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ARTICLES členi. INDEFINITE ARTICLE: A/ AN Nedoločni člen DEFINITE ARTICLE: THE Določni člen. NEDOLOČNI ČLEN. “ a ” uporabljamo pred samostalniki, ki se v izgovorjavi pričenjajo na soglasnik: “ a book, a pencil, a house, a university, …

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  2. NEDOLOČNI ČLEN • “a” uporabljamo pred samostalniki, ki se v izgovorjavi pričenjajo na soglasnik: “ a book, a pencil, a house, a university, … • “an” uporabljamo pred samostalniki, ki se pričenjajo na samoglasnik: an apple, an hour, an heir, …

  3. UPORABA • Pred števnimi samostalniki v ednini, ki so omenjeni prvič: There is a car in the street. Ko jih omenimo drugič, imajo določni člen: The car is black. • Pred samostalniki, ki pomenijo poklice: He is a mechanic. She is an engineer. • V izrazih za ceno: 2 dollars a kilo; hitrost: 60km an hour (per hour), razmerje: 3 times a week. • V besednih zvezah: a lot of, a little, a few. • V vzklikih: What a nice day, what a nice surprise. (kadar sledi števni samostalnik v ednini)

  4. DOLOČNI ČLENuporaba • Pred samostalniki, ki so že znani iz sobesedila: There is a car in the street. The car is black. • Pred samostalniki, če gre za edino stvar ali osebo oz. predstavnika svoje vrste: the world, the Sun He is the president of the US. Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. The lion lives in Africa.

  5. Pred presežniki pridevnikov: the best thing, the most interesting film,… • Pred vrstilnimi števniki: the first, the second, the third,… • Pred imeni pogorij, rek, morij, oceanov in skupin otokov:the Alps, the Sava, the Adriatic, the Atlantic, the Shetlands, … • Pred imeni glasbil: the guitar, the flute,…

  6. Pred samostalniki, ki jim sledi besedna zveza z “of” ali “in”: the south of Slovenia, the end of the street; the girl in red; • Pred samostalnikoma: cinema, theatre; • Pred deli dneva: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening; • Pred imeni za strani neba: the North, the South, the East, the West.

  7. Kadar je iz situacije jasno, katero stvar ali osebo ima govorec v mislih: in the garden (our garden), in the kitchen (our kitchen), they sent for the doctor (his personal doctor),..

  8. ZERO ARTICLEbrez člena • Pred imeni za dnevne obroke: I never have breakfast; She cooked lunch; We always have light supper. • Pred samostalniki v množini, kadar govorimo na splošno: Lions live in Africa; Cars are sold here; He builds houses. • Pred snovnimi imeni in abstraktnimi samostalniki (pojmi): I like juice, She never drinks coffee; People are afraid of death. • Pred prevoznimisredstvi v strukturi: by car, by bus, by bicycle, by plane, by boat.

  9. Pred imeni držav, mest, ulic in jezer: She lives in Canada; He works in Rome, They live in Regent Street. Lake Bled is our most beautiful lake. Izjeme so države: the USA, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom; mesto: the Hague. • Pred lastnimi imeni: Peter, Mary, Novak. Izjema so priimki v množini, ki pomenijo družino: the Novaks • Pred samostalniki:, hospital, school,church,bed,market, kadar jih uporabljamo v primarni funkciji: They took him to hospital; I still go to school; It’s time to go to bed. • Pred samostalnikoma: home in work: Let’s go home; He is at work.

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