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Cosmic rays are studied for 100 years, but their origin is still not clear.

Discover the mechanism behind solar and galactic cosmic rays acceleration during flares. Explore Igor Maximovich Podgorny's breakthrough research in plasma physics, cosmic rays, and solar phenomena.

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Cosmic rays are studied for 100 years, but their origin is still not clear.

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  1. The single mechanism of solar and galactic cosmic rays acceleration arising during the flare process Podgorny I.M., Podgorny A.I. INASAN, FIAN. Russia. Igor Maximovich Podgorny (May 11, 1925 – October 4, 2018) made an enormous contribution to the study of the physical processes in laboratory and space plasma. He is the participant of the Great Patriotic War, awarded the Order of Glory (Order of St. George the Victorious) and the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree. As part of a team led by L. A. Artsimovich, Igor was the first to receive plasma in the laboratory with a temperature of 1,000,000 degrees and to detect neutron radiation in a deuterium discharge. The team of scientists who made this discovery was presented for awarding the Lenin Prize. A fundamentally new mechanism for the acceleration of particles in a high-power pulsed discharge with electric currents through an ionized gas of hundreds of thousands of amperes was discovered. Further investigation of this mechanism helped Igor to understand the physics of cosmic rays. The world's first electrodynamic accelerator was manufactured, designed to fill a magnetic trap with plasma. Igor formulated the principle of limited simulation of cosmic phenomena. It was first simulated the geomagnetic tail in laboratory and the correctness of Birman’s hypothesis on the magnetic nature of cometary tails was shown. Igor was the head of the scientific program of Soviet-Bulgarian satellite Intercosmos Bulgaria-1300. Based on measurements made on the Bulgaria-1300 spacecraft, Igor suggested an electrodynamical model of a substorm. By analogy with the electrodynamical model of a substorm, using the results of numerical simulation and observation, Igor proposed an electrodynamical model of a solar flare. Acceleration of particles of solar cosmic rays occurs during flares by the electric field in a current sheet in the corona above the active region.The front of the accelerated protons from Western flaresflow arrives to the Earth with a delay not exceeding the proton flight time. The similar mechanism can be responsible for galactic cosmic rays generation. The modern detection of giant flares on the star dwarfs of the class G with the energy significantly exceeding the energy of the solar flares indicates the possibility of proton acceleration beyond the boundary of the solar system to energies significantly greater than the energy of solar cosmic rays.

  2. Igor Maximovich Podgorny (May 11, 1925 – October 4, 2018) is the Soviet and Russian physicist and astronomer. He is the participant of the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from Kharkov State University in 1951, he worked until 1967 at the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. He was the head of the laboratory. From 1967 to 1992, he worked at the Space Research Institute, first as a senior researcher, and then head of the department. Since 1992, he is leading researcher at the Institute of Astronomy, RAS. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1969), Professor (1990).He has lectured at the Moscow State University and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. His students are famous scientists of Russia and many countries of the world. He is the author of more than three hundred works on laboratory and cosmic plasma physics, solar physics and cosmic rays. He has published four books, including Topics in plasma diagnostic (Plenum Press, 1967). He is winner of the Lenin Prize, he was awarded gold and two silver medals of the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy. He was awarded the Order of Glory (Order of St. George the Victorious) and the Order of the Patriotic War of the first degree.

  3. Igor Maximovich participated in Great Patriotic War as the gunner of the heavy machine gun on the 2nd Belorussian Front as part of the 102th Guards Division, 316th Regiment.After Torn (Poland) was taken, on 23 February 1945, it was necessary to break through the deeply echeloned German defense. Igor, without attracting attention, rеad the Lord's prayer.It was impossible to attack under the fire of machine guns knee-deep in the mud, and the asphalt road was defended by a German rapid-fire machine-gun, located in a concrete cap with a narrow horizontal slit.Igor, with his machine-gun group, crawled with a machine gun along the ditch and opened the direct fire on the embrasure, forcing the enemy’s machine gun to silence.After the destruction of the enemy’s firing point, our infantry was able, without obstacles, make an offensive on an asphalt road.For this feat, Igor Maximovich was awarded the Order of Glory, this is the highest soldier's award, corresponding to the Order of St. George the Victorious established earlier in Russia.

  4. The compression of the gas discharge by its own magnetic field at the currents of 500 kA leads to generation of the Lorentz electric field, directed along the axis of discharge. The energy of accelerated particles ~300 KeV at an applied potential difference of ~15 KV. As part of a team led by L. A. Artsimovich, Igor Maximovich was the first to receive plasma in the laboratory with a temperature of 1,000,000 degrees and to detect neutron radiation in a deuterium discharge.The team of scientists who made this discovery was presented for awarding the Lenin Prize.

  5. Igor Maximovich formulated the principle of limited simulation of cosmic phenomena, which was later used not only for laboratory simulation, but also for numerical simulation.

