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REACH Současný stav legislativního procesu Karel Bláha Odbor environmentálních rizik Ministerstvo životního prostředí Kouty n. Desnou, 17. 5. 2006. Council Conclusions. Parliament’s Opinion. Feb. 2001. 1999 - Feb 2001. Stakeholder Consultation. April –Nov. 2001. 2 April 2001.
REACH Současný stav legislativního procesu Karel Bláha Odbor environmentálních rizik Ministerstvo životního prostředí Kouty n. Desnou, 17. 5. 2006
Council Conclusions Parliament’s Opinion Feb. 2001 1999 - Feb 2001 Stakeholder Consultation April –Nov. 2001 2 April 2001 Council Common Position 2005/6 Parliament’s 2nd Reading 2006 Parliament’s 1st Reading NOV 2005 Legislative Proposals October 2003 Final Legislative Acts New Chemical Policy in Force:2007? EU Chemicals Policy Review Co-decision process & timing Proposal DG ENV DG ENT April 2003 Interservice Process Commission Development of the White Paper Internet Consultation May-July 2003 White Paper Proposal DG ENV DG ENT September 2003 Opinion Commission Interservice Process Commission Conciliation Directly applicable in Member States
Council - UK Presidency 2005 • Council AHWP Meetings • 5-6 SEP: Title X - C&L; Title XIV Transitional & Final Provisions • Formal presentation of Presidency Draft Compromise(11844/05) • 19-20 SEP: Titles I, II and III: Annexes I, II – X • 27 SEP: Registration • 3-4 OCT: Titles IV, V, VI and Annexes Ia, Ib and XI • 18 OCT: Title VII - Authorisation • 24-25 OCT: Titles VIII – XIV, Annexes XIV and XV • Formal presentation of Revised Presidency Draft Compromise (13753/05) • 7- 8 NOV: Registration, Evaluation, Authorization (Titles II, III, VI, VII) • 14 - 15 NOV: Revised draft discussed • 21 - 22 NOV: Revised draft discussed
Council meetings - 2005 11 OCT:Competitiveness Council – Policy Debate 17 OCT:Environment Council – Policy Debate 13 DEC:Competitiveness Council – Extraordinary Meeting Political agreement achieved
Council - AT Presidency 2006 • Council AHWP Meetings • 13-14FEB: Recitals Consolidated text of the Regulation document 15921/05 REV 1 (March 9, 2006) • 16MAY: Discussion with MEPs Common Position to EP by the end of May, 2006 ?? FI Presidency (WD18/06) Adoption of the Regulation in the second reading Finish should finish !
COMMON POSITITION 7524/06 COMPET 72 ENV 189 CHIMIE 12 CODEC 252 OC 224 (April 28, 2006) Common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency and amending Directive 1999/45/EC and Regulation (EC) {on Persistent Organic Pollutants} and a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 67/548/EEC in order to adapt it to Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals
JURISTS/LINGUISTS MEETING17- 18 May 2006 It is to be noted that at the end of "jurist/linguist" meetings all language versions are considered definitive texts. It is therefore indispensable that comments for each language be presented before, or at the latest, during the meeting.
SPOLEČNÁ POZICE 7524/06 COMPET 72 ENV 189 CHIMIE 12 CODEC 252 OC 224 (April 28, 2006) Společný postoj Rady k přijetí směrnice Evropského parlamentu a Rady, kterou se mění směrnice Rady 67/548/EHS o sbližování právních a správních předpisů týkajících se klasifikace, balení a označování nebezpečných látek za účelem jejího přizpůsobení nařízení (ES) č. .../2006+ o registraci, hodnocení, schvalování a omezování chemických látek a o zřízení Evropské agentury pro chemické látky + Pro Úř. věst.: Vložte prosím číslo nařízení REACH.
European Commission Working Groupon the Practical Preparations on REACH 11 OCT:CWG/15/2005 – Preparation for the European Chemicals Agency 25 OCT: AHWP Meeting – Cion presents WD 255/05 2 NOV: CZ sends the Letter of Commitment to Cion 28 NOV: CWG Meeting (London) back-to-back with the CA meeting 13 MAR: subgroup for REACH enforcement established 22 MAY next meeting
National Conference on Industrial Toxicology and Ecotoxicology Kouty nad Desnou 18 May 2004 REACH Eva Sandberg European Commission DG Environment
Svaz chemického průmyslu České republiky (SCHP ČR) REACH Stávající chemická legislativa – seminář SCHPČRNárodní technické muzeum 14.02.2005 Ladislav Novák RESPONSIBLE CARE
REACH Advocacy – State of Play Prague, 5 October 2005 Franco Bisegna – Senior Counsellor EU Government Affairs
Může být REACH přínosem pro ochranu veřejného zdraví? Miroslav Cikrt a Zdeněk Šmerhovský Státní zdravotní ústav Praha listopad 2005