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Navy & Marine Corps Appellate Leave Activity

Navy & Marine Corps Appellate Leave Activity. 1325 10 th St. SE, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5070 (202) 685-0100, DSN 325-0100, FAX 325-0606. Briefing for PERS Pay Conference. NAMALA Mission.

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Navy & Marine Corps Appellate Leave Activity

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  1. Navy & Marine Corps Appellate Leave Activity 1325 10th St. SE, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5070 (202) 685-0100, DSN 325-0100, FAX 325-0606 Briefing for PERS Pay Conference

  2. NAMALA Mission To efficiently command, administer and manage the centralized tracking of all Navy and Marine Corps personnel placed on involuntary appellate leave; and members assigned by the Naval Clemency and Parole Board to parole or supervised release while expediting the discharge process; and to perform such other functions and tasks as directed.

  3. NAMALA Functions • Monitor the case status of members on involuntary appellate leave and members assigned to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (Ft. Leavenworth) who are awaiting the results of appellate review. • Process and track members on parole or supervised release. • Provide information as necessary on appellants on involuntary appellate leave to: • a. The Navy-Marine Corps Appellate Review Activity • b. The Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals • c. The Naval Clemency and Parole Board • d. Members on appellate leave • e. Other interested parties (subject to the requirements of FOIA/PA) • Effect punitive discharges when approved and as directed by Navy JAG. • Effect clemency granted by the Naval Clemency and Parole Board.

  4. NAMALA Staff Organization Chart

  5. Appellate Review Hierarchy • Appellate review is a higher court’s review process conducted on a court-martial. Highest: Lowest: *Cases seldom reach the U.S. Supreme Court Level. Most are approved at the NMCCA Level.

  6. Convening Authority has not acted Adjudged Punitive Discharge Confinement is completed Appellate review not waived Requested by member Approved by OEGCMJ or OESPCMJ Voluntary vs. Involuntary Appellate Leave Voluntary Involuntary • Convening Authority has acted • Punitive Discharge is approved as adjudged • Confinement is completed • Appellate review not waived or case withdrawn from appellate review • Convening Authority has directed vs.

  7. Definition/Explanation of Appellate Leave “Required or permitted leave for members awaiting review of a punitive discharge or dismissal.” Policy: Use required (involuntary) or voluntary (permitted) leave to aid in removing from the presence of the active force, expeditiously, those members being punitively discharged or dismissed. Ref: SECNAVINST 1050.1A

  8. Command Responsibilities When Submitting SRB’s • The member’s parent command’s responsibilities PRIOR to sending SRB to NAMALA: • - Ensure the member is out of confinement • - Ensure the Convening Authority has acted • - Complete audit of Service Record Book (must have convening authority’s action, Vol/Invol appellate leave orders and separation physical to include the members Health and Dental records) • - DNA Drawn • - Member transferred to NAMALA via Service Record Book and in appropriate administrative systems.

  9. Record at NAMALA • NAMALA checks: • Appropriate appellate Leave Status in admin systems • Voluntary/Involuntary appellate Leave Orders • Convening Authority’s action (CA’s action) • Was member awarded punitive discharge (i.e., Dismissal/DD/BCD)? • If “yes”, was the Dismissal/DD/BCD suspended. • (if discharge was suspended, the record will be returned to the • member’s parent command for action) • SGLI election • - Health/Dental records

  10. NAMALA’s Role Concerning Appellants • NAMALA serves as parent command to: - Verify MGIB education assistance (if eligible) - Provide Statements of Service (SOS) to member (as requested) - Act as Custodian of members’ SRB/Med/Dental records while their cases are being reviewed by the Court(s). - Validate ID Card Authorization (90-day standard issue) In summary, NAMALA assists members with administrative needs.

  11. Benefits Retained by Appellants - Medical & emergency dental care (TRICARE Prime ONLY) - If an appellant dies while on appellate leave (and appellate review by NMCCA is not final) = Restoration of rights, privileges & property (honorable discharge + back pay and allowances, SGLI, death gratuity, burial). - Appellate leave counts toward retirement (if conviction is set aside) - Other benefits: GI Bill, VA loans, exchange & commissary privileges, legal assistance

  12. Death Gratuity/SGLI Payments NAMALA Death Cases 2001-2009

  13. Partial Discharge Checklist Checklist: • SRB Complete • Med/Dental Records • DNA Drawn (As applicable) • Appellate Review Complete (NMCCA/CAAF/Supreme Court) • DD-214 Created/Reviewed/Signed Member Discharged

  14. Appellant Population Statistics for Marines and Sailors Joined to/Discharged by the Navy and Marine Corps Appellate Leave Activity

  15. United States Navy Funds Allocated and/or Recouped on a Monthly Basis for Sailors who Have Been in an Appellate Leave Status for 2 Years or Greater

  16. United States Navy Funds Allocated and/or Recouped on an Annual Basis for Sailors who Have Been in an Appellate Leave Status for 2 Years or Greater

  17. NAMALA Points of Contact • CDR H. Thompson Jr. (CO): (202) 685-0101; DSN 325-0101 • Capt S. M. Allen (XO): (202) 685-0102; DSN 325-0102 • GySgt C. S. Glover (SEA): (202) 685-0103; DSN 325-0103 • Ms. D. E. West (Civilian Supervisor): (202) 685-0112; DSN 325-0112 • NAMALA FAX: (202) 685-0606 or (202) 433-0234 • See also: http://hqinet001.hqmc.usmc.mil/namala/ • Mailing address: 1325 10th St. SE, Washington Navy Yard, • DC 20374-5071 • (202) 685-0100, DSN 325-0100, FAX 325-0606

  18. Questions? ?

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