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「發展國際ㄧ流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」. 拔尖計畫現場簡報─ 98 年執行成果與 99 年規劃. 領域:電子資訊領域 所屬統籌成果中心:電腦與通訊科技研發中心 計畫編號: 98N2502E1 計畫名稱:下一代網路與通訊之前瞻研究 主持人:張正尚 執行單位:電腦與通訊科技研發中心 核定年期: 96-97-98-99 年. 大綱. 計畫摘要 98 年執行情形 校內團隊 國際合作、校外合作、產學合作 其他經費配合情形 執行困難 98 年重要成果 Sub-project 1 Sub-project 2 Sub-project 3 論文、專書、專利、技轉

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  1. 「發展國際ㄧ流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」 拔尖計畫現場簡報─98年執行成果與99年規劃 • 領域:電子資訊領域 • 所屬統籌成果中心:電腦與通訊科技研發中心 • 計畫編號:98N2502E1 • 計畫名稱:下一代網路與通訊之前瞻研究 • 主持人:張正尚 • 執行單位:電腦與通訊科技研發中心 • 核定年期:96-97-98-99年

  2. 大綱 • 計畫摘要 • 98年執行情形 • 校內團隊 • 國際合作、校外合作、產學合作 • 其他經費配合情形 • 執行困難 • 98年重要成果 • Sub-project 1 • Sub-project 2 • Sub-project 3 • 論文、專書、專利、技轉 • 98年經費使用情形 • 99年工作規劃 • 99年經費運用規劃 • 結論與展望

  3. 計畫摘要 • The Internet is in everyone’s life. Conducting research and development related to the Internet is mostly likely to have major scientific and social impacts on the people in the world. • Switching Technologies The main research topics in sub-project 1 include high speed switching (load balanced Birkhoff-von Neumann switches) and the constructions of optical queues. • Wireless and Sensor Networks The theme of sub-project 2 is the integration of heterogeneous wireless networks that would make it possible to roam anywhere at anytime through any type of access networks. • Wireless Communications The target of sub-project 3 is on MB-OFDM UWB wireless communication systems (or better known as the 4G wireless communication systems), including signal processing, coding and system optimization.

  4. 98年執行情形-校內團隊、國際合作 (1/2) • 校內團隊 • Switching Technologies: 張正尚、許雅三、黃能富、李端興、林華君、邱瀞德、馮開明、吳仁銘、徐碩鴻、鄭 傑 • Wireless and Sensor Networks: 許健平、陳文村、金仲達、曾煜棋、王晉良、陳志成、蔡明哲、周百祥、楊舜仁、洪樂文、張適宇、高榮駿 • Wireless Communications: 陳博現、祁忠勇、趙啟超、蔡育仁、黃建華、馬榮健、馬席彬、黃元豪、翁詠祿、加藤研太郎。 • 國際合作 • 美國南加州大學:合作Optical OFDM communication system之研究 • 加拿大倫敦西安大略大學:行動正交分頻多工系統之前瞻基頻處理技術研究 • 法國巴黎Evry TELECOM SudParis:無線感測網路實驗平台建置與應用開發 • 美國加州大學Davis分校:以資料為中心之合作式傳輸技術在大型無線感測網路應用 • Quasar, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA: High Throughput, Low Latency, Low Power, Reliable Communication Protocol

  5. 98年執行情形-國際合作(2/2) • Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois and University of Michigan (USA): Sensor Network Synthesis • University of New Hampshire (USA) and Delft University (Netherlands): Smart Sediment Grains and the Motion and Transport of Heterogeneous Sediment in Unsteady Forcing Environments • UC Irvine小兒科研究部GCRC:利用Eco無線感測系統監測早產兒對輔助運動的成長反應 • Eco Wireless Sensor Platform: (a) UC Irvine, USA (b) University of Zaragoza, Spain • University of Waterloo, Canada: Repacking and Borrowing-Based Constant-Time Resource Scheduling for IEEE 802.16j Multihop Relay Wireless Networks • UC Davis, USA: Data-Centric and Bio-Inspired Communications for Sensor Networks • University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA: Opportunistic Multicasting in Cellular Networks and Game Theoretic Studies on Physical Layer Secrecy • Communications Research Centre, Canada: 60GHz Cognitive Radio Networks • 美國維吉尼亞理工學院暨州立大學:通訊與生物醫學成像之前瞻盲蔽訊號源分離 • 美國明尼蘇達大學:用於多輸入多輸出無線通訊系統前瞻非相干偵測、通道估計與波束成形:從最佳化理論至分散式合作通訊 • 日本大阪大學大學院情報科學研究科:Analysis and Design of Error Control for Network-Coded Network Transmission

