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Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program – Registration & Attestation Process

Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program – Registration & Attestation Process. Information & Handouts. Accessing Handouts and Supporting Documents Asking Questions & Getting Answers. Agenda. Review of Incentive Program Medicaid Registration & Attestation Process Brief Q&A.

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Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program – Registration & Attestation Process

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  1. Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program – Registration & Attestation Process

  2. Information & Handouts • Accessing Handouts and Supporting Documents • Asking Questions & Getting Answers

  3. Agenda • Review of Incentive Program • Medicaid Registration & Attestation Process • Brief Q&A

  4. Previous HealthInsight Webinars • Visit HealthInsight Event page to download the recorded webinar session: • http://www.healthinsight.org/Internal/HI_Events.html

  5. What Incentives are Available • Medicare OR Medicaid Incentives Available to Providers • Eligible Providers may participate in only ONE of the two programs • Medicaid Incentives may be paid out over 6 years. These years DO NOT have to be consecutive.

  6. When are Incentives Available • Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program is currently scheduled to launch early August • Expect Year 1 payment 4-6 weeks after attestation for Adoption, Implementation or Upgrade (AIU) • Medicaid Incentive Payments will be made up to 2021

  7. Qualifying for A,I,U • What do I need to prove AIU to attest (Adopt, Implement & Upgrade)? • EPs and EHs will need to be prepared to provide information and documentation about their EHR adoption efforts at the time of attestation including: • EHR Certification Number which can be found at http://oncchpl.force.com/ehrcert?q=CHPL • Medicaid Patient Volume Information including Numerator and Denominator • Signed letter on practice letterhead stating Adopt, Implement or Upgrade methodology being used and how efforts support this methodology • Copy of Purchase Order, Contract, Service Agreement, etc to prove the purchase or acquisition of a Certified EHR.

  8. Register for Incentive Programs • Obtain a valid PECOS ID: • https://pecos.cms.hhs.gov/pecos/login.do • OR a NPPES(National Plan & Provider Enumeration System) User ID and Password: • https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/StaticForward.do?forward=static.npistart • Once a valid PECOS ID/NPPES ID is obtained you will register using the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Site to indicate your intent to participate in Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program http://ehrincentives.cms.gov/hitech/login.action

  9. Nevada Medicaid Attestation Process • Registration for Nevada Medicaid EHR Incentive Program will be available on August 6th • Registration will require a valid PECOS Username & Password for each Eligible Provider or Hospital • Eligible Provider NPI #

  10. Nevada Medicaid Attestation Process (Cont.) • Registration Confirmation will be sent to email provided with a link for Attestation on following date • (if Registered on Aug 6th, confirmation will be send on Aug 7th to start Attesting for the Incentive) • Access to Nevada Medicaid Provider Portal • https://www.medicaid.nv.gov/hcp/provider/Home/tabid/135/Default.aspx

  11. Nevada Medicaid Attestation Process (Cont.) • If you are attesting for the entire Group Practice, you must include all providers patients volume. • When attesting, ONLY attest eligible providers in your Practice. • Not hospital-based MD, DO, PA*, NP, Certified Nurse Midwife, DDS • Must logout before Attest for additional provider within your group practice

  12. What will the Attestation process look like? Provider Login: User ID Password

  13. If Practice select to Attest using Group Patient Volumes

  14. Webinar Schedule • HealthInsight will be hosting a series of Webinars through the month of July that will help to explain the Medicaid Incentive Requirements and the Registration and Attestation Process. • Past Sessions July 11th , July 18th , July 25th http://www.healthinsight.org/Internal/HI_Events.html • Future Session: • August 1st at 1pm – Repeat of Registration/Attestation Process http://tinyurl.com/NVMedicaidAttest

  15. Contact Information

  16. Links & Resources HealthInsight: http://www.HealthInsight.org PECOS: https://pecos.cms.hhs.gov/pecos/login.do NPPES: https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/StaticForward.do?forward=static.npistart Incentive Registration: https://ehrincentives.cms.gov/hitech/login.action CMS Medicaid FAQ: https://questions.cms.gov/ Nevada Medicaid FAQ: https://dhcfp.nv.gov/EHRI/Final%20FAQ's.pdf EHR Certification Information: http://oncchpl.force.com/ehrcert?q=CHPL NV Medicaid Provider Portal: https://www.medicaid.nv.gov/hcp/provider/Home/tabid/135/Default.aspx CMS Registration User Guide: https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Legislation/EHRIncentivePrograms/downloads/EHRMedicaidEP_RegistrationUserGuide.pdf

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