Chelia Udaipur GHN Penticton Irkutsk Yunnan 1947-1990, Ottawa HAO Kislovodsk GONG Ramey Tenerife Ica Culgoora San Juan, HASTA Learmonth Cerro Tololo Antarctica

  9. ISOON • SOON (NSO/USAF): • Only organized network • 4 stations • No direct access to data • ISOON: Kirkland AFB • Currently only 1 station • CHAIN/ Flare Monitoring Telescope (FMT): Hida Observatory (Japan) • Under construction • 3 stations (+ Antarctica?) FMT

  10. A single dedicated Hα portal • 8 contributing stations (4 in Europe): daily raw synoptic images

  11. UTC +8 -10 +5.5 -4 -7 -8 • 6-7 time zones • Non-tunable • Uniform data • (filters are not uniform) • 1-minute cadence

  12. Multiple uncoordinated stations in EU Main observatories • Many European stations, but operating independently on small national budgets • Core group of stations in operation: Kanzelhöhe, Uccle, Catania, Paris-Meudon NRT Web images HaSTeNET? CCD capability New instrument Utrecht/DOT Wroclaw Brussels Ondrejov Paris-Meudon Tatranska-Lomnica Debrecen Kanzelhöhe Locarno Bucarest Pic-du-Midi Coimbra Hvar Rome Kandili Athens Catania

  13. Current Issues • Lack of coordination (non-uniform data, overlap/lack of specific observations) • No understanding of what data is needed for Space Weather forecast (need input from forecasters) • Current observations are not well-aligned with requirements of SW research/forecast • Funding shortages; issues related to “National Security”

  14. Requirements for data? • Wavelength ranges • Cadence, spatial and spectral resolution • Derived parameters (magnetic field/vector or LOS), Doppler velocities? • Which data are necessary/supplementary?

  15. Current developments/Future Plans • New network to replace GONG/SOLIS (aimed at multi-wavelength helioseismology and vector magnetography) • European HaSTeNET? • Digitization of historic data (Sac Peak, BBSO, Kodaikanal, MWO, Baikal Astrophys. Observatory) • IAU Working Group on Coordination of Synoptic Observations of the Sun • Interested in participation? http://www.iau.org/science/scientific_bodies/working_groups/174/

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