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The Quran: About Ahlul Bayt. By A.S. Hashim. MD. Salaams to the Prophet (pbuh). إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسلِيمَا Verily Allah and His angels send blessings to the Prophet,
The Quran:About Ahlul Bayt By A.S. Hashim. MD
Salaams to the Prophet (pbuh) إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسلِيمَا Verily Allah and His angels send blessings to the Prophet, O you Men of Faith, send blessings unto him with the best of greetings
About this slide show: • This slide show deals with: • The Holy Quran about Ahlul Bayt • Certain Ayahs about Ahlul Bayt • Episodes about Ahlul Bayt • Honoring Ali and Fatima • Referring to Ahlul Bayt Indirectly
The Quran about Ahlul Bayt The Holy Quran indirectly refers to Ahlul Bayt in many Ayahs: 1. Ayah of Tat’heer, and Ahlul Kisaa 2. The occasion of Mubaahala 3. Ayah about the Wilaayah 4. Ayah about Obedience 5. Ayahs honoring Ali and Fatima 6. Ayah of love of Ahlul Bayt and many others
Major References to Ahlul Bayt • Ahlul Kisaa and Ayah of Tat’heer آية التطهير • Occasion of Al-Mubaahala فَمَنْ حَآجَّكَ فِيهِ مِن بَعْدِ مَا جَاءكَ مِنَ الْعِلْمِ • Allah is your Overlord and so is the Prophet …, إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ اللّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ • Quran and the command to obey: الطاعه • Quran and Folks of Dhik'r: اهـل الذكـــر • Quran and the Seas of Knowledge: الراسخون في العلم • Quran Honors Ali and Fatima إِنَّ الاَبْرَارَ يَشْرَبُونَ مِن كَأْسٍ كَانَ مِزَاجُهَا كَافُورًا • Quran Calls Ahlul Bayt The Truthful Ones: الصادقين • Quran About Love of Ahlul Bayt: الموده في القـربى • Quran About The Kinship أولوا الأرحام • Quran Honors Ahlul Bayt (the Foremost): السـابـقـــون • Quran Salutes Ahlul Bayt آلِ ياســــين • Quran and the Salawaat الصلوات • Hadith of Ghadeer Khum حـديـث غـديـر خــم and الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ To-day I have completed for you the religion,
Ayah of Tat’heer and Ahlul Kisaa? • Ahlul Kisaa consist of Ali, Fatima, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain, who joined the Prophet under a mantle (a Yemeni cover). It took place at: • Umm Salama’s house. • Some claim it happened again at A'isha's house, and • Others claim it happened again at Fatima's house. • Ayah of Tat’heer was revealed on their behalf. • In this event the Prophet specified Ahlul Bayt, and prayed for them
Comment About: Ayah of Tat'heer and Ahlul Kisaa • They came to be endearingly known as “The five under the mantle” خمسه تحت الكساء . They were five: • Muhammad, • Ali, • Fatima, • Al‑Hasan, and • Al‑Husain • It is narrated through Anas Ibn Malik that for six months following this Ayah's revelation, every morning (while going for Fajr Salat), the Prophet used to knock at the door of Fatima's house and loudly recite Ayah of Tat'heer. • Other sources say the Prophet (pbuh) did so for 9 months rather than 6 months.
Occasion of Mubaahala • A deputation of a Patriarch with 20 Christian dignitaries, set out to Medina to find out about Islam. Their questions about the Messiah Jesus (a.s.), his birth, his mother, and whether he was crucified or resurrected were answered by the Prophet • The Christians were baffled and amazed, even bewildered. • Since an Ayah for Mubaahala, (a challenge with a Du'aa), had been revealed to the Prophet, he suggested doing so • A Mubaahala is a spiritual contest, it means that each of the two groups would pray to the Almighty asking for His damnation on those who are false (telling lies). • If Mubaahala were done, and Prophet Muhammad was saying the truth, then Allah would doom the Christian group and whatever Allah chooses to do to them would come to be! • The Patriarch agreed to the Mubaahala, and it was to be done at a certain place and time.
Comment About:They Withdrew from Mubaahala • Upon seeing Muhammad along with his family for the contest, the Patriarch was startled! • Taken aback he hurriedly consulted with his colleagues. • They reasoned that Muhammad was telling the truth, otherwise he wouldn’t have brought the closest people to him for the Mubaahala. • Therefore for Muhammad to call upon Allah would bring the ruin and damnation upon them. • Having thus concluded, the Patriarch came forth with a look of relief. • He acknowledged to Muhammad and opted for immediate withdrawal from the Mubaahala! • The Patriarch also said: “If it weren't for my obligations with the Emperor I would have right away changed to Islam!”
