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File Class Offenses & Arrest Charges. MICR Offense Definitions. Offense definitions are based on three sources : 1. Common-law definitions found in Black’s Law Dictionary. Definitions found in the UCR/NIBRS Handbook. NCIC Uniform Offense Classifications. MICR – Initial Reporting.
MICR Offense Definitions • Offense definitions are based on three sources: • 1. Common-law definitions found in Black’s Law Dictionary. • Definitions found in the UCR/NIBRS Handbook. • NCIC Uniform Offense Classifications.
MICR – Initial Reporting • Classify and report offenses after preliminary confirmation of a call for service or a complaint establishes that a CRIME WAS, IN FACT, COMMITTED.
Offense File Classes MICR captures 95 file classes. Some of these are listed below: File ClassOffense 01000 Sovereignty 03000 Immigration 09001 Homicide – Murder/Non Negligent 09002 Homicide – Negligent-Manslaughter 09003 Homicide – Negligent – MV/Boat/Snowmobile 09004 Homicide – Justifiable 10001 Kidnapping – Abduction 10002 Kidnapping – Parental Kidnapping 13002 Aggravated Assault
CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS Murder Negligent Manslaughter Assaults Intimidation Kidnapping/Abduction Sex Offenses
CRIMES AGAINST SOCIETY Drug/Narcotic Violations Drug Equipment Violations Gambling Offenses Obscenity (Pornography/Obscene Material) Prostitution Offenses Weapon Law Violations
CRIMES AGAINST SOCIETY Society crimes should always list the victim as “Society”. The exception to listing “Society” as the Victim - when the offense is being forced upon the victim as a domestic relationship between the victim and the offender of the crime.
CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY Arson Bribery Burglary Counterfeiting/Forgery Damage Property Embezzlement • Extortion/Blackmail • Fraud Offenses • Larceny Offenses • Motor Vehicle Theft • Robbery • Stolen Property
MICR – Homicide Offenses Murder/Non-negligent Manslaughter Negligent Homicide/Manslaughter Justifiable Homicide
09001 – Murder Question How do you classify an incident when you have a murder and the Offender commits suicide?
09001 – Murder ANSWER There would be one victim of murder with circumstance of “other.” The program does not capture data on suicide victims.
MICR - Murder & Non-Negligent Manslaughter Things to remember: Attempted Homicides are classified as Aggravated Assaults Suicides, traffic fatalities, & fetal deaths are not reported to MICR
09001 – Murder Question How do you classify an incident when you have a murder and the Offender states he was acting in self-defense?
09001 – Murder Answer Initially, this would be submitted as a homicide.
09004 – Justifiable Homicide • Not a “criminal offense” and is not included in the murder crime count. • These offense counts are tallied separately for other statistical purposes. • Often occurs in conjunction with other offenses to be reported separately. • Do not count a killing as justifiable solely on the basis of self-defense or the action of a coroner, prosecutor, or court.
09004 – Justifiable Homicide QuestionHow do I report a domestic violence assault on a wife when the offender was killed by our officers and the victim was able to escape?
AnswerTwo reports would be generated. One for the actual criminal incident (i.e., aggravated assault) and a second incident for the justifiable homicide. List the offender as thevictim in the justifiable homicide. The officer or private citizen would be coded as the offender who committed the justifiable act after an investigation was conducted. 09004 – Justifiable Homicide
10001 – Kidnapping/Abduction Definition The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of a person against his/her will, or of a minor without the consent of his/her custodial parent(s) or legal guardian.
Question Why do I need to create a property record for a kidnapping? 10001 – KIDNAPPING10002 – ABDUCTION
Answer It is assumed the reason for the kidnapping/abduction is to obtain money or property. Therefore, a property record must be completed. 10001 – KIDNAPPING10002 – ABDUCTION If NO ransom was requested, property should be coded as: 000 = Item No. and 0 = Property Type
11001 – 11008 FORCIBLE SEX OFFENSES • Assaults are inclusive to these crimes. • The ability of the victim to give consent must be a professional determination by the law enforcement agency.
