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Loop-top altitude decrease in an X-class flare. A.M. Veronig 1 , M. Karlick ý 2 ,B. Vršnak 3 , M. Temmer 1 , J. Magdalenić 3 , B.R. Dennis 4 , W. Otruba 5 , W. Pötzi 5 1 Institute of Physics/IGAM, University of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Loop-top altitude decrease in an X-class flare A.M. Veronig1,M. Karlický2,B. Vršnak3,M. Temmer1, J. Magdalenić3, B.R. Dennis4, W. Otruba5, W. Pötzi5 1 Institute of Physics/IGAM, University of Graz, A-8010 Graz, Austria 2 Ondřejov Observatory, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic 3 Hvar Observatory, Faculty of Geodesy, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia 4 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, MD 20771, U.S.A.5 Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory, University of Graz, A-9521 Treffen, Austria
Introduction • Recent RHESSI X-ray observations provided evidence for a loop-top altitude decrease during the early phase of a flare Sui & Holman 2003, Sui et al. 2004, Krucker et al. 2003, Liu et al. 2004 Afterwards the behavior changed to the generally observed upward growth of the flare loop system. • Here: Analysis of the flare loop system of the X3.9 flare on 2003 November 3 Aim: Extract further observational details (LT kinematics; LT plasmaevolution) during the time of altitude decrease & Modelling in the frame of a collapsing magnetic trap • Data: RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager) • GOES-12/SXI (Soft X-ray Imager) • SoHO/EIT (Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) • Kanzelhöhe H
X4 flare from NOAA 10488 GOES 3-day plot: 2003 November 2–5
Magnetic evolution of NOAA 10488 21 Oct – 4 Nov 2003 MDI Magnetograms + Flare locations Courtesy of Peter T. Gallagher
RHESSI image sequence Impulsive Phase: 09:47 UT – 10:01 UT Images: 12–15 keV Contours: 70–100 keV 2 footpoints at high energies + Loop-top source at low energies
KanzelhöheH image sequence Preflare, main & decay phase: 9 – 13 UT
H loops in flare decay phase H images from Public Observatory Rimavska Sobota (Slovakia) 12:46 UT 14:55 UT
GOES-12 SXI image time series Full day 2003 Nov 3: 2 X-class flares from same AR 10488
Evolution of flare and post-flare loop system Loop Height vs. Time
Evolution of RHESSI footpoints and loop-top Centroids of RHESSI FPs and LT source on MDI continuum image
Time of LT altitude decrease: • Spectral change • a) increase of T (thermal em) and/or • b) spectral hardening (non-th) Kinematics of RHESSI sources Impulsive phase: • Kinematics of LT & FPs • is consistent • LT: higher energies at higher heights
Results from linear fits: EnergyInitial Altitude Final Altitude Downward velocity (keV) (Mm) (Mm) (km/s) RHESSI 25-30 13.8 7.3 45 RHESSI 20-25 12.1 7.7 30 RHESSI 15-20 11.7 7.5 29 RHESSI 10-15 10.1 8.2 14 SXI 8.6 7.0 12 Distinct relation with X-ray energy (consistent with results of Sui et al.) Loop-top altitude decrease: Kinematics
Summary of observational results • Impulsive phase: LT source moved upward and FPs separated. At higher energies the LT source is located at higher altitudes. Consistent with the standard reconnection model in which the energy release occurs higher and higher in the corona. • At the very beginning the LT altitude decreased. The effect is stronger for higher X-ray energies (cf. Sui & Holman 2003, Sui et al. 2004). Decrease up to 50% of the initial height, mean „downward“ velocities up to 45 km/s. • Simultaneously the LT spectrum changes.RHESSI spectra indicate thermal emission of a „superhot“ (Lin et al. 1981)plasma (3545 MK) before the acceleration of fast particles! • X-ray and H observations are indicative of very high densities in LT. Hot LT plasma at time of LT altitude decrease: n 1010 cm3 Hot LT plasma peak density: n 3·1011 cm3H post-flare LT plasma density: n 1012 cm3(H loop in emission against the solar disk: Heinzel & Karlický 1987, Švestka et al. 1987)
Discussion LT altitude decrease:Intrinsic process of magnetic reconnection? • Relaxation of newly reconnected field lines („field line shrinkage“) to form closed loops(Švestka et al. 1987, Lin et al. 1995, Forbes & Acton 1996, Lin 2004) • Push down of the lower bound of the current sheetduring the change from slow X-point to fast Petschek reconnection(Sui et al. 2004) • Plasma processes in a collapsing magnetic trap configuration (Somov & Kosugi, 1997, Karlický et al.) • Plasma processes in a collapsing magnetic trap configuration (Somov & Kosugi, 1997, Karlický et al.)
Betatron mechanism: acceleration & heating (Brown & Hoyng 1975, Emslie 1981, Karlický & Kosugi 2004) Farady‘s law Collapsing magnetic trap: Model Model based onKarlický and Kosugi (2004)
Collapsing magnetic trap (1-D): Results X-ray Intensity for thermal bremsstrahlung as function of height at 3 times
Collapsing magnetic trap (1-D): Results Height (t) Velocity (t) Time evolution of emission centroid (for thermal bremsstrahlung)
Comparison of model results & observations • Collapsing magnetic trap model can account for: • Altitude decrease of emission centroid (for thermal and nonthermal X-rays) • Structuring of X-rays with energies: Emission source of higher energy X-rays are located above lower energies – works only for the thermal case!For 2003 Nov 3 flare this is in agreement with RHESSI spectra • Higher downward „velocities“ for higher X-ray energies