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Shelter Cluster Meeting 17:00, Dec 18, 2013

Shelter Cluster Meeting 17:00, Dec 18, 2013. Agenda. 1. Strategy Funding, Govn Plan, SAG, indicators 2 . IM Update Progress update, DROMIC analysis, assessments 3. Technical Update Technical guidelines, HLP, coco lumber 4 . AOB. Strategy.

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Shelter Cluster Meeting 17:00, Dec 18, 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Shelter Cluster Meeting17:00, Dec 18, 2013

  2. Agenda • 1. Strategy • Funding, Govn Plan, SAG, indicators • 2. IM Update • Progress update, DROMIC analysis, assessments • 3. Technical Update • Technical guidelines, HLP, coco lumber • 4. AOB

  3. Strategy • SRP Funding update - Haiyan: total appealed amount in shelter USD178,442,176, 34 projects, 19.4% funded (=USD34,680,567) • Funding received to date does not include everything – particularly private donations and we are working on getting the FTS to reflect this. • All sectors 31% funded. • Bohol Earthquake Appeal has definitely suffered from Haiyanresponse.

  4. Strategy continued • Government plan – RAY launched this morning • Gone for the big number of 180 billion • Clear impact on the shelter packages which are unconfirmed • However issues that we are raising are around equitability, top ups, capability

  5. Strategy Continued • SAG update – • Structural assessments required, to date only ocular assessments carried out by DSWD’s welfare officers • Dedicated coverage at municipality level – is this an option? • Indication as to capacity & certainty would be welcomed by DSWD Indicators - Humanitarian Response Monitoring Framework is under development

  6. Indicators Objective 1: Shelter Cluster partners will provide immediate life-saving emergency shelter such as tarpaulins and tents with supporting (shelter-related) NFI solutions for the most vulnerable typhoon-affected households. OUTCOMES - MONITORING OUTPUTS – 3W TRACKING 1.1 Number of households that sustained house damage that are currently living in safe, habitable emergency shelter # of Households that have been provided a minimum of 1 tarpaulin # of Households that have received a tent solution 1.2 % of households that are satisfied with the emergency shelter support and assistance that they receive from humanitarian agencies # of outreach methods used to convey good practice with tarpaulins # of different IEC materials distributed

  7. Indicators Objective 2: Shelter Cluster partners will provide support for household self-recovery through incremental housing solutions using consultative, participatory processes OUTPUTS – 3W TRACKING OUTCOMES - MONITORING # of HH that have been provided a durable roof solution 2.1 Number of households that sustained house damage from the typhoon that are currently living in safe, habitable dwellings resulting from assistance from humanitarian partners # of supplementary hardware interventions that contribute to durable housing, including tools, wall and structural materials # HH who have been provided a cash disbursement of 10,000 PHP or more 2.2 % of households that are satisfied with the recovery solutions and assistance received from humanitarian agencies # of awareness raising and outreach campaigns

  8. Progress Update 207,000 HH reached with emergency shelter (further 469,000 planned) Almost 41,000 HH given support to self recovery of shelter (further 264,000 planned) Support to self recovery of shelter = Roofing materials, Shelter Repair kits, Transitional shelter & cash

  9. Progress Update

  10. Update us on your activities Reporting template on sheltercluster.org website Questions/queries to: reporting.phil@sheltercluster.org New format coming in the New Year

  11. Latest maps available on website


  13. ASSESSMENTS – MIRA II Housing remains a key priority for the affected population. One and half month after Typhoon Haiyan made landfall, more than half of the population in the coastal areas of Eastern Visayas (Samar, Eastern Samar and Leyte) remain displaced from their homes

  14. ASSESSMENTS – MIRA II Market Performance – potential impact for cash programming

  15. ASSESSMENTS REACH Shelter & WASH assessment Preliminary findings 20th Dec Final report: 31st Dec ACAPS Secondary Data Review Analysis of existing information Indetification of information gaps

  16. Technical Update • Updated technical guidelines on website • Transitional/core shelter guidelines under development • Development of curriculum for training of carpenters with TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) - Region 8 • IEC material around use and handling of CGI under development with IOM

  17. Housing, Land and Property • Key HLP messages on website • Common positioning paper being developed by inter-cluster WG – will be circulated by end of the week • Specific paper on bunkhouses (inter-cluster) around standards developed - end of week

  18. Coco lumber Meeting was held on Tuesday, led by UNDP with attendance from ILO and the SCT (WFP were invited but couldn’t make it) around the use of coco lumber for both shelter means and ongoing livelihoods support. Interim guidance paper being developed and scale being considered with emphasis on supply chain management.

  19. Subscribe to shelter cluster updates on our website

  20. AOB • Incoming staff • Xmas coverage

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