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Popular remedies for typical health problems.

Popular remedies for typical health problems. . Made by Ved G. A. for students of the 11 form (the 3-d term; the textbook by Biboletova and others) . If you are sneezing and coughing, have mild fever, watery eyes, sore throat, runny nose, you probably have a cold. Colds are viral

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Popular remedies for typical health problems.

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  1. Popular remedies for typical health problems. Made by Ved G. A. for students of the 11 form (the 3-d term; the textbook by Biboletova and others)

  2. If you are sneezing and coughing, have mild fever, watery eyes, sore throat, runny nose, you probably have a cold. Colds are viral infections that takes effect when the resistance

  3. In the body is low. They usually target the upper respiratory tract. It is often the result of stress, fatigue or nutritional deficiencies. To avoid common cold, there are several home remedies.

  4. Taking a hot liquid can lessen symptoms. Hot chicken soup is most recommended.

  5. Drinking ginger tea is one of the best ways to attack a cold directly. To do this, boil fresh ginger root in water. The recommendation is to use

  6. honey instead of sugar to sweeten the tea. The tea will cause you to perspire. If you don’t want to drink the ginger, chew it instead which is another effective way to cure a cold.

  7. If you don’t like the taste of ginger boiled in water, try mixing cinnamon, milk and honey. If you want to substitute the milk, use chocolate instead. You can add garlic.

  8. Garlic is a very effective remedy for a cold. You can smell, eat it, add to the food you are eating. Garlic fights the infection very well.

  9. Eucalyptus and honey mixture can easily cure your cold. Place 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil in hot water. Mix desired amount of honey and drink ½ cup every four hours.

  10. Basil tea is another remedy to cope with a cold. Basil leaves (fresh or dry) are good to make a tea. Add cinnamon to provide a nice aroma and to ease the congestion.

  11. Cinnamon and thyme tea is another effective drink to ease a cold. The combination of cinnamon, dried thyme and cloves in boiling water reduce a cold. After boiling the tea, let it sit

  12. For three minutes, stain and drink. Mint is much helpful when you feel sick. Use these remedies and be healthy!

  13. The presentation was madeby the teacher of English Ved. G. A. with the help of the Internet recourses (photos) and the information, taken from the English textbook for the students of the 11th form by M. Z. Biboletova and others. 2012.

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