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Othello by: William Shakespeare

Othello by: William Shakespeare. *Background Information* Miss Amorin. Author- William Shakespeare. (April 23, 1564- April 23, 1616) from England The most famous writer in all of English literature. He wrote 37 plays (tragedies and comedies) and 154 sonnets.

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Othello by: William Shakespeare

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  1. Othelloby: William Shakespeare *Background Information* Miss Amorin

  2. Author- William Shakespeare • (April 23, 1564- April 23, 1616) from England • The most famous writer in all of English literature. • He wrote 37 plays (tragedies and comedies) and 154 sonnets. • Most famous works are: - Othello - Hamlet - King Lear - A Taming of the Shrew

  3. Othello, The Moor of Venice(Pre-reading of play) • Written in 1603 or 1604. • TRAGEDY- a type of play that ends in a disastrous manner, usually with the death or ruin of multiple characters. • Protagonist- main character of a literary work that is involved in central conflict of story- usually heroic. • In a tragedy, the protagonist often becomes a “tragic hero.” The tragic hero is well liked and valiant but has a character flaw that brings him/ her to ruin. • Antagonist- the force working against the protagonist (can be another character, society, nature, or internal force).

  4. Characters’ names are all Italian. The people living in Venice, Italy were known as ‘Venetians’. The majority of the Italians practiced Catholicism. First Act of play takes place in Venice Acts II, III, IV, and V take place in Cyprus- an island off of Greece Setting- Venice, Italy

  5. Lust (extreme desire Jealousy (envy) Gluttony (over indulgence) Greed Anger Pride Sloth (extreme laziness) Seven Deadly Sins

  6. Othello themes • Outsider/ Prejudice • Love • Jealousy • Appearance vs. Reality (‘seeing is believing’) • Honesty • Falseness • Christian values

  7. Othello- Main character(an outsider in several ways) • Known as the ‘MOOR’ –dark skinned man usually of African descent (had reputation of being ‘barbaric’- associating with witchcraft) • General of the Venetian Army OUTSIDER • Black man (moor) in a white world • Muslim in a Christian world • Army man in a civilian world • African in an Italian World

  8. Ideas to look for when reading play • Light vs. Dark (order – evil/malice) • Social class • Gender roles • Authority • Historical context (battle of the Venetians with Turkey at Cyprus)

  9. Journal Entry • What would you do if your boss at work promoted another employee to a higher position (better job, more money, hours) over you, even though you were more qualified for the job (more experience, been at the business/company for longer, better suited for position)? Explain how you would react and what you would do. • Would you quit? Why or why not? • Would you seek revenge? • Has a similar situation ever happened to you?

  10. Opening of play • Main character, Othello, who is the general of the Venetian army is good friends with soldier, Iago. • There was a position open for lieutenant. Iago assumed he would get the position because he was friends with Othello and the most qualified for the job. • Othello hired Michael Cassio, an arithmetician instead. This causes Iago to HATE Othello- seeks plan of REVENGE on him.

  11. Main Characters • Othello- ‘Moor’- general of Venetian Army • Iago- soldier; Othello’s best friend • Desdemona- wife of Othello; high social class • Emilia- Iago’s wife; Desdemona’s attendant • Brabantio- Desdemona’s father • Michael Cassio- lieutenant of Venetian Army • Roderigo- very wealthy; Iago’s ‘right hand man’ • Bianca- town hussy

  12. Enjoy the play!!!

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