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Welcome!. Question-Based Planning Strategic planning is dead…. Friday, May 16, 2014 1:30 to 2:10 p.m. Larry Schroeder, FACHE Derrick Van Mell. 1-page goal tree. Lead with good questions. Strategic planning Forces debate 3-ring binder Retreats Over-analysis Jargon Empty ritual.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome! Question-Based PlanningStrategic planning is dead…. Friday, May 16, 2014 1:30 to 2:10 p.m. Larry Schroeder, FACHE Derrick Van Mell

  2. 1-page goal tree

  3. Lead with good questions Strategic planning • Forces debate • 3-ring binder • Retreats • Over-analysis • Jargon • Empty ritual Question-based planning Leads with questions 1-page goal tree (5) 2-hour meetings Only needed information Plain English Monthly accountability

  4. Process • Question discovery • Position, trends, purpose • Accomplishments, challenges • Draft and refine goal tree • Approve tree and projects • Begin monthly reviews

  5. Results • Board engagement • New hospital business case • Orthopedics partnership • Cost/quality (Forward Award) • Staff engagement (Top 100) • Margins • Time to think!

  6. How to try • Meet with senior managers • 2 scribes, 2 hours • Brainstorm big questions • www.iimtp.org[beta] • Pick your top 10 questions • You’ll know what do

  7. You know you’re successful when… • Directors stay on topic • Departments help each other • Meetings have focus • Innovation when needed • The dashboard lights up Focus = Progress

  8. Question-Based Planning Questions? Larry Schroeder Larry.Schroeder@saukprairiehealthcare.org (608) 643-3311 Derrick Van Mellderrick@vanmell.com (608) 260-9300

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