Comment About: Allah is your Overlord and ….. • The word Waliولي means Overlord (the one vested with authority over others). • Allah is the One with absolute authority (the Overlord), as mentioned in this Ayah. • The Prophet (pbuh) was assigned with absolute authority in this Ayah too. • Ali was assigned with authority too, because he was the only charitable person during Rukoo' that the Quran had thus specified. (Al‑Tha'labi in Tafseer al‑Kabir). • At other occasions the same term was used by the Prophet (pbuh) in reference to Ali through many Hadiths • Ahlul Bayt have referred to this verse as a testimony of their rightful Imamah.
Comment About:Quran and the command to obey: الطاعه • This Ayah about Ali and the Imams grabs your attention. • This Ayah calls for the obedience to • Allah, • The Prophet, and • Those vested with authority over us, meaning Ali and the Imams • As the Wali, ولي(the ones vested with the authority over us), Ali and the Imams are to be obeyed, the Quran says: • Since they are the ones with knowledge of the Divine, • Who lead us in the true path, • And as attested by the Prophet when he declared, “I am the locality of knowledge and Ali is its gateway”.
Comment About:Quran and Folks of Dhik'r: اهـل الذكـــر • Dhik'r means to be cognizant of Allah. • Ahlul Dhik'r refers to the men who are in perpetual consciousness of Allah. • The Quran attests indirectly that to Ahlul Bayt belongs the title of Ahlul Dhik'r: • Ahlul Bayt know the inmost meaning of the Quran and the Sunnah as no one else. • Therefore people should refer to them in their quest for knowledge of Islam. • Imam Al‑Saadiq and others have affirmed that Ahlul Bayt are regarded as the ones of Ahlul Dhik'r.
Comment About:Quran & the Seas of Knowledge: لراسخون في العلم • The Prophet (pbuh) knew all details of the Quran; which he taught to Ali. • After the Prophet it was Ali who claimed that he knew the: when, why and for whom every Ayah of the Quran was revealed. • In reply to Anas Ibn Malik's inquiry about Al‑Rasikhoon fil I'lm the Holy Prophet replied, “Al‑Rasikhoon fil I'lm are: • those whose hands do only what is just, righteous, and good, • those whose tongues utter only the true; • those whose hearts and minds are enlightened and rational; and • those whose stomachs are free from that which is forbidden.”
Comment About:Quran Honors Ali and Fatima • As Ali and Fatima were to break their fast, a poorman with hands shaking, and pale face. • He asked for help, so they gave him their food. • Ali and Fatima fasted the following day, and as they were to break their fast, • An orphan asked for help, so they gave him their food too • Ali and Fatima were fasting the third day, were weak, and again as they were to break their fast, a destitute man was in need of food. • Ali and Fatima couldn't help but again gave him their food. • This was done out of love for the Almighty; they would gladly help others than help themselves. • 18 verses were revealed, honoring Fatima and Ali. “In terms of Out of love for Allah, they feed the poor, the orphan, and the destitute”
Comments about: Quran Calls Ahlul Bayt The Truthful Ones: الصادقين • The Quran commands us to associate with Al‑Truthful ones, i.e. Saadiqeenالصـادقـيـن • Polytheism is the worst form of falsehood. • Ali had worshipped none but Allah, • And only Ali is known as the genuine truthful كرم الله وجهه (Karramallaahu wajhahu), —and so are the Imams, meaning the purified Ahlul Bayt. • No one, therefore, except those mentioned in Ahzaab: 33 and Aali Imraan: 61, are meant to be Al‑Saadiqeen (the truthful ones). • Thus this Ayah is indirectly explicit in that Al‑Saadiqeen are Ahlul Bayt themselves. Thus we are enjoined to associate ourselves with their cause.
Comments about:Quran About Love of Ahlul Bayt: الموده في القـربى • Qurba قربىmeans nearness. Fil qurba في القـربىmeans for the sake of nearness. • The Prophet (pbuh) was commanded to demand recompense as an exception, not from every one but from those who take the way to their Lord as mentioned in Surah Furqan, Ayah 57. This recompense is Love of Ahlul Bayt. • Qurba (nearness) has been used to show that not only family relationship but also nearness in character and accomplishment is taken into consideration. • So, on the basis of this verse, the love of Ahlul Bayt has become a mandate of the Faith, a means for devotion to Allah and good deeds. • Imam Al‑Saadiq once stated, “He who obeys Allah's Commands is our devotee; and he who disobeys Allah's Commands is our enemy.”