  6. 98年執行情形-校外合作、產學合作

  7. 98年執行情形-其他經費配合情形

  8. 98年執行情形-執行困難 • 難以招募到有足夠潛力且自動自發學習的研究生,以維持高研究水準。 • 沒有穩定的博士班學生以支持較困難繁複的研究。 • 博士後研究人員不易聘攬。 • 計畫經費的使用規定繁瑣,彈性不足。 • 出國經費不足,導致無法達成較大規模及較為深入之國際交流。

  9. Less than 1dB !! Propose architecture Stable system performance Benchmark 98年重要成果-子計畫一(1/3) • 重要成果一:Multi-functional Optical Packet Switch • Multifunction All Optical Packet Switch by Periodic Wavelength Arrangement [1] Y. N. Singh et al., J. Lightw. Technol. 21, 719-726 [5] R. Srivastava et al., Photon. Technol. Lett. 20, 1581-1583 [3] C. Guillemot et al., J. Lightw. Technol. 16, 2117-2134 [2] F. S. Choa et al., J. Lightw. Technol. 23, 994-1014 [4] M. C. Chia et al., J. lightw. Technol. 19, 1241-1254

  10. Iterative estimation and cancellation technique for OFDM noise reduction Experimental Setup and Results 98年重要成果-子計畫一(2/3) • 重要成果二: Optical OFDM Study • Spectrally Efficient Direct-Detected Optical OFDM Communications 2009 年PSCI成果: 3 篇 IEEE/OSA JLT 1 篇 Optical Express 2 篇 IEEE PTL

  11. 98年重要成果-子計畫一(3/3) • 重要成果三:32-Gbps Feedback Based 4×4 Switch Fabric IC for with Low Propagation Delay • 4x4 switch with 32 Gbps • data rate (8Gbps/ch) • 80% reduced area • 80% reduced power • consumption • 97% reduced propagation • delay for much better • network scalability 11

  12. 98年重要成果-子計畫二(1/3) • Soft handoff mechanism for SIP-NEMO • The experimental results indicate that our SIP-NEMO with soft handoff support can effectively reduce the handoff disruption time from those of SIP-NEMO without soft handoff and MIPv4-NEMO with fast handover. • NGNAS-SIOTP test system • based on the TTCN-3 specifications for the conformance testing of next generation network applications and systems.

  13. 98年重要成果-子計畫二(2/3) • Quality of Service • Q-SIP (SIP with QoS extension) is proposed to integrate among heterogeneous networks. • A primitive UMTS/WiMAX/WiFi integrated testbed is also implemented. • A cross-layer random access mechanism based on channel conditions and a distributed peer selection schemes are proposed to exploit cooperative communications with the integrated wireless system. • Mobility Management • We design a soft handoff mechanism for SIP-NEMO and implement a test-bed for it with soft handoff support. • SIP-NEMO with soft handoff support can effectively reduce the handoff disruption time from those of SIP-NEMO without soft handoff and MIPv4-NEMO with fast handover. • 重要成果一:下一代寬頻無線網路 • Security • We propose a SIP-based Mobile Virtual Private Network (MVPN). • SIP-based MVPN can achieve better performance than the IETF MVPN. • Novel Services • We develop a mobile tour guide for moving cars. • We design a test system NGNAS-SIOTP which is designed based on the Testing and Test Control Notation Version 3 (TTCN-3) specifications.

  14. 98年重要成果-子計畫二(3/3) User Applications • Enix - A lightweight OS for WSN • Every component of Enix is configurable • In 8051/8052 compatible architecture • Designed for light weight platform • Dual Mode Operation • Wireless Reprogramming • Cooperative Thread with Priority Based Scheduling • Dynamic loading using ELIB • Virtual Memory • File system • 重要成果二:Eco Wireless Sensor Network Platform Dynamic Loading Libraries RF Flash SD Card UART SPI LED Accelerometer • EcoSpire - new hardware prototype for next generation Eco platform • Nordic nRF24LE1 Microcontroller with 2.4GHz RF Transceiver • Multi-storage Capability: 32Mbit Flash and Micro-SD • Three Options for On-board Antenna • Two On-board Accelerometers Options (HDK HAAM-372 or ST LIS331) • Two I/O Controlled LED, One Input Button • One Module Expansion Interface with SPI, I2C, UART or 4-CH ADC Input • Battery Voltage Input Range: 4V to 12V • EPL Programming Interface, Easy to Program and Debug Kernel Scheduler Timer Wireless Programmer Runtime Relocation Routine EcoFS Power Management Memory Management

  15. 98年重要成果-子計畫三(1/4) • 重要成果一:Mobile Position Technologies in Urban Areas Abstract Mobile positioning problem has drawn much attention owing to its numerous applications. The difficulty of this problem comes from the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) radio propagations due to obstructions. We have proposed a mixed-norm optimization approach to handle this situation. Figure (a) shows the true trajectory of the MS, whereas figure (b) shows the corresponding estimated result by the mixed-norm approach.