  6. Based on measurements made on the Soviet-Bulgarian satellite Intercosmos Bulgaria-1300 spacecraft, Igor Maximovich suggested the electrodynamical model of a substorm.

  7. Electrodynamical model of a solar flare is proposed by I.M. Podgorny by analogy with the electrodynamical model of a substorm on the basis of the results of MHD numerical simulation and observation.

  8. Cosmic rays are studied for 100 years, but their origin is still not clear. • Sun - is an astronomical observatory. Due to its proximity to the Earth, we canget information, which does not come to us from other stars.  • John N.Bahcal


  10. a=m/ Vin ; m= c2/4 After the quasi-steady evolution the current sheet transfers into an unstable state. As a result, explosive instability develops, which cause the flare energy release.

  11. Electrodynamic model of solarflare Igor M. Podgorny using results of measurements on the satellite Intercosmos-Bulgaria-1300

  12. Now our aim is: To find solar flare mechanism directly by MHD simulation in real active region. Earlier: Hypothesized the mechanism of the solar flare, which is then tested.

  13. SET OF FLARES MAY 27-29, 2003 AR 0365

  14. The graphical system of search of current sheet positions is created to compare with observed positions of thermal X-ray emission. To find the position of the current sheet, its property is used, according to which the local maximum of the absolute value of the current density is located in the center of a current sheet. All positions of local maxima of the current density are searched. Magnetic field configuration in the vicinity of each current density maximum is analysed. In the first turn, magnetic field configuration is analysed in a plane which is situated perpendicular to the magnetic field vector in this maximum, where current sheet magnetic field configuration is most distinctly pronounced.

  15. dI/dW ~ exp(-W/W0) W0=0.6 GeV The rate of reconnection for W0 ~ 0.6 GeV is order of 107 cm/s. E=VinB/c Подгорный, Балабин, Вашенюк, Подгорный Астр. Журн. Т. 87, C. 704 (2010) Podgorny, Balabin, Podgorny, Vashenyuk Journ. Atm. Solar-Ter. Phys. V. 72. P. 988 (2010)

  16. Large proton streams from western and eastern flares. Very large prompt proton stream with very steep front is observed only from a western flare.

  17. Solar cosmic rays with Wp ≥ 20 GeV is the most remarkable effect of solar flare. The solar cosmic rays are accompanied the flare and registered against the background of the flux of galactic cosmic rays with energy Wp> 1015 eV. 100 years of Cosmic rays research did not reveal the mechanism of their origin. The popular mechanism - shock waves is not proven. But the solar cosmic rays acceleration in a flare current sheet over the active region is demonstrated. The significant difference in the energies of the particles accelerated on the Sun and accelerated beyond the solar system for a long time raised doubts about the identical origin of these fundamental phenomena.

  18. The situation is now changed. The detection of giant flares on the star dwarfs of the class G [Kepler spacecraft] with the energy significantly exceeding the energy of the solar flares (by 3 - 4 orders)indicates the possibility of protonaccelerating beyond the limits of the solar system to energies significantly greater than the energy of solar cosmic rays. These results can be considered as a new independent argument in favor of galactic cosmic ray generating in the star flares, but not in shock waves. The generation of `superflares' with the energy much larger than energy of big solar flares are reported on a variety of class G stars, some of which are rapidly rotating and some of which are of ordinary solar type.

  19. Conclusion • Solar flare appearance takes place in the corona above an active region during energy release that accumulated in a coronal current sheet. There are no magnetic energy dissipation of the active region. • Plasma heating in the corona during the flare are takes place at least up to 20 MK. • During the magnetic energy accumulation in the pre-flare state local heating in the corona takes place up to ~6 МК. This effect can be used for solar flare prognosis. • Solar cosmic rays acceleration takes place in the coronal current sheet. The modern detection of giant flares on the star dwarfs of the class G with the energy by 3-4 orders greater than the energy of a large solar flare indicates the possibility the same mechanism of galactic cosmic ray acceleration. • Now it is necessary to study more detail this mechanism of cosmic rays acceleration by more accurate MHD simulation using supercomputer/

  20. Thank you!

  21. FLARE X1.6 17:21

  22. Для Ферми ускорения частицы необходимо, чтобы размер магнитного облака (толщина ударной волны) L превосходил ларморовский радиус частицы . В противном случае частица пронизывает магнитное облако. Максимально достижимая энергия соответствует равенству ларморовского радиуса  ~ W/300B размеру магнитного облака. При магнитном поле в ударной волне B = 510-4 Г для ускорения до 2109 эВ необходима ширина фронта волны большая ~1010 см. Скопление таких неоднородностей в солнечном ветре никогда не наблюдалось.

  23. MHDsimulation of magnetic field and plasma above AR. Spots approximation by vertical magnetic dipoles. jB force accelerates plasma along CS, producing CME. MHD simulation demonstrate that flares and CME are different manifestations of magnetic energy dissipation in the corona due to reconnection in a current sheet.

  24. Conservation of the active region magnetic field distribution during a flare is the most remarkable solar flare phenomena.


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