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By: Adrian GarZa Costantino Agnesi I. Reason/Logic.

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  1. By: Adrian GarZa CostantinoAgnesi I. Reason/Logic

  2. Reason is man's tool of understanding. It is the method of identifying entities through one's senses. It is the means of integrating those perceptions into concepts, gaining knowledge through this integration, integrating that knowledge into the rest of one's knowledge, and evaluating and manipulating ideas and facts. Reason is the method of thinking in an organized, clear way to achieve knowledge and understanding. Description of Reason

  3. Understanding and knowledge is the criteria for evaluating the use of reason. Reason is the tool that allows us to determine how to gather more information, and what kind of information we need. Reason is then used to compare and combine that new information into the rest of our body of knowledge in order to acquire a more complete understanding. Knowledge is lucid and can only be formed by the use of reason. There is no other path. Reason is absolute. Description of Reason

  4. It is impossible to date the exact birth of Reason since, it has been present since the existence of complex life forms on earth. Through reasoning species have been able to survive and evolve, following Darwinist Survival of the Fittest. Humans were able to develop more complex reasoning skills, making us able to understand and manipulate the world around us. History

  5. As previously mentioned, Reason is men’s way of understanding, therefore reason is a fundamental aspect in education. Schools and Universities are designed to enhance a student’s Reasoning skills making them able to obtain vast knowledge and understanding in diverse criterion. Importance in Education

  6. Not everybody reasons in the same way. Differences in culture, religion, ethical values, social status, education, etc. are all factors that influence a person’s reasoning skills and methods. These differences can cause controversies and conflicts between people. People that are born with mental problems and deficiencies are unable to learn, think and understand, therefore causing a huge handicap on their lives. Problems with Reasoning

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tryb8f3blxY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfrCT2zGR_8 Multimedia

  8. Click Here Articles

  9. http://pagesperso-orange.fr/jeux.lulu/html/anglais/loupChe/loupChe2.htm#http://pagesperso-orange.fr/jeux.lulu/html/anglais/loupChe/loupChe2.htm# Games

  10. Photos from: www.flickr.com Info from: http://www.pigeon.psy.tufts.edu/psych26/kohler.htm http://importanceofphilosophy.com/Epistemology_Reason.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reasoning Bibliography

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