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In the days back to 2001 there were many website owners who used to run a single platform website for their businesses. In those days usually, websites were accessed through computers. After some time when mobile phones were introduced to internet users, they reduced the use of computers to access the internet. SFWP Experts is considered as the top web design company in Los Angeles that creates high ROI generating websites for its clients. Read more on https://bit.ly/2RsoF28
Why Is It Important To HaveA Responsive WebsiteDesign? The Increasing Number of ResponsiveWebsites How does the web design trends havechanged?
In the days back to 2001 there were many website owners who used to run asingle platform website for their businesses. In those days usually, websites were accessed through computers. After some time when mobile phones were introduced to internet users, they reduced the use of computers to access the internet. Then website owners come up with two different versions of their website naming desktop version and a mobile version. It offered visitors a great user experience and now they can access websites anytime, anywhere. As time passed, the technology evolved and new devices were launched in the market such as laptops, tablets, and iPad. When users tried to open the websites in those devices, it couldn’t open properly and the features and elements were displaced from its originalposition. Keepingthisprobleminmindthedesignerscomeupwiththeideaofresponsiveweb design. The biggest advantage of having a responsive website is that you can view it properly using any device at any point of time. These days you will find at least one LCD TV, laptop, desktop, smartphone, and tablet in an average home if they like to be surrounded by technology. Besides this, you might also find a big or small screen device in vehicles that can be a bike or a car. Most of the people who are living in the 21st century are surrounded by different kinds of screens in their homes, office and even public place. To take advantage of this situation businesses should give a professional looktotheirwebsitesothatitcanbeviewedonasmanyscreensaspossible.Their
websites should also be easy to use and easy to navigate if a potential customer landson theirsite. In simple terms responsive web design is a kind of flexible layout that optimizesthe website viewing experience across all devices and platforms. These days having a responsive website for your business is one of the biggest advantages as it delivers an excellent user experience and attracts a large number of customers. If a website fails to open properly in the mobile phone or tablet, your users are less likely to do business with you. This is because neither they will be able to understand your brand or product nor they will be able to make a good first impression. So if you are considering to create a responsive website for your company or organization you don’t need to look for the right time but the right web design company. SFWP Experts is considered as the top web design company in Los Angeles that creates high ROI generating websites for its clients. We create custom websites and success stories for all of our clients who want to dominate the web with a strong onlinepresence. What are the percentages of designing responsivewebsites? Depending on the reports of sources, responsive web design is used by nearly 80% of webmasters. And recently Google+ has reported that 82% of webmasters who have voted on their poll claimed that they use a responsive web design strategy whilecreating
websites. However, this percentage seems to be a bit high as there are morethan thousands of websites operating on theinternet. Do you know whywebmasters give somuchimportancetoresponsivewebdesign? There are many reasons favoring why webmasters use a responsive web design strategy. First of all the responsive websites can be accessed by a large number of potential customers even when they use different devices to view it. Also, it adjusts itself automatically to fit the exact screen size of multipledevices. Apartfromthis,thebuttonsonawebsiteareautomaticallyresizedsothatmobileor tablet users can tap it easily. With so many advantages why a webmaster won’t use the responsive web design strategy to build websites? If you are also overwhelmed by the advantages of having a responsive website, don’t delay in looking for an ideal webdesign company to create one. You may also choose another option to directly get in touch with our company if you want to work with one of the finest designers in Los Angeles. We also provide reliable website maintenance services around the world to make sure your website and content get properly updated from time totime. Although there would be very lessnumberofpeoplewhomightnotagreewiththe reports of Google about responsive web design strategy. For them, the report obtained from other studies states that the actual percentage of webmasters who useresponsive