36001 – 36004 Penetration Non-forcible Blood Affinity Penetration Non-forcible Other • Non-forcible Blood Affinity: • - Includes adopted children & step-children • - In MICHIGAN the age of consent is 16 • - Victim & Offender under 18 (no force) • -- classify as 36004 - All Other Offense
True or False? When a male is a victim of forcible rape, at least one offender must be a woman.
TRUERegardless of the offender’s gender, file classes 11001 & 11002 require victim and offender to be opposite sex.
Robbery • Weapon information is required. • Need to enter at least one “victim.” • If the offender uses a “toy” weapon or claims to possess a weapon, classify the weapon as “88” Other. • If a victim (bank, other business) is robbed, report “business or entity” of which the force or threat of force was directed at.
13001 – 13003 ASSAULT OFFENSES • Each assault file class is “inclusive” to one another. • There can be NO ATTEMPTED ASSAULTS. • If you are reporting a 13001-13003 against a police officer, the MICR Victim Type must be coded as “P,” along with the entry of required LEOKA data fields.
True or False? Non-Aggravated Assaults can have major injuries.
False Non-aggravated assaults can only have victim injuries of: “M” (minor injuries) - OR - “N” (no injury).
True or False? The attempt/complete data field for a 13001 MUST be marked “C” for complete.
True You cannot have an attempted assault. The attempt/complete data field MUST be marked “C” for complete.
True or False? Strangulation is always coded as 13002, Aggravated Assault.
False Strangulation is an aggravated assault if the act is considered life threatening.
20000 – Arson Definition To unlawfully and intentionally damage, or attempt to damage, any real or personal property by fire or incendiary device.
21000 – Extortion Definition To unlawfully obtain money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, through the use or threat of force, misuse of authority, threat of criminal prosecution, threat of destruction of reputation or social standing, or through other coercive means.
22001 – Burglary Forced Entry Definition: To unlawfully enter a structure for the purpose of committing a theft or felony. Applies when a thief gains entry through force, using tools, picks, etc. through a window, door, roof, ventilators, etc. or Gain entry through a locked structure using keys, mechanical device or by concealment inside the building following exit of the structure.
QuestionWhat do you call a burglar who fell into the cement mixer? A hardened criminal.
22002 – Burglary Unlawful Entry No Force Definition To unlawfully enter astructure for the purpose of committing a theft or felony through an unlocked window or door, open garages, warehouses, or unlocked common basement areas.
True or False? The “Premises Entered” field (Data Element 21) is a mandatory field when the offense file class is 22001 or 22002 and the location site is “hotel/motel” or “rental storage”.
True The “Premises Entered” field is mandatory. The location site codes for “hotel/motel” would be (14) and/or “rental storage” (19).
22001 – 22002Burglary – Premises Entered If a number of units under a single manager are burglarized, report as ONE incident. However, if they are rented or leased for a period of time not to be considered transient, then report separate incident reports by owner/occupant.
Burglary in Process Question How would a burglary in progress be reported when the investigation reveals that an authorized person was entering the structure?
Burglary in Process Answer There is no crime.
Question A burglary in progress is reported by a neighbor. The investigation reveals that an open door was the result of the owner’s forgetfulness. There was no forced entry. What offense file class is used?
Answer 22002 – BURGLARY – Entry without Force (Intent to Commit)
23001 – 23007 & 30002Larceny & Retail Fraud Definition The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another.
Larceny/Theft Offenses Pocket-Picking & Purse-Snatching If any force is used which causes the victim to resist, these offenses would be classified as a Robbery.
Larceny/Theft Offenses Theft from Building Theft from within a building which offender has legal access.
Larceny/Theft Offenses Theft from Coin-Operated Machine or Device Theft from telephones, vending machines, change machines, etc.
True or False? A purse was taken from a restaurant and property stolen indicates a Credit/Debit Card or Nonnegotiable Instrument. Property value must be zero.