WhyWe Have Easter Eggs? The first ever record of Easter being represented by eggs wasapproximately 50 years after Jesus’ resurrection. Bright red-coloured eggs were exchanged as gifts as a symbol of continuing life and Christ’s resurrection. The red colour was an intentional Christian tradition commemorating the blood of Christ. The red Easter eggs in Christian history were originally used when two friends met on Easter day. These friends would tap their eggs together and one would say to the other “Christ has risen” to which the aother would say Christ is risen indeed" then later they would eat there eges together .during the Reformation, the church instituted the custom of breaking the Lenten fast with hard-boiled eggs. The eggs were brought to the Easter morning service, and the priest blessed them saying, “Lord, bless these eggs as a wholesome substance, eaten in thankfulness on account of the resurrection of our Lord.”
Why We Celebrate Easter • The account of Jesus' rising from death was recorded in the most authoritative historical records, the Gospel books: Three days after His death, a few women first found His tomb empty. Then Jesus appeared in front of these women and His disciples, talking and eating with them. Out of doubts still, one disciple did not believe Jesus was alive again until he actually touched Jesus' fatal wounds. In the following forty days, hundreds of people witnessed this Jesus who had returned from death until He ascended to Heaven. • Before His death, Jesus had promised eternal life to those who followed Him. If the story ended at His death, Jesus would have been no more than a religious figure with a finite life span. But the fact the Jesus rose from death demonstrated He has the power over death, and only through Him can people have hope for eternal life. Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life"
Egg Rolling • Egg rolling is where eggs are rolled down a hill and the objective is usually to see which egg can go the furthest without braking. On a flat surface a popular game is to roll an egg along using a spoon in a race to the finish line.
The end! • By Georgina king, Georgie Veale, Fiona Mulcahy and Verity Jackson.