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P e t e r D. HART. RESEARCH. A. S. S. O. C. I. A. T. E. S. Massachusetts Voters On Stem Cell And SCNT Research. Survey among 606 likely voters in Massachusetts Conducted March 7 – 9, 2005 for. Survey Methodology.
P e t e r D HART RESEARCH A S S O C I A T E S Massachusetts Voters On Stem Cell And SCNT Research Survey among 606 likely voters in Massachusetts Conducted March 7 – 9, 2005 for
Survey Methodology • Survey among 606 voters who say they are certain or very likely to vote in the 2006 general elections in Massachusetts, conducted March 7 – 9, 2005 • Respondents contacted using random-digit-dial (RDD) sampling method • Margin of error: ±4.0% among the full sample, higher among subgroups
Voters Strongly Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research 70% 63% 28% 21% Massachusetts Nationwide/Feb 2005
Support For Stem Cell Research Increases With Explanation “Embryonic stem cells are special cells that can develop into every type of cell in the human body. The stem cells are extracted from frozen embryos in fertility clinics, donated by couples who no longer intend to use the embryo to conceive a child. These embryos would therefore be discarded. The process destroys the embryo. These stem cells can then reproduce on their own, creating what is called a ‘line’ of stem cells that many researchers can work with. Scientists believe that there is a good chance that stem cells can be developed into cures or treatments for diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's, heart disease, juvenile diabetes, and spinal cord injuries.” 82% 72% 25% 15% Massachusetts Nationwide/Feb 2005
Support For SCNT Very High Having heard a description of it, do you favor or oppose SNCT stem cell research? Not sure “In the SCNT process, scientists remove the DNA from an unfertilized human egg and replace it with genetic material, such as skin cells or heart tissue, from a human patient. No sperm is used in the process. Scientists then use this altered egg to grow stem cells that can be used for research or to treat that patient's disease.” Oppose Stronglyfavor 80% Before hearing the description, 18% of Massachusetts voters say they had heard of somatic cell nuclear transfer, or SCNT. Somewhatfavor
Support For SCNT Very High Support Among Key Subgroups All voters Boston media marketRest of state LiberalsModeratesConservatives CatholicsProtestants 80% 79%81% 92%81%64% 76%78% High school/lessSome collegeCollege graduates Age 18-34Age 35-49Age 50-64Age 65/over Had heard of SCNTHadn’t heard of SCNT 83%79%77% 86%80%81%71% 86%78%
Voters Endorse Cloning For Research,But Differentiate Reproductive & Therapeutic Cloning Cloning specifically designed to result in a human birth Cloning that doesn’t result in human birth, but is designed to develop stem cells for medical research Not sure Not sure Disapprove Approve Approve Disapprove
Support for Specific Provisions Committee to address ethical issues Allows SCNT to create stem cells Reproductive cloning ban/criminal penalties Supports both SCNT and embryonic stem cell research 82% 81% 77% 77% Voters Favor Stem Cell Legislation Overall Support for Bill toSupport Stem Cell Researchin Massachusetts Not sure Oppose Strongly favor +81% Somewhat favor
Voters Favor Stem Cell Legislation Support Among Key Subgroups All voters Boston media marketRest of state LiberalsModeratesConservatives CatholicsProtestants 81% 82%77% 95%85%62% 76%78% High school/lessSome collegeCollege graduates Age 18-34Age 35-49Age 50-64Age 65/over 78%82%82% 86%86%84%67%
Voters Agree With Bill’s Supporters On Cloning With which side do you agree more? “SUPPORTERS of the legislation say that because the altered egg is never fertilized or implanted in a womb, SCNT research is NOT the same thing as reproductive cloning to create a new human life. SCNT will only be used to find cures for diseases, and the legislation makes it illegal to use cloning to create a human being.” Not sure Agree more with bill’s supporters Agree more with bill’s opponents “OPPONENTS of the legislation say that SCNT research is really human cloning, because it creates a genetically complete human embryo whose DNA is identical to the adult cell donor. If we cross the line and permit human cloning, this will eventually lead to cloning babies, no matter what supporters say now.”
Voters Agree With Bill’s Supporters On Promise Of SCNT Research With which side do you agree more? “SUPPORTERS of the legislation say that SCNT has important scientific advantages over traditional stem cell research. It will provide scientists with many diverse types of stem cell lines for their research, and it is more likely to lead to successful treatments because a patient's immune system will only accept new cells with the patient's own DNA.” Not sure Agree more with bill’s supporters Agree more with bill’s opponents “OPPONENTS of the legislation say that traditional stem cell research using frozen embryos from fertility clinics is acceptable, but SCNT goes too far. It is not ethical to allow scientists to create human life in the laboratory and then destroy it.”
Arguments Against Stem Cell Legislation SCNT starts us down path to cloning humans Alzheimer’s/other diseases too complex for stem cell therapy – raises false hope SCNT no better than Nazi experiments on Jewish people 30% 21% 14%
Arguments For Stem Cell Legislation SCNT best hope for many diseases – gov’t should do all it can to support SCNT Patients’ bodies don’t reject SCNT-created stem cells SCNT would bring millions of research dollars, create thousands of jobs in MA 66% 64% 51%
Bill’s Support Remains Strong Final Support for Bill Promoting SCNT Stem Cell Research in Massachusetts Not sure Stronglyoppose Strongly favor Somewhat oppose +76% Somewhat favor
P e t e r D HART RESEARCH A S S O C I A T E S Massachusetts Voters On Stem Cell And SCNT Research Survey among 606 likely voters in Massachusetts Conducted March 7 – 9, 2005 for