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REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING and SYSTEMS ANALYSIS. Elements and Definitions. Software Requirements Specification - SRS. Requirements. System Design. Detailed Design. Implementation. Installation & Testing. Maintenance. Who does requirements engineering?. customer. requirements engineer.

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  2. Software Requirements Specification - SRS Requirements System Design Detailed Design Implementation Installation & Testing Maintenance

  3. Who does requirements engineering? customer requirements engineer system designer

  4. What are the activities? customer needs problem analysis “complete” understanding of requirements product description consistent SRS

  5. Problem Analysis: understand the problem (space) expand information specify constraints: find them analyze them resolve conflicts specify the solution space Product Description: describe the problem compress information set limits: constraints assumptions check completeness consistency

  6. Levels of Software Requirements Business Requirements Customer Satisfaction Business Needs Vision & Scope Document Quality Attributes User Expectations User Requirements User Satisfaction Tester Support Business Rules Use Case Document System Requirements Functional Requirements Other Extra-functional Requirements Developers Support Constraints- e.g., standards, architecture Software Requirements Specification

  7. Elicitation Change Control Analysis Version Control Modeling & Specification Tracing Verification & Validation Status Tracking Components of Requirements Engineering Requirements Engineering Requirements Development Requirements Management

  8. Typical Methods & Techniques • interviews • hands-on experience • documentation analysis • scenarios • (formal) description • completeness and consistency checking • conflict resolution techniques

  9. The Product: SRS • Standards: • IEEE / ANSI 830-1984 • DoD 2167A / DI-MCCR-80025A (SRS) • NASA SFW-DID-08 (SRS) • company internal standards?

  10. Elements of an SRS • user goals • context description • behavioral/functional requirements • non-behavioral/extra-functional requirements • constraints • assumptions ===> WHAT

  11. NOT included in an SRS: • project management • design information • quality assurance plans • staffing • cost analysis ===> HOW

  12. An SRS should be: • understandable • modifiable • traceable • annotated • correct • non-ambiguous • complete • verifiable • consistent ===> formal vs. informal requirements specification

  13. IEEE Std 830-1984 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of SRS 1.2 Scope of product 1.3 Definitions, acronyms, abbreviations 1.4 Overview

  14. IEEE Std 830-1984 2. General description 2.1 Product perspective 2.2 Product functions 2.3 User characteristics 2.4 General constraints 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies

  15. IEEE Std 830-1984 3. Specific requirements 3.1 Functional requirements 3.2 External interface requirements 3.3 Performance requirements 3.4 Design constraints 3.5 Attributes 3.6 Other requirements Alternatives!

  16. End of Section 2a coming up: Data Flow Diagrams

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