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WHAT IS FEDERAL WORK-STUDY? • The FederalWork-Study (FWS) program is a federally-funded work program that allows Ventura College students who have received a FederalWork-Study award from the Financial Aid Office to earn money through a part-time job during the academic year. • Federal Work-Study (FWS) pays 100% of the students’ earned income.
REQUIREMENTS • Apply and complete financial aid file before the established priority deadline • Maintain at least half time enrollment (6 units or more) • Find a job by deadline provided by the Financial Aid office • Maintain Good Satisfactory Academic Progress: a. Qualitative standard - 2.00 minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) in all coursework attempted b. Quantitative standard - 67% minimum course completion of all coursework attempted c. Max time frame standard- Attempted units may not exceed 150% of the number of units required to complete your educational objective.
SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS • WARNING: If you are placed on Warning at the end of the Fall semester, you cannot resume working until your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) has been cleared and you receive notice that you may continue to work in the Spring • PROBATION: If you are placed on Probation at the end of Fall, you cannot resume working until your academic progress has been reviewed and your Appeal Verification Coursework Form has been approved. • UNSATISFACTORY:If you are placed on Unsatisfactory progress at the end of the Fall semester, or are in the process of a financial aid appeal, you cannot resume working until your appeal has been reviewed and approved by the financial aid appeal committee. • MAX TIME FRAME: If you are placed on Max time frame at the end of the Fall semester, or are in the process of a financial aid appeal, you cannot resume working until your appeal has been reviewed and approved by the financial aid appeal committee.
CHANGES TOYOUR FWS AWARD You do not work on a continuing basis.If you do not submit a time sheet for a pay period, your award will be canceled. If you are ill, contact both the supervisor and the financial aid office. Funding allocation changes.Due to funding limitations, it is possible that FWS allocations may be reduced for all students if there are not sufficient funds to cover projected earnings. Your federal work study award may be increased –If there are FWS funds available and your financial aid eligibility has not been met. This action is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Receiving other resources.If after being awarded, you receive additional benefits such as (scholarships, EOPS, CARE, or other resources related to your education), your financial aid award will be reviewed and adjusted accordingly. This may result in a reduction of your work study award.
VENTURA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CAREER PAGES htttps://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/vcccd
VENTURA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CAREER PAGES • First time using GovernmentJobs.com? • Create an account (call (855) 524-5627 for assistance if needed) • Enter profile information to create an application template • This is not a submitted application • Type “student worker” in the search box to view open positions • Select the location you desire • Open up job posting to view minimum requirements • Check for supplemental questions – review and collect information for application • Apply for a position • Click green “Apply” button while viewing job posting • Log in, review all information in your application template, submit application • You must see a screen confirming your application was received. If you do not, your application was not submitted. • To view status of your submitted application, click your name in upper right corner and select “Applications” on the pull down menu
HUMAN RESOURCES ISSUESSTUDENT WORKERS • Employment is at-will and non-contractual • Student workers are entitled to sick leave • Job performance evaluations may take place at end of semester • Your supervisor will provide feedback and identify areas where improvement is needed • Disciplinary action may be taken if necessary • Timekeeping is important! • Talk to your supervisor about the dress code, especially if you will have contact with the public
ACCOUNTABILITY Sign Confidentiality Agreement Take the Assessment at the end of Training Participate in Training There is a short assessment at the end of the training to test your awareness of FERPA and how to avoid any violations. Please take it seriously. The results are reviewed so improvements can be made to future training sessions. This presentation serves as introductory FERPA training for faculty, staff and student workers. Your area lead will follow up with you if any additional training is required by your department. Each area within Student Services has Confidentiality Agreements for the student workers. The student worker participates in the training and assessment, then signs the Confidentiality Agreement as part of their hiring process. The Confidentiality Agreement is signed by the area supervisor and is then sent to the Registrar where it is signed and kept on file. The original document with all signatures will be returned to the area lead for their record and for the student worker.
STUDENT PAYROLL Tracy Pennington, Accounting Technician Student Business Office, Student Services Bldg. (805) 289-6350, tpennington@vcccd.edu
EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATIONS Continuing Employees Authorization form Relative Status form Confidentiality agreement See Tracy Pennington to verify that your packet is complete New Hires • Complete full packet with supervisor • Complete the I-9 form • Original Social Security Card • Picture ID such as driver’s license/passport • Schedule Fingerprinting **You are not authorized to work until your supervisor is notified**
On your time sheet reporting Entering all hours as sick leave Entering hours on a holiday or weekend Working more than 20 hours in a week Working more than 8 hours in a day COMMON MISTAKES
PAYROLL DEADLINES • Student Payroll is bi-monthly • There are two pay periods per month: • 1st through the 15th • 16th through the 31st (or last day of the month) • There are two pay dates per month: • 10th of the month (receive pay for the 16th through 31st) • 25th of the month (receive pay for the 1st through 15th) Your deadline to submit hours is the last working day of the pay period. The deadline found on your student portal is a District deadline not a student deadline.