  16. 98年重要成果-子計畫三(2/4) • 重要成果二:A Linear Fractional Semidefinite Relaxation Approach to Maximum-Likelihood (ML) Detection of Higher-Order QAM OSTBC in Unknown Channels • Motivation: Noncoherent MIMO detection has higher spectral efficiency than training based methods in block fading channels with short channel coherence time. • Contribution: Noncoherent higher-order QAM OSTBC detection is a difficult discrete optimization problem without effective and computationally efficient methods so far. • We propose an effective approximation method, linear-fractional semidefinite relaxation (LF-SDR) technique. • The LF-SDR method can be efficiently implemented by solving a convex semidefinite program (SDP), and can yield near ML performance. • Publications: • T.-H.Chang, C.-W. Hsin, W.-K. Ma and C.-Y. Chi, “A linear fractional semidefinite relaxation approach to maximum-likelihood detection of higher-order QAM OSTBC in unknown channels,” submitted to IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing (regular paper, AQ). • C.-W. Hsin, T.-H. Chang, W.-K. Ma and C.-Y. Chi, “A linear fractional semidefinite relaxed ML approach to blind detection of 16-QAM orthogonal space-time block dodes,” IEEE ICC-2008, Beijing, China, May 19-23, 2008, pp. 790-794.

  17. Proposed 98年重要成果-子計畫三(3/4) • 特點: • 結合GMD演算法及Antenna selection以提高系統收發效能,較ML好1.5 dB,較V-BLAST 好6 dB以上效能 • 較傳統 Antenna selection實現簡化50% 以上之複雜度 • 將feedback訊息量減至極低(4x4天線組 態下,可由原先80 bit 減為7 bit) • 提供一高可靠度低複雜度QR偵測器 • 實作之FPGA電路可操作在最高頻率 50 MHz下提供120Mbps 之資料傳輸率 • 重要成果三:完成closed-loop MIMO 收發機系統設計及FPGA實作 • 成果:2010 ASP-DAC university design contest winner

  18. 98年重要成果-子計畫三(4/4) • 重要成果四:低複雜度時空編碼(Space-Time-Trellis-Coded)之多輸入多輸出(MIMO)解碼演算法與MISO解碼器 • 世界上第一顆STTC Coded MISO解碼器 • 低複雜度之STTC Viterbi解碼演算法可減少 為原有演算法一成的運算量 • 可針對慢衰減之通道,進一步降低其運算量 • 晶片可支援4x1, 3x1, 2x1與4/8/16- state與4PSK/8PSK/16QAM STTC- Coded MISO解碼 • 晶片可支援4.18Mbps~11.14Mbps 之運算吞吐量 • 晶片耗掉量僅2.45mW,並可針對慢衰減之通道,進一步降低其耗電量為2.0mW • 所提出的演算法與晶片已經 被IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers 所接受,將會於2010年4月刊 出

  19. 98年重要成果-論文 • IEEE INFOCOM 2009 regular papers • INFOCOM is the most prestigious conference in the networking area and it is often used as an indicator to rank the research activity in a university or a research institute in the networking area. • In 2009, a total of 282 regular papers were accepted among 1,453 submissions, which represents an acceptance rate of approximately 20%. There are only 7 regular papers from Taiwan this year and 4of them are from our team. • SCI論文

  20. 98年重要成果-專書、專利、技轉 • 專書 • P. K. Sahoo and J. P. Sheu, “Performance Evaluation of Contention-based MAC in Wireless Sensor Networks,” Y. Xiao, H. Chen, and F. H. Li (Eds) Handbook on Sensor Networks, to be published by World Scientific Publishing Co., 2009. • C. Y. Chang and J. P. Sheu, “Obstacle-Aware Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks,” Y. Xiao, H. Chen, and F. H. Li (Eds) Handbook on Sensor Networks, to be published by World Scientific Publishing Co., 2009. • 專利 • M. Kao, C.H. Jen, J. Wu, C.T Chiu and S.H. Hsu “High Speed Current Model Logic I/O Interface,” Patent No. I275246. (Taiwan), US7443210B2 (U.S.) • 許健平,一種改良感測模組之感測方法(台灣) • 許健平、王家祥,無線感測器網路中之時間同步方法(台灣) • J.-C. Chen, L.-W. Lin and Y.-W. Liu “Apparatus of dynamically assigning external home agent for mobile virtual private networks and method for the same,” US 7,486,951, Feb. 3, 2009. • J.-C. Chen, L.-W. Lin, and Y.-W. Liu “Apparatus of dynamically assigning external home agent for mobile virtual private networks and method for the same,” US 7,477,626, Jan. 13, 2009. • Y.-W. Hong and A. Scaglione “Methods and systems for cooperative transmission in multi-hop ad-hoc networks,” US Patent 7493080, issued February 17, 2009. • 黃元豪,用於多輸入多輸出天線系統偵測的QR分解方法、以及使用該QR分解方法的偵測器(台灣、美國) • 翁詠祿,針對RS-LDPC編碼之多模式高速解碼器(台灣、美國) • 技轉 • 無線感測網路平台,源鼎科技股份有限公司(NT$ 500,000) • 自動光度感測及調節系統,財團法人工業研究院(NT$ 200,000)

