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Theogony Analysis (Part 2). World Literature Mr. Brennan. Void and World Parents . Portrayals of Theogony. Polytheistic . Hierarchy w/ Supreme Ruler (connection to tyranny/reality). Metaphysical (Origin of Cosmos) : Religious (Poly- Mono- theistic) :
Theogony Analysis (Part 2) World Literature Mr. Brennan
Void and World Parents Portrayals ofTheogony Polytheistic Hierarchy w/ Supreme Ruler (connection to tyranny/reality) • Metaphysical (Origin of Cosmos): • Religious (Poly- Mono- theistic): • Social/Political (Hierarchy of Power): • Social/Political (Patri- Matri- archy): • Axis mundi (World Axis): • Anthropological (Origin of Man): • Environmental (Explanation of Natural): • Psychological (Psyche/Archetypes): • Morality (Values/Good v. Evil/Purpose of Man): Patriarchy Mount Olympos Created by Prometheus, on behalf of Zeus, from clay Earth composed of Gaia; Personification of Gods [we will cover this in a future lesson] serve the gods, honor bravery and courage via stories of heroes
Gender ofTheogony Women give birth, which leads to old age, and death— stressing the cycle of death and re-birth. For men, the control over birth and death, sometimes leads to a power—struggle, potentially revealing their desire to take over birth—power?
Significance ofTheogony • Affirms no historical royal line, just the kingship as the natural embodiment of society (i.e. Zeus), and solidifies Olympus as the dwelling of the gods • Hesiod is unique in that he appropriates to himself, the poet, the authority usually reserved to sacred kingship (Muses bestowed unto him the two gifts of a scepterand an authoritative voice, the visible signs of kingship. The authority of kingship now belongs to the poetic voice) • Cyclical Violence towards Order & Fate: Kronos and Ourano’s murder symbolizes the presence and suppression of primal appetites that must occur before society can come into being. [Struggle can produce a better world. From murder and bloodshed comes beauty and order.] Like in most creation myths, though, the forces of chaos never disappear completely[ongoing tyranny]
EnumaElishandTheogony • The creation myth in Hesiod is believed to have Eastern influences(i.e. Enuma Elis). This cultural crossover would have occurred around 900B.C. Greek trading colonies (i.e. Al Mina, North Syria) • Al-Mina (Arabic "the port") is an ancient Greek trading colony, founded a little before 800 BC that supported cultural mixing from both east and west.