PAYDAY • Checks are available on payday (10th and 25th of the month) at the Student Business Office after 12 noon • If payday falls on a weekend or holiday, your check will be available the last working day before the weekend or holiday. • If you don’t pick up your check on payday, it will be put in the mail at the end of the day • Be sure that your mailing address is updated in your student portal. • Student Business Office Hours: M-Th 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Fri 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
FERPATRAINING FOR YOU A Refresher for Some; New Information for Others; Expected of ALL
WHAT IS FERPA? • Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act: a federal law protecting the privacy of our student education records • Applies to all schools receiving funds under an applicable program of the US Department of Education • Grades K-12: rights are assumed by the parent • Any Student at a College or University: rights are assumed by the student regardless of their age or student classification (Special Admission Students are considered college students) FERPA is our Code
FERPA AS OUR CODE OF ETHICS Health Professionals Counselors Faculty/Educators ACA Code of Ethics to protect student trust and dignity Standards of Practice for CCC Counseling Faculty FERPA to protect student records Faculty Senate Standards Contract Standards HIPAA to protect student/patient confidentiality VC Campus Community Business Attorneys/Lawyers FERPA to protect student rights and prevent abuses of the student record Identity theft Guidance on how to address issues that come up Companies set a regulatory standard for the conduct of their businesses; sets values, responsibilities, and ethical obligations ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct to protect client trust and confidentiality
WHAT TYPE OF INFORMATION IS PROTECTED? • Identifying information • Student grade information • Student Standing • Any information directly related to a student If in Doubt, Leave it OUT!!!
WHAT CAN BE SHARED? Directory Information as outlined in AP5040. We CAN share does not mean we WILL share. Error in protection of student privacy.
HOW CAN STUDENT INFORMATION BE SHARED? • NOT in casual conversation • NOT in route to a meeting • NOT at the gas station • NOT as an icebreaker • NOT because this is a funny thing that happened with the last student I just saw • Those given expressed permission by the student transcript requests verification requests • District Staff who NEED to know interventions for student success • By Subpoena
Why is Ferpa IMPORTANT? FUNDING Full time equivalent student (FTES) funding is jeopardized when we are not compliant with FERPA Students need to trust we are protecting their privacy
CONSEQUENCES TO FERPA CODE VIOLATION Individuals found in violation of the code are subject to disciplinary action termination prosecution civil and criminal legal sanctions expulsion from the campus (student workers)
Lets Review What about this? Ventura College All Course Statistics: PIR V03 Introduction to Parlay Instructor: Martha Drown Attempted Units Total: 626.0 GPA Units Total: 588.0 Grade Points Total: 1,791.0 Term GPA Average (Grade Points Total/GPA Units Total): 3.05 Does this meet the FERPA standard? Ventura College Student Statistics: PIR V03 Introduction to Parlay Instructor: Steel Eyed Bill Name: Of: Student ID:GPA: Beard, Black Spain 9001234562.7 Jewell, Elias England 9005432103.1 Plank, Harriet France 9006053472.9 Moon, Eva Spain 9001578213.5 Rugged, Roger Holland 9001256912.4
CAREER CENTER At the Ventura College Career Centeryou can: • Assess your interests and personality related to occupations • Explore majors and careers • Find a job or research labor trends • Participate in events/workshops • Research online career resources
UNIVERSITY TRANSFER CENTER The Ventura College University Transfer Centeris a place where students can get information and counseling services to learn how to prepare and apply to gain admission to a university or college in California or out-of-state. By using the University Transfer Center services, you will learn: • How to explore and identify transfer options. • How to prepare to transfer to a four-year college or university. • How to complete the transfer admissions process. Important note to all students: • The final responsibility for a successful transfer program rests with the student. • This information changes frequently and can impact your admission to the university. • It is highly advised that you meet periodically with counselors at Ventura College AND advisors at the prospective university to confirm your choice of classes and educational plan.
FEDERAL WORK-STUDY ORIENTATION QUIZ GREAT job! You completed the FWS orientation. Now you must test your knowledge and take the Federal Work-Study Quiz: Click here to take the quiz. You must score 90% or higher to apply for a Federal Work-Study job. Lower than 90%? Return to the Federal Work-Study Orientation page to review the information, then take the quiz a second time. Print your score page and bring it to the Financial Aid Office, with your valid picture ID (driver’s license or passport). View Federal Work-Study job openings in the Financial Aid Office.