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Embracing True Spirituality: A Call to Christian Liberty and New Creation

Explore Galatians 5:1-6:15 to understand the essence of Christian living, freedom in Christ, and the transformation into a new creation with a divine nature. Discover the importance of prioritizing spiritual renewal over legalistic practices.

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Embracing True Spirituality: A Call to Christian Liberty and New Creation

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  1. Ch 5-6: New Life in the Spirit • 5:1-6:10 Call to Christian Living • 5:1-5:15 Call to Christian Liberty • 5:16-5:26 Call to True Spirituality • 6:1-6:10 Call to Christian Service • 6:11-18 Conclusion • 6:11-16 Final Challenge • 6:17-18 Benediction

  2. Galatians 6:12-13“The Hidden Motives of the Persecutors” • The Approval of the People (6:12a) • The Avoidance of Persecution (6:12b) • The Appearance of Perfection (6:13a) • The Attitude of Pride (6:13b)

  3. “and I to the world” Galatians 6:14b “the world has been crucified to me” world system rendered inoperative men viewed differently world system reckoned inoperative different obligation toward men

  4. Gal 6:15 Howard Vos Galatians: A Call to Christian Libertypp. 118-119 “These may affect the body but do nothing for the soul (cf Gal 5:6). But what is significant is a new creation with new life by the crucifixion and resurrection. The ‘new creation’ is not new in terms of time, that is, recent, but new in quality and different in character from the old. It results from a creative act of God which introduces man to the blessing of salvation, implants a new heart within him and imparts to him a whole new nature.”

  5. Gal 6:15 David Jeremiah Claiming Faith, Finding Freedom: the study of Galatianspg. 114 “What only matters now is that the believer in Christ is a new creature, literally, ‘a new creation.’ The word for ‘new’ here is kainos. It does not mean new in terms of time, but new in terms of character. Judaism was wrapped up in a system of rules, rituals, and regulations. But Christianity is something entirely new. It is a departure from religion into a supernatural life. “Christianity begins with a supernatural experience called the new birth, and it is developed in a supernatural community called ‘the body of Christ’ into which the believer is introduced by a supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit by means of His filling and anointing. All of this is radically new and different from Judaism. Circumcision has nothing to do with it!”

  6. Gal 6:15 Ron Merryman Galatians: God’s Antidote to Legalism pg. 120 “The Judaistic legalizers were wrong in both their doctrine and their emphasis. Today, legalists within the body of Christ often mislead by emphasis, since their priorities are in the wrong place. Only as a believer equates priorities from divine viewpoint will he/she get a proper perspective of and balance in the Christian life. It is clear from this passage that the ‘new creation,’ i.e., the regenerated man within every believer, is of great import to God... The protein of the new man is the Word of God. The catalyst in digesting the Word is the very Holy Spirit of God: The new man cannot go wrong because of these two essential elements of truth (the Word and the Spirit) that contribute to his frame of reference. As Paul says, ‘In Christ, rites such as circumcision are as nothing, BUTTHENEWMANISSOMETHING! Put your priority and emphasis on the new creation.’ ”

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