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Chapter 14: Protection. Protection. Operating system consists of a collection of objects: Hardware: CPU, memory segments, disks, printers, … Software: files, semaphores, … Each object has a name and can be accessed through a set of operations Protection problem
Protection • Operating system consists of a collection of objects: • Hardware: CPU, memory segments, disks, printers, … • Software: files, semaphores, … • Each object has a name and can be accessed through a set of operations • Protection problem • Ensure that each object is accessed correctly and only by those processes that are allowed to do so
Principles of Protection • Principle of Least Privilege • Programs, users and systems should be given just enough privileges to perform their tasks
Domain Structure • A process operates within a protection domain • Domain = set of access rights • Access right = <object-name, rights-set> • rights-set is a subset of all valid operations that can be performed on the object • Processes can be allowed to switch from one domain to another to access objects or perform needed operations
Domains in UNIX • A domain is associated with each user • Domain = user-id • The set of objects that can be accessed depends on user-id • Switch domain = login as a different user
Access Matrix • View protection as a matrix (access matrix) • Rows represent domains; columns represent objects • Entry (i, j): define the set of operations that a process executing in domain i can invoke on object j
Access Matrix: Domain Switching • Processes should be able to switch from one domain to another • A process can switch domains if it has a switch right on these domains • Consider domains as objects, and add them to access matrix
Access Matrix: Dynamic Protection • Need to be able to change entries of the access matrix dynamically • i.e., need to add, remove, copy access rights • To support these operations, special access rights are defined: • copy of access right R on object Oi: • can copy (propagate) the access right R within the same column (denoted as R*) • owner of object Oi : • can add/remove access rights to Oi (change column j) • control of domain Di: • can add/remove access rights to domainDi (change row j)
Access Matrix with Control Rights A process running in D2 can change (control) the row of D4
Access Matrix: Policy vs. Mechanism • Access matrix design separates mechanism from policy • Mechanism • Operating system provides access matrix + rules • It ensures that the matrix is only manipulated by authorized users and that rules are strictly enforced • Policy • User dictates policy: • Who can access what object and in what mode
Implementation of Access Matrix • Global Table • The matrix is large and sparse Large overhead • Access Control List (ACL) • Each column (i.e., object) has a list of domains that can access it and what type of access • Example: an ACL of an object may look like <D1, {Read, Write}>, <D2, {Read}>, <D5, {Read, Execute}> • Capability List • Each row (i.e., domain) has a list of objects and what operations are allowed on them • Example: a Capability List of a domain may look like <O1, {Read}>, <O4, {Read, Write, Execute}>
Protection in UNIX • ACL can be long and time consuming to search • To condense ACLs and accelerate access, UNIX defines three classes • Owner: creator of the file • Group: users sharing the file; they need similar access (work group) • Universe: all others • 9 bits are used for each file to provide this (coarse-grained) protection • rwxrwxrwx filename • Example: • 111101 001 filename • chmod 775 filename • Protection bits have slightly different meaning on directories • r: can list files, x: can open files • (you could open a file even if you do not have r on the directory, you need to know the name though)
Protection in UNIX (cont’d) • Can we achieve the following with the standard 9-protection bits? • Allow owner rwx on file1 • Allow his group (students) r-x on file1 • Allow specific user(s), not in students group, r-- on file1 • All others should have no access (---) on file1 • NO. Solutions? • Some systems (e.g., Solaris, Linux) • Implement Protection bits by defaults for all files, and • Create ACL on demand for fine-grained access control • For the above, we create an ACL on file1 and add the specific users to it • On UNIX: command setfacl (set file access control list) does that • Check out: man setfacl and man acl
Protection in UNIX: Setuid bit • Recall that a domain is associated with each user • Sometimes, we need a user in one domain to execute a command that is allowed only in another domain • Example: passed command (to change password) • passwd needs to write to /etc/passwd file; only root can write to this file • UNIX Solution: (Temporary) domain switching • Each file has a setuid bit associated with it • When file is executed and setuid = 1, then user-id is set to owner of the file being executed • When execution completes user-id is reset • Example: setuid bit of the passwd command is set (by the root) • ls -l /usr/bin/passwd • -rwsr-xr-x 1 root shadow 79520 2005-09-09 13:56 /usr/bin/passwd • (Use chmod 4755 filename to set the setuid bit)
Summary • Protection: allow only authorized access to resources • Principle of Least Privilege: grant the minimum needed privileges to perform a task • Access matrix • Domains and objects • Access rights • Implementation: Access Control List, Capability List • Unix Protection • Protection bits • Optional ACLs • setuid