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Dear Colleagues, We cordially invite you to participate in the 3rd BALTIC STEM CELL CONFERENCE, which will take place in the beautiful and exceedingly comfortable Kempinski Grand Hotel Heiligendamm.
Dear Colleagues, We cordially invite you to participate in the 3rd BALTIC STEM CELL CONFERENCE, which will take place in the beautiful and exceedingly comfortable Kempinski Grand Hotel Heiligendamm. This year’s conference will have two main focuses: The symposium “Tissue Engineering in Head and Neck Surgery” on Monday is directly supported by the EXPERTISSUES “Network of Excellence”, which aims at developing novel therapeutic strategies for tissue engineering of bone and cartilage using second generation biomimetic scaffolds. Clinical applications of tissue engineering products will be discussed as well as novel cell sources and optimized biomaterials. The clinical needs in reconstructive head and neck surgery has revealed the vast potential of tissue engineering in otorhinolaryngology. This symposium aims to intersect clinical insights in head and neck surgery with recent developments in biomaterial and stem cell technology. A day long presentation will be followed by an evening reception and dinner allowing partcipants from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and foster collaborations. Wednesday, the workshop “Clinical Cell Therapy for Myocardial Regeneration” will attempt to summarize the current clinical experience in the fast-moving field of cardiovascular cell therapy. Since numerous clinical trials are already on the way, there will certainly be enough substance for discussion. This is not to say that we have overcome the need for basic research, but to give clinicians who try to exploit the potential of regenerative therapy an opportunity to exchange their experience, to determine where they stand, and to reflect on where they want to go. The joint workshop on Tuesday will address educational, industrial, and legal issues that are relevant for both tissue engineering and cell therapy approaches. Clinicians, scientists, and biotech companies together will work on accelerating the “bench-to-bedside” process to be benefit of our patients 3rd BALTIC STEM CELL CONFERENCE will be held under the auspices of the ScanBalt BioRegion “network of networks”. ScanBalt is funded by the Nordic Innovation Center and the European Commission and promotes the development of a globally competitive meta-bioregion. We look forward to welcoming you in Rostock-Heiligendamm! Christof Stamm Nicole Rotter Tomasz Siminiak Gustav Steinhoff Stephan Lang Organizing Secretariat University of Lübeck Medical University of Poznan University of Rostock Janica Schütz Klinik und Poliklinik für Herzchirurgie Universität Rostock D-18055 Rostock Germany email: jschuetz@med.uni-rostock.de Fax: +49 381 494 6107 Phone: +49 381 494 6106 3rdBALTIC STEMCELLCONFERENCE Initiative for an European Institute of Regenerative Medicine http://www.herzchirurgie-rostock.de/meetings/bssc2005 http://www.uni-luebeck/hno/meetings/bssc2005 Tissue Engineering in Head and Neck Surgery Venue & Clinical Cell Therapy for Myocardial Regeneration The 3rd BALTIC STEM CELL Is endorsed and sponsored by: August 22 – 25, 2005 Kempinski Grand Hotel Heiligendamm, Germany Organized by: Dept. of Cardiac Surgery, University of Rostock ENT Dept., University of Lübeck Dept. of Cardiology, Medical University of Poznan www.kempinski-heiligendamm.com
Wednesday, 24 August 2005 Tuesday, 23 August 2005 Monday, 22 August 2005 ExpertissuesWorkshop : Tissue Engineering in reconstructive Head and Neck Surgery Joint Workshop: European Education Concepts for Tissue Engineering Consortium Myocardial RepairWorkshop: Clinical Cell Therapy for Myocardial Regeneration 1. Overview of regional programs 08:30 German Efforts in Tissue Engineering Gustav Steinhoff, Rostock 08:45 Tissue Engineering in Portugal Rui Reis, Braga 09:00 The baltic tissue engineering perspective Nureddin Ashammakhi, Finnland 09:15 Graduate studies in Europe Anselm Fremmer, German Research Foundation, Bonn 2. Integrating European Research Efforts 09:30 iPOOL: A digital tissue engineering platform for Europe Jürgen Beier, Augsburg 09:45 European PhD in Tissue Engineering Christof Stamm, Rostock 10:00 Discussion Stem cell mobilization in cardiology 08:30 G-CSF in acute ischemia: Is it safe? Wolfram Franz, München 08:50 The FIRST-LNE-MI study Christoph A. Nienaber, Rostock 09:00 Welcome address Nicole Rotter, Lübeck Clinical Background 09:10 Clinical point of view: What type of tissue do we need? Frank Riedel, Mannheim 09:30 Tracheal surgery: Clinical requirements Stephan Lang, Luebeck 09:50 Surgical reconstruction of the auricle: Clinical state of the art Konrad Sommer, Luebeck 10:10Data acquisition and rapid prototyping for head and neck applications Wilfried Vancraen, Materialise, Belgium 10:30Discussion Intracoronary cell delivery 09:10 Intracoronary infusion of BMC: A multicenter trail Andreas Zeiher, Frankfurt 09:25 The BOOST study Helmut Drexler, Hannover 09:40 Growing experience with intracoronary BMC delivery Bodo Strauer, Düsseldorf 09:55 Intracoronary delivery of purified marrow stem cells Jozef Bartunek, Antwerpen 10:10Discussion Coffee break Coffee break Novel tissue & cell products: From bench to bedside 11:00 Clinical stem cell applications: Requirements and perspectives Ralph Huss, Munich 11:30 How a tissue engineering product gets to the patient Michael Sittinger, Berlin 12:00 What GMP means for the clinician Martino Introna, Bergamo 12:30 What does the law say? Hans-Dieter Kleine, Rostock Discussion Cell Sources 11:00 Ear chondrocytes as a source for cartilage tissue engineering in different anatomic regions Gerjo van Osch, Rotterdam 11:20 Embryonic stem cell differentiation into chondrogenic cells Jürgen Rohwedel, Luebeck 11:40 Salivary glands as a source for stem cells Charli Kruse, Luebeck 12:00 Molecular Imaging applications in stem cell tracking Robert Krieg, Siemens, Germany 12.20 Discussion Coffee break Myoblast delivery to the heart 11:00 Bench-to-bedside: History and milestones Philippe Menasche, Paris 11:15 Clinical Myoblast delivery methods Tomasz Siminiak, Poznan 11:30 Myoblast therapy in Spain Felipe Prosper, Pamplona 11:45 MAGIC Phase 2 Study: Current status I. Boltje van Hooft, Genzyme 12:00 Discussion Coffee break Lunch break Clinical Grade Cell processing 14:00 Centralized BMC preparation Torsten Tonn, BSD Hessen 14:20BMC preparation for cardiovascular use Wolfgang Rüdinger, Cytonet 14:40Clinical grade cell selection Elmar Burchardt, Miltenyi Biotec 15:00 Long-term cell storage Heike Opitz, Vita34, Leipzig 15:20 Clinical grade MSC expansion: Ready to go? Uriel Barkai, Pluristem 15:40 Human myoblast preparation for transplantation Maciej Kurpisz, Poznan 16:00 Discussion Intramyocardial stem cell delivery 13:30 BM-MNC injection Uwe Mehlhorn, Köln 13:50 CD133+ BMSC injection Christof Stamm, Rostock 14:10 CD133+ PBSC injection Giulio Pompilio, Monza 14:30 TMLR and BMSC injection Hans M. Klein, Düsseldorf 14:50 Mesenchymal stem cell: Is clinical use justified? Anthony D. Ho, Heidelberg 15:20 Discussion Lunch break Biomaterials 14:00 Inflammatory responses to biomaterials Pio Conti, Chieti 14:30 NewBiomaterials for application in head and neck surgery Paul Hatton, Sheffield 14:50 Marine collagens – a new scaffold material Holger Notbohm, Luebeck 15:10 Vascularisation of bone and cartilage transplants James Kirkpatrick, Mainz, 15:30 Discussion Coffee break Do we move too fast? 16:00 Public perception of cardiac cell therapy Müller-Emke, DGRM 16:30 The scientists view of clinical cell therapy Jürgen Hescheler, Köln Coffee break 19:30 Dinner Party / Get Together 17:00 Hands-on workshop CliniMacs, Miltenyi Biotec