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Island of Duck

Island of Duck. By: Odin Contreras Kaelee Fay. Schools. Universities. Hospitals. “The Mall” Capital. Environment.

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Island of Duck

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Island of Duck By: Odin Contreras Kaelee Fay

  2. Schools Universities Hospitals “The Mall” Capital

  3. Environment • The environment here on the Island of Duck is real forestry. We keep growing trees and make sure nothing happens to them. We need them to help make the houses and buildings. It is also good to have them here because the habitat help keeps are animals.

  4. What we need!

  5. The Main Things… Water- To survive of coarse. Plants- Helps feed the humans and animals. Lumber- helps make houses and buildings. Seeds- Cotton, vegetables, etc. Wells- Helps get water to the island.

  6. Things also needed… • Animals Clothes • Electricity Medical Supplies • Electricity Polls • Copper • Gasoline • Vehicles • Rubber • Fire Arms • Ammo • Oil, etc.

  7. Buildings and/or Places • Hospitals- Take care of people. • Schools- Got to teach people how to be smart. • Colleges/ Universities- We need doctors, and teachers. • The Mall- Capital of Duck

  8. People on the Island • Asians(Teachers) • Farmers • Doctors • Nurses • Electricians • Hunters • Water People • Regulars (Normal People) • Fisherman

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