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POISON DART FROG. Matias Fritsch Díaz 7B. Poison Dart Frog. Taxonomy Order : Anura Family : Dendrobatidae Genus / species : Dendrobates auratus ( green poison arrow frog ) Dendrobates tinctorius ( dyeing poison frog )

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  1. POISON DART FROG MatiasFritsch Díaz 7B

  2. PoisonDartFrog • TaxonomyOrder: AnuraFamily: DendrobatidaeGenus/species: Dendrobatesauratus(greenpoisonarrowfrog)Dendrobatestinctorius (dyeingpoisonfrog) • Size: They can be from 1 to 1.5 inches (3 to 4 cm). Frogs in some populations may reach 2.5 inches (6 cm). • Weighing less than an ounce (28 grams).

  3. PoisonDartFrog • Color : They can beyellow, gold, copper, red, green, blue, orblack. They have stripes or spots, this can be blue, blue-green, green, yellow-green, or white. Theyhavesome of themostbrilliant and beautifulcolorsonEarth. • Habitats: Tropical forests of Costa Rica toBrazil. • They can live 10 years.

  4. Bibliography • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/amphibians/poisonfrog/ • http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/creaturefeature/poisondartfrog/ • http://allaboutfrogs.org/info/species/poison.html • http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/aposematic+coloration • http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/ReptilesAmphibians/Facts/FactSheets/Poisondartfrog.cfm

  5. AposematicColoration • AposematicColoration: “Itisconspicuous coloration or markings of an animal serving to warn off predators” http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/aposematic+coloration • “Theirbeautifulcolors, designsns and spots are deliberatelyostentatioustoward off potentialpredators”

  6. Toxidity • They are some of themosttoxicanimalsonEarth. • Theyhaveenoughvenomtokill 10 grownmenor 20,000 mice • IndigenousEmberápeople of Colombia haveuseditspowerfulvenomforcenturiestotiptheirdartswhenhunting. • Isunsurethesource of thepoison , butitispossibletheyassimilateplantpoisonswhich are carriedbytheirprey, includingants, termites and beetles. • Poisondartfrogsraised in captivity and isolatedfrominsects in theirnativehabitatneverdevelopvenom. • Scientist are tryingto use thisvenom as a painkiller

  7. Reproduction • Mating season for D. auratus occurs throughout the entire rainy season from mid-July through mid-September. • Male frogs go through an elaborate ritual to attract mates. The males vocalize, a trill sound, to attract females. Once the courtship ritual is complete the females deposit up to 40 eggs on leaves. The eggs are encased in a gelatinous substance for protection against desiccation. • During the two-week development period, the male returns to the eggs periodically to check on them. Once the tadpoles hatch, they swim onto the male’s back and he carries them to a place suitable for further development, such as wet holes in broken trees and branches, little ponds, and wet coconut-shells.

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