  21. 98年經費使用情形 經費結算至98.11 新台幣:元 • 研究設備費:任意波形產生器及寬頻亂數訊號產生器等 • 國外差旅費:INFOCOM 2009、ICCCAS 2009、PIMRC 2009、Allerton Conference 2009

  22. 99年工作規劃-子計畫一 • Optical Approach (馮老師) • Switching • Optical: • Theoretical study of mathematical theory for the construction of optical queues. • Experimental implementation: • Upgrading experimental testbed to 40 Gb/s. • Developing new technologies to all optical label swapping. • Developing fully automatic All-Optical FIFO Multiplexer. • Electrical: • Chip design and implementation of high speed switching fabrics, • Design and implementation of 40Gbps serial link modulator • Wide range, fast locking, 40Gbps clock data recovery • Optical Interconnect driver circuits for high-speed switch applications, • Research and implementation for low propagation delay switch design for network scalability. • Optical Communication Systems: Developing all optical real-time OFDM communication systems. (Collaboration with Subproject 3)

  23. 99年工作規劃-子計畫二 • Wireless Sensor Networks • Capture stroke track using multiple tiny sensors • Power saving routing protocols in wireless sensor networks • Next-Generation Broadband Wireless Networks • Cooperative Communication and Cognitive Radio Networks • Vehicular Networks and Telematics Services • 4G Heterogeneous Networks • Smart Grid

  24. 99年工作規劃-子計畫三 • Establish the theoretical results on indoor positioning scheme • Develop advanced MIMO techniques (including noncoherent detection, cooperative communications) for signal processing in wireless communications • Devise energy saving protocols for distributed detection in wireless sensor networks • Develop high performance spectrum sensing and detection algorithm in cognitive radio • Design and implementation of STTC Coded MIMO detector • Design of coded non-coherent MIMO systems for fast block fading channels • Performance analysis and system design of UWB transmitted-reference communication systems • Design and analysis of the optimal concatenation of outer LDPC codes with inner space-time codes under a low-rate feedback

  25. 99年經費運用規劃-總計畫 新台幣:元

  26. 99年經費運用規劃-子計畫一 新台幣:元

  27. 99年經費運用規劃-子計畫二 新台幣:元

  28. 99年經費運用規劃-子計畫三 新台幣:元

  29. 結論與展望(1/2) • 結論 • 第一分項 • 光佇列(Optical Queues)和交換機方面的研究持續去年的傑出表現:有三篇IEEE INFOCOM 2009的論文(台灣僅錄取七篇,另有一篇為第二分項所發表)。在實作光佇列方面亦有不錯的進展 • 交換機方面的研究獲選為「國科會50科學成就」之一,已配合國科會拍攝介紹短片,將展示於國科會網站 • 徐碩鴻教授及鄭傑教授榮獲中國電機工程學會98年「優秀青年電機工程師獎」 • 鄭傑教授榮獲2009年中央研究院年輕學者研究著作獎 • 第二分項 • 下一代寬頻無線網路和無線感測網路方面的研究與實作方面,有二篇論文發表於IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing及另有一篇論文發表於IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,此兩期刊的impact factor分別為其領域的前5%及前11% • 主持人許健平教授去年獲選為IEEE Fellow,今年度榮獲第七屆有庠科技講座

  30. 結論與展望(2/2) • 第三分項 • 在戶外追蹤及定位和無線通訊方面亦有相當卓越的成果 • 主持人陳博現教授榮獲教育部學術獎 • 於今年度完成世界第一顆STTC 4x1 MISO解碼器晶片的開發,預計將會進行更複雜的STTC 4x4 MIMO解碼器的開發。亦完成closed-loop MIMO系統設計及FPGA電路實作驗證,可達到更高頻譜效能傳輸目標,另針對同調通道設計出具有接近理論極限的渦輪編碼多天線系統。 • 展望未來 • 第一分項除在光交換領域持續研究之外,更進一步進行電交換領域方面的實作。 • 第二分項則持續進行下一代寬頻無線網路及無線感測網路的研究與應用。 • 第三分項則延續戶外追蹤及定位至室內追蹤及定位以及MIMO-OFDM無線通訊的研究與技術開發。 • 最大的隱憂在於學生素質的急速下降。雖然今年通訊所積極招收外籍學生,然成效尚未彰顯。在可預見的未來幾年,學生素質將成為研究上的考驗。

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