Comments about: Quran About The Kin أولوا الأرحام • In Al‑Nusoos, Al‑Siddooq quotes Imam Al-Husain who said when Allah sent down this Ayah —the blood relations are nearer one to another in the Book of Allah— Husain asked his grandfather (the Prophet) for explanation. • The Prophet (pbuh) answered, • “Grandson, when I die, your father, Ali, who is nearest to me, has the Supreme Title over anybody else for succeeding me. • When your father passes away then your brother Al‑Hasan has the Supreme Title over others, and • When Al‑Hasan passes away, you have the Supreme Title for succeeding him.”
Comment about: Quran Honors Ahlul Bayt Further:السـابـقـــون • As the foremost in faith, the first male to embrace Islam was the 10 year old Ali. The very first to embrace Islam was a woman, the beloved wife of the Prophet (pbuh), Khadijah. Therefore, Ali and Khadijah were the foremost in faith (Saabiqoon) to all males and females. • The well‑known commentator, Tha'labi, reports on the authority of Ibn Abbas that Ali had said: • “I am the servant of Allah, the brother of the Prophet (pbuh), • The Siddique Al‑Akbar, and the noble testifier (of the Prophet). • Anyone who claims this title [other than me] is in falsity.” • Ali is the prototype of the term foremost (al‑Saabiqoon). But there are many other Saabiqoon, and in accordance to their degree they are handsomely rewarded by the Almighty, but Ali stands out, since he was the foremost of all.
Comments about: Quran Salutes Ahlul Bayt آلِ ياســــين • Allah sends salutation to Aali Yassin. “Aali Yassin” means Aali Muhammad, in other words Ahlul Bayt. • Al‑Razi writes in Tafseer Al‑Kabir التـفـســـير الكـــبير للرازي that Ahlul Bayt share with the Prophet (pbuh) five honors as follows: • In salutation, for Allah said: “Peace be to you, O' Prophet” and He also said: “Peace be to Aali Yassin.” • In invoking the blessings of Allah during prayers, after each Tashah'hud. • In their purity, for Allah revealed the verse of purification (Surah Al-Ahzaab: 33) for the Ahlul Bayt. • In the Sadaqah (alms) being forbidden for them. • In love, for Allah said, “Declare [O' Muhammad]: I ask of you no recompense except loving my kindred.”
Comments about: Quran and the Salawaat الصلوات • Allah sends His blessings “Salawaat”صلوات on the Prophet, and the angels implore Allah to send His blessings on him too. • The believers are commanded to invoke Allah’s blessings on him too. • Muslims asked the Prophet: “How are we to seek blessings on you?” The Prophet answered, • “Say: 'O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and upon Aali Muhammad,” thus he included Ahlul Bayt within the Salawaat for him. • Bukhari, Vol. 3, Page 127, quotes Muhammad (pbuh) prohibiting to say an incomplete Salawaat. When asked, the Prophet replied, • “Do not just say: `O' Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad' and stop there, instead say, `Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa Aali Muhammad'” • meaning always to include Aali Muhammad with the Salawaat.
The Occasion Ghadeer Khum: الغدير يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ وَإِن لَّمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُوَاللّهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِإِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ “O' Messenger! Declare what has been revealed to you, and if you do not, then your works will not have been fully declared. And Allah will protect you from [the harm of] people. • This was followed by delivering Ghadeer Khum Pronouncement in regard to Ali • Then what followed was the following revelation: الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الإِسْلاَمَ دِينًا “To-day I have completed for you the religion, and favored you with My bounty, and accepted Islam for you as the religion
Comments about: Ghadeer Khum: الغدير • It was the 18th of Dhul Hijjah, and the Prophet (pbuh) along with about 100,000 participants in the Haj were on their way home. They had left Mecca a few days back, having finished the Farewell Haj. It was summer, very hot, the blazing sun taking its toll. The place was Juh’fa, • Juh'fa was a convergence place for several highways leading north, south, east, and west. • At noontime the Prophet (pbuh) received a remarkable revelation, and it was so powerful that the Prophet (pbuh) was obliged to stop the people from marching; and • He asked them to gather for the announcement; even calling back those who had already left for home. It was an urgent matter. The revelation (called Ayah of Tableegh آيه التبليغ) commanded:
In Conclusion • The Holy Quran indirectly referred to Ahlul Bayt in many Ayahs • A selection of Fourteen Ayahs for this slide show • Starting with Ayah of Tat’heer and ending with: • “To-day I have completed for you the religion….” • Honoring Ali and Fatima with 18 special Ayahs. • Mubaahala touches us with its implications • It ended up with Ghadeer Khum major appointment
Be in Allah’s Care Thank you and May God Bless you. Dr. A.S. Hashim