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Understanding Fiber Optics Technology: Evolution, Structure, and Applications

Fiber optics technology involves using thin glass threads to transmit data, offering advantages such as increased bandwidth and electromagnetic immunity. Learn about fiber optics evolution, structure, single and multi-mode fibers, manufacturing processes, and applications across various fields. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of fiber optics, along with essential references.

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Understanding Fiber Optics Technology: Evolution, Structure, and Applications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Optical fiber technology Presenters: IsratIahanTonni Department of IPE, NITER.

  2. Optical fiber technology

  3. What is Fiber Optics? • Structure of fber optics? • Modes of fiber optics? • How fiber optics is made? • Evolution of fiber optics. • Application of fiber optics. • Advantages of fiber optics. • Disadvantages of fiber optics. • References. CONTENTS

  4. First What is fiber Optics? A means to carry information from one point to point another or serves as transmission medium. A technology that uses thin stand of glass threads to transmit data. A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of glass threads each of which is capable of transmitting massages modulated onto light waves.

  5. Structure of fiber optics

  6. Core: Thin glass centre of the fiber where light travels. Cladding: Outer optical material surrounding the core. Buffer: To protect the fiber from physical and environmental damage.

  7. Single Mode. Multi Mode. Modes of fiber

  8. Single mode cable is a single stand of glass fiber with a diameter of 8.3 to 10 microns range.Single mode fiber gives you higher transmission rate and up to 50 times more distance than multimode, but it also costs more. Single Mode:

  9. Multi mode cable made of glass fiber with a diameter of 50 to 100 microns range.Multi mode fiber gives you high bandwidth at high speeds over medium distance. Multi Mode:

  10. Making a perform Glass Cylinder. Drawing the Fibers from the preform. Testing the fiber. How fiber optics is made?

  11. 1880- Alexander Graham Bell. 1930- Patents on tubing . 1960- Laser first used as light source. 1965- High loss of light discovered. 1970- Refining of manufacturing process. 1980- Of technology becomes backbone of long distance telephone network in NA. Evolution of fiber optics

  12. In telecommunication field. In medical applications. In military applications. Computer applications. Broadband applications. Application of fiber optics

  13. Small diameter and weight. Increased transmission distance. Increased bandwidth potential. Electromagnetic immunity including non conductivity. Advantages of fiber optics

  14. No DC power transmission. Only point to point working is possible. Precise and costly instruments would be required. Costly if under utilized. Disadvantages of fiber optics

  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiber optic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrUsaGussfc B00k :Our Molecular Future, Fiber optical technology. Reference

  16. Thank You

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