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This vaccine webinar series is provided as a community service by Homefirst Natural Pharm Store http://store.homefirst.com. Antibody-mediated. Our immune system’s last line of defence. Antibodies are the only measure of vaccine effectiveness, yet we have known since the early 1930s that –
This vaccine webinar series is provided as a community service by Homefirst Natural Pharm Store http://store.homefirst.com
Antibody-mediated Our immune system’s last line of defence. Antibodies are the only measure of vaccine effectiveness, yet we have known since the early 1930s that – ANTIBODIES = IMMUNITY! “Many vaccines stimulate immunologic memory but donot block infection.” pathmicro.med.sc.edu/lecture/hiv12a.htm)
As the vaccination rate increases…Percentage Vaccinated in 2001 – 71.6%
Vaccines have never been tested. The gold standard of all medical science is the double-blind crossover placebo study whereby one group is given a treatment (eg – a vaccine) and another group is given a placebo (sugar pill, saline solution injection). In over 200 years of vaccination history – this sort of study has never been performed on ANY vaccine! The government claims that vaccines are assumed to be safe and effective and therefore, it would be unethical to leave one group ‘unprotected’ for the sake of testing them.
Vaccines contain toxic additives and heavy metals. • Mercury • Aluminium phosphate • Formaldehyde • Carbolic Acid • Antibiotics • Bovine gelatine • Animal viruses • Animal bacteria
Vaccines are contaminated with human and animal viruses and bacteria • All vaccines are cultured on animal or human tissue – the only exceptions are the Hep B and HPV vaccines which are genetically engineered. • These viruses may be combining with our own DNA to form new diseases such as HIV, Ebola virus and Hansa virus to name just a few. • Some of these viruses (SV-40, Simian foamy virus, etc.) have been linked with human cancers. • At least 60 known monkey viruses contaminate both oral and injected polio vaccines. • Some vaccines are cultured on aborted human foetal tissue (MMR, Chicken Pox, Injected Polio, etc.).
Vaccines can cause seriousimmediate & long-term side effects. Robert, reacted to a Hep B vaccine he was given as a pre-teen. Within 24 hours, he had changed completely. He is paralysed and has serious behavioural and emotional issues which were not evident before his vaccination. Robert was in a gifted class at school and excelled with his work. Now, he has trouble reading, performing basic mathematics and has severe short-term memory loss. He is blind in one eye and has motor and coordination difficulties. All of these conditions developed within days of Robert being vaccinated.
Allopathic medicine – the leading cause of death In the US, the medical system has played a leading role in undermining the health of Americans. According to several research studies in the last decade, a total of 225,000 Americans per year have died as a result of their medical treatments: • 12,000 deaths per year due to unnecessary surgery • 7000 deaths per year due to medication errors in hospitals • 20,000 deaths per year due to other errors in hospitals • 80,000 deaths per year due to infections in hospitals • 106,000 deaths per year due to negative effects of drugsThus, America's healthcare-system-induced deaths is theleading cause of the death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer. Australia is no different…
New vaccines in development More than 200 new vaccines are currently being tested/developed. These include vaccines against: • Cancer • Cocaine Addiction • Tobacco Addiction • HIV • Syphilis
Vaccinations • One of the biggest influences on both child and adult health today. • Children receive 50+ vaccines by school age. • Vaccines contain toxic ingredients. • Vaccines contain heavy metals • Vaccines have never been scientifically tested. • Vaccines do not provide immunity from infectious diseases.
Autism Explosion Since February 2007, news outlets have widely publicized the fact that recently released figures by the CDC have estimated the prevalence of autism and autistic spectrum disorders at a NEW high of 1 in 150. In a new report, VAP's co-founder, Ray Gallup, and Dr. Yazbak examine the most recent United States Department of Education statistics and reveal that the 1 in 150 estimate is outdated by five years. They report that the present prevalence of ASD may be as high as 1 in 67. Just over 20 years ago, autism was estimated to affect 1 child in approximately 10,000.
Gardasil and Cervarix –Vaccines against common sense 1- HPV – no proven association with cervical cancer. 2- HPV infects between 80-85% of all women – less than 1% of whom will get cervical cancer. 3- Smoking, diet and lifestyle choices (eg smoking and alcohol) increase the risk of cervical cancer. 4- Women who are vaccinated will still need annual pap smears because the vaccine only contains 2 or 4 of the more than 100 known strains of the virus. VAERS Database – 15,395 serious reactions reported with 74 deaths (these represent between 1-10% of total number) http://tinyurl.com/yflfb9