webdesignstrategyismostlikelytheoppositeofwhatGooglepollsuggests.BackinwebdesignstrategyismostlikelytheoppositeofwhatGooglepollsuggests.Backin 2013 when a technology and service company did an analysis with the Fortune 100, they found that only 11% of websites worked properly on differentdevices. Again in 2014 when a cloud computing company did ananalysis, they reported that nearly 19% of the top ten thousand websites were working as a responsive website. With these figures, you can understand how the trend of creating responsive websites is growing. While there aren’t as many websites as the Google study claims but you should understand that the number of websites is still growing. This is because more and more webmasters have now started to understand what is the importance of using a responsive web designstrategy? Intheabove-mentionedstudyitwasalsofoundthatthenumberofwebsitesthathasa separate desktop and mobile URLs is slightly more (at about 21%) than the number of fully responsive websites. This means that more website owners are now making a constant effort to make their site compatible with more than one device orplatform. Sincethingschangewithachangeintimesowebdesigntrendsarealsochangingwith time. As I have discussed earlier that webmasters used to create a separate mobile version and desktop version of websites in the early days, now that trend has changed. Thewebdesigntrendhasbeenchangedforimprovingtheuserexperienceofvisitors
andallowingthemtoaccessthewebsitefromanydevice.Nowaresponsivewebdesignandallowingthemtoaccessthewebsitefromanydevice.Nowaresponsivewebdesign is only used instead of two different versions of awebsite. You can also createa responsive web design for your website if you have enough knowledge of programming languages and its uses. But if you don’t have a proper understanding of programming languages it is better to look for highly experienced web designers on the internet. They will create a customized website for you that will drive huge traffic through various devices and platforms. However, you can also consider our web design company in Los Angeles to meet your responsive website needs. We have a strong team of designers and developers who utilizes their innovative mind to create a high conversion-focused website for you. We understand that web design is not only about using great typefaces on a website but more importantly how we use them on differentpages. What Makes a WebsiteResponsive? If you want to make your website responsive so that it can be accessed by all users, you will needto: - Design it in a specific way so that its pages load smoothly on all devices includingsmall and medium-sized smartphones. You cando this by configuring the viewport meta tag
properlysothatyourwebsitecouldresizeautomaticallyandfitthescreenoftheuserproperlysothatyourwebsitecouldresizeautomaticallyandfitthescreenoftheuser device. The role of the viewport setting in a responsive website is that it provides control over the scaling and width of web pages when it is accessed through variousdevices. -Makeittouch-friendlyforyoursmartphoneandtabletuserssothattheycanswipeor tap on their screens while using your website. It means your site should have easy to view and touch buttons that you can tap on to choose a specific product or service. You can get such buttons designed by a leading web design company or you can switch toour company. We are based in Los Angeles and our designers know how to work with texts, not just content. They assume texts as a user interface that visitors would like to engage in when they use yoursite. -Makeiteasytonavigateasnavigationisoneofthemostimportantelementsofweb design. From the very first moment, you need to determine the appropriate position of the links and buttons. Check if you can use the scroll bar or drop-down menus for navigation. Also, you need to pay attention to the size of links and buttons so that users don’t feel difficulty in touchingit. -Usesomeadditionaltoolsthatwillhelpyouintestinghowyourwebsiteisworking. This way you can find mistakes and correct them to deliver a great user experience.Also,
askyourfriendsandassociatestotestyoursitesothatyoucangettheirfeedbackasaskyourfriendsandassociatestotestyoursitesothatyoucangettheirfeedbackas well. Remember one thing that if you are running a responsive website for your business,the bounce rate of your site will be decreased. It means more and more visitors will stay on your site for a long time before they leave. The longer a visitor engages, the higher the conversion rate. This is why having a responsive website is extremely important, especially when you are running an eCommerce store or an online business. You should understand that there are only a few web design companies in Los Angeles good at designing fully responsive websites. And most of them have higher service charges and low success rates. In that case, you can approach SFWPExperts - a professional Wordpress website design company and we will make sure you don’t miss even a single opportunity of acquiring your potential customers. Our designers completely understand how to treat text as a user interface and that works as a key factor in successful websitedesign. ContactDetails: 213-277-9177 l a@sfwpexperts.com
Visit Reference ProfileWebsites: http://bit.ly/3aNRH3R http://bit.ly/2GoIYY1 http://bit.ly/2tSNdse http://bit.ly/3aJW1Bh http://bit.ly/2NZz6bk http://bit.ly/2GmHLAy http://bit.ly/38IsE0u http://bit.ly/2RsMNBG http://bit.ly/36rF6Ac