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第 23 讲 形容词和形容词词组

第 23 讲 形容词和形容词词组. 23.1 形容词分类 23.2 形容词和分词 23.3 形容词(词组)作名词修饰语 23.4 形容词词组作补语. 23.1 形容词分类. 1. 单词形容词和复合形容词: 形容词,就词的构成来说,分为单词形容词( one-word adjective )和复合形容词( compound adjective ). 2. 中心形容词和外围形容词 : 形容词,就其句法功能来说,分为中心形容词 ( central adjective ) 和外围形容词 ( peripheral adjective ) .

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第 23 讲 形容词和形容词词组

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  1. 第23讲 形容词和形容词词组

  2. 23.1 形容词分类 • 23.2 形容词和分词 • 23.3 形容词(词组)作名词修饰语 • 23.4 形容词词组作补语

  3. 23.1 形容词分类 • 1. 单词形容词和复合形容词: • 形容词,就词的构成来说,分为单词形容词(one-word adjective)和复合形容词(compound adjective).

  4. 2. 中心形容词和外围形容词: • 形容词,就其句法功能来说,分为中心形容词(central adjective)和外围形容词(peripheral adjective). • 中心形容词(central adjective)如: • Green apples are sour. • Pillar-boxes are green. • 外围形容词(peripheral adjective)如: • This is utter nonsense. • This child is asleep.

  5. 3. 动态形容词和静态形容词: • 形容词,按词汇意义,分为动态形容词(dynamic adjective)和静态形容词(static adjective). • 动态形容词(dynamic adjective)如:tall,short, big, small, ugly, beautiful, shallow, deep, blue, white等。 • 静态形容词(static adjective)如:abusive, ambitious, awkward, brave, calm, careful, dull, enthusiastic, extravagant, faithful, reasonable, rude, thoughtful, troublesome, vain, vicious, wicked, witty等。

  6. 4. 等级形容词和非等级形容词: • 就词汇意义来说,形容词还可分为等级形容词(gradable adjective)和非等级形容词(Non-gradable adjective). • 等级形容词(gradable adjective)如: • tall---taller---tallest • beautiful---more beautiful---most beautiful • 非等级形容词(Non-gradable adjective)如:atomic scientist, hydrochloric acid, French food, Chinese carpet • 又如:perfect,excellent, extreme等。Bake

  7. 23.2 形容词与分词 • 1. 由-ing分词转化来的形容词: • 由-ing分词转化来的形容词常见的有:absorbing, alarming, amusing, annoying, boring, challenging, changing, charming, comforting, confusing, convincing, deafening, discouraging, disturbing, exciting, fascinating, frightening, humiliating, insulting, obliging, perishing, pleasing, perishing, tempting, terrifying, thrilling, tiring, vexing, worrying等。

  8. 2. 由-ed分词转化来的形容词: • 由-ed分词转化来的形容词常见的有:alarmed, amazed, amused, balanced, bored, conceited, celebrated, civilized, disappointed, distinguished, divided, educated, embarrassed, excited, exhausted, fascinated, frightening, hurried, interested, limited, noted, offended, pleased, relaxed, reserved, satisfied, uncooked, uncovered, undecided, unsettled, worried等。

  9. 3. 主动意义和被动意义: • 由-ing分词转化来的形容词通常带有主动意义,而由及物动词的-ed分词转化来的形容词则通常带有被动意义。如: Bake

  10. 23.3形容词(词组)作名词修饰语

  11. 1. 形容词(词组)的前置与后置: 1)前置形容词词序排列:限定词---表示说话人评价的形容词---表示大小、形状、新旧的形容词---表示颜色的形容词---表示国别、来源、材料的形容词---表示用途或目的的形容词、名词等类别词---名词中心词。 • E.g.. The man’s first two interesting little red French oil paintings. 2)某些中心名词所修饰的形容词只能后置: • E.g.. The people involved / concerned/ interested.

  12. 2. 补语形容词: • 补语形容词主要有两类: • 一类是表示健康状况的词: • E.g.. He’s very well. • You look ill. • 另一类是以前缀a-开首的词: • E.g.. 1)The two brothers are very much alike. • 2)I was alone in the house. • 3)He was asleep. • 4) Although old, he is very much alive, the sky was aglow with the setting sun.

  13. 3. 形容词词组与关系分句 • 凡能做后置修饰语的形容词n或形容词词组,其含义往往相当于一个关系分句。 • E.g.. The members present=the members who are present • Anything interesting= anything that is interesting • Anywhere quiet= anywhere that is quiet Bake

  14. 23.4 形容词词组作补语 • 1. 形容词+介词词组: • E.g..1) He was absent form the meeting. • 2)I’m not yet accustomed to the cold. • 3)Don’t be afraid of difficulties. • 4)She felt ashamed of herself. • 5)I was astonished at his behavior. • 6)Books are very dear to him. • 7)They were terribly worried about you.

  15. 2. 形容词+不定式: • E.g.. She is stupid not to follow your advice. • =It is stupid of her not to follow your advice. • He is impossible to teach. • =It is impossible to teach him. • He was disappointed to hear about it. • =To hear about it disappointed him.

  16. 3. 形容词+that-分句 • E.g.. I’m sure that we’ll succeed. • I’m glad that you like it. • She was amazed that he should arrive so soon. • I’m surprised to learn that he didn’t come. • He is confident that he will be able to pass the exam.

  17. 第24讲 副词和副词词组

  18. 24.1 副词和副词词组的主要用法 • 1. 副词在词组中作修饰语 • A. 修饰动词: • B. 修饰形容词: • C. 修饰副词: • D. 修饰介词和连词 • E. 修饰限定词 • F. 修饰名词和整个名词词组

  19. E.g.. They completely ignored my views. • I entirely agree with her. • I rather like him. • They can hardly ignore our views. • She kind of hoped to be invited. • I sort of thought you might say that.

  20. E.g.. That was a very funny film. • He had an unusually deep voice. • Two men were in the street, one of whom seemed slightly familiar. • I was that hungry I could have eaten a horse. • I’m feeling kind of tired.

  21. E.g.. She’s a clever girl, and has learnt the new work very quickly. • He drives extremely carefully. • Do it right now. • He spoke sort of proudly. • She cooks well enough. • He didn’t run fast enough.

  22. E.g.. I can’t reach it; it’s well over my head. • There’s the house, right in front of you. • His parents are dead against the trip.

  23. E.g.. We walked about 5 miles. • There were quite a lot of people at Louis’s party. • Virtually all the students participated in the discussion. • They recovered roughly half their equipment. • I didn’t have more than a dollar on me.

  24. E.g.. It takes quite some time. • That’s quite a story. • She’s rather a fool

  25. 2. 副词词组在句中作状语: • 用作状语的副词词组在句中起三种作用: • 一是作修饰形状语(adjunct) • 二是作评注性状语(disjunct) • 三是座连接性状语(conjunct)

  26. 24.2 兼有两种形式的副词 • 有些副词有两种形式,一是与形容词同形,二是由该形容词加-ly构成。这两种不同的形式,有些含义相同,有些略有不同,有些完全不同。说明如下:

  27. 1. 关于clean / cleanly • 副词clean作“径直地,完全地”: • E.g.. The bullet went clean through his arm. • I clean forgot about it. • 副词cleanly:干净利落地 • E.g.. This knife doesn’t cut cleanly.

  28. 2. 关于clear / clearly • Clear: 完全地、径直地 • E.g.. You can see clear to the mountains today. • The prisoner got clear away. • Clear: 隔开,不接触 • E.g.. You should keep clear of that fellow. • Clearly: 清楚地,显然 • E.g.. Can you see clearly from here? • He is clearly wrong.

  29. 3.关于close / closely • Close: 近 • E.g.. He lives close to the school. • He was following close behind. • 作其他解释时用closely: • E.g.. Watch what I do closely. • The prisoners were closely guarded.

  30. 4. 关于dead / deadly • Dead: 突然地,完全地 • E.g.. She stopped dead. • 在非正式语体中作“完全地,直接地” • E.g.. He was dead tired • The wind was dead against us. • Deadly 作“死一般地,非常” • E.g.. Deadly pale, deadly serious, deadly dull等。

  31. 5. 关于direct / directly • Direct: 直线地,不绕圈子地 • E.g.. The train goes there direct. • The next flight doesn’t go direct to Rome; it goes by way of Pairs. • Directly: 直接地,立即,马上 • E.g.. He was looking directly at me. • Answer me directly. • I’ll be there directly.

  32. 6. 关于easy / easily • Easy 只在某些固定搭配中作副词: • E.g.. Take it easy. • Go easy • Easy come, easy go. • 除此之外,用easily • E.g.. I can easily finish it today. • It is easily the best hotel.

  33. 7. 关于fair / fairly • Fair 在下类搭配中用作副词: • E.g.. You must play fair. • He’s dealt fair and square with me. • 在其他搭配中用fairly: • E.g.. He told the facts fairly. • He was fairly beside himself with joy.

  34. 8. 关于firm/ firmly • Firm 在以下搭配中用作副词: • E.g.. Stand firm. • Always hold firm to your beliefs. • 其他场合用firmly • E.g.. I firmly believe that. • Fix the post firmly in the ground.

  35. 9. 关于high / highly: • High用作副词见于下列搭配: • Aim high, hold one’s head high, play high, search high and low, run high, fly high • Highly 常指抽象的高 • E.g.. He spoke highly of her.

  36. 10. 关于loud / loudly • 副词loud与loudly 均作大声地,用哪一种形式与音韵有关,并无绝对规定。 • E.g.. Don’t talk so loud / loudly. • She complained loudly of having been kept waiting.

  37. 11. 关于pretty/ prettily • Pretty: 相当地,适当地,非常 • E.g.. She’s pretty good. • She dances pretty well. • Prettily: 有一种漂亮或悦人的态度: • E.g.. Mary dressed prettily. • She speaks prettily.

  38. 12. 关于right /rightly • Right:能做多种解释,用以修饰副词,介词或在句中作状语等 • E.g.. He’s right here. • Go right home at once. • It serves you right. • Rightly通常置于动词之前 • E.g.. He rightly guessed that...

  39. 13.关于sharp / sharply • Sharp: 常用于钟点后表示准时 • E.g.. We arrived at 10 o’clock sharp. • sharp 与sharply均能表示急剧地,突然地 • E.g.. At the crossroads, we turned sharp to the left. • The road turns very sharply.

  40. 14. 关于slow / slowly • Slow 作副词仅用于go slow • E.g.. The workers decided to go slow. • 其他场合通常用slowly • E.g.. Speak slowly, please. • Drive slowly onto the ferry. • How slowly the time passes!

  41. 15.关于sure/ surely • Sure作副词多见于非正式语体,特别是美国英语: • E.g.. He said he would come, and sure enough he came. • He sure is tall. • Can you dance? I sure can.

  42. Lecture 25 Comparison and Comparative Constructions

  43. 25.1 Comparison of adjectives and adverbs • 1) Regular comparison of adjectives • -er, -est (e.g.. smaller, smallest) • - more, -most (more than two syllables) (eg.more interesting, most interesting) • 2) Regular comparison of adverbs • -er, -est (e.g.. faster, fastest) • -more, -most (e.g.. more carefully, most carefully) 3) Irregular comparison of adjectives and adverbse.g.. bad, good/well, old, far, much, badly, etc.

  44. 25.2 Comparative constructions • 1) “As…as” construction • Basic pattern: “as + adjective/adverb + as” • E.g.. John is as bright as Bob. • Negative sentence: John is not so bright as Bob.

  45. 2) “More…than” construction • Basic pattern: “comparative degree + than-clause” • E.g.. This parcel is heavier than that one. • Another pattern : “determiner more /less /fewer + noun + than-clause” • E.g.. I have done more work than he. • A variant form pattern: “comparative adjective + noun + than-clause” • E.g.. John is a more efficient worker than Jack.

  46. 3) “(The)+ superlative adjective / adverb + scope of comparison ”e.g.. The Sahara is the largest desert in the world.

  47. 25. 3 Contrast between comparative constructions • 1) “More…than” vs. quasi-coordinative type • 2) “Not so…as” vs. “not so much…as” • 3) “Not more/ -er…than” vs. “no more/-er…than” • 4) “The more …the more” vs. “more